Compensation Guidelines
I am involved in a project and I need some expert opinions as to what is fair and proper. I'm new to this stuff!
This involves a band that had a fair amount success in the eighties, and even today they could pack any house around here if they wanted to play again. There is a good amount of amateur video of this band and we (the band members and I) are discussing creating a history DVD for a possible upcoming reunion. I'm thinking of DVD production quantities in the thousands not tens of thousand.
They have written all their own music, which should help in securing the rights (The radio stations still play some of their music around here.) But my actual question is what is fair compensation for the people that shot the video, some dating back to the early eighties?
I assume that it could be based on the number of minutes of video that is used in the project.
Any recommendations or experience on how to go about this or what to offer?