Info Needed- Locations in the UK at
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Old September 20th, 2004, 12:33 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Duluth, Georgia
Posts: 248
Info Needed- Locations in the UK

needed to know if there are any licenses or problems with shooting video in the UK. Specifically some of the ruins or castles that are there.
I take it that the woods are similar to the united states? Can/have matching exteriors been done in the past.
I assume this would be a case-by case scenario, and I have done some searching on the web for info as well. I have seen that there are fees in some instances. Hey England- any info?

Jeff P.
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Old September 21st, 2004, 07:53 AM   #2
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Generally if you are shooting in public places theres no problems. If you go on the underground or some railway stations I have heard of people being asked for their permissions but it's nothing like in the states.

As for castles, ruins, stately homes etc, a lot of them are now owned or run by the National Trust who charge an entrance fee. I have shot a few "love story montages" for wedding videos without problems at these venues. As long as you pay the entrance fee. I was told by the last one that if I had phoned to let them know I wouldn't have been charged the entry fee! They aren't to keen on you filming the interiors of the stately homes though, security i guess.

WHere are you thinking of in particular?
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Old September 21st, 2004, 07:39 PM   #3
Major Player
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Nowhere in particular yet. Scripting for a screenplay adaption of an older classic book. 1400's, jousting and all. I have a friend here who started learning sword combat at age 14. Now that he's 70, he's had quite a life- not to mention the company he started

Having a ready supply of armor and weapons, as well as period costumes got the creative juices going.

Also, on a dryer note, we are looking to do some "standups" for some of his sword combat videos and looking into the feasibility of shooting at castle locations there.


Jeff Patnaude
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Old September 21st, 2004, 07:45 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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I scouted locations for a version of Ivanhoe back in... 94 I think. If you buy a pass through the National Trust, or Heritage, then you save a bundle.

Do your research first. A lot of "castles" marked on the maps are only hillsides with rubble. Some of the more picturesque have tight security. Wales has some of the better ones as I recall.

Yeah, Hank Reinhardt, he's been around for a while. I used to joust for a living. It hurts.

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