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Taking Care of Business
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Old August 18th, 2004, 10:12 AM   #1
MPS Digital Studios
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Palm Beach County, Florida
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Need help

Okay guys, sorry for the vague subject, but I didn't know how to boil it down up there.

Here's what's up:

At the last minute, a video producer backed out of my fiancee's Catholic School First Communion video. After some "negotiations" (the Asst. Principal isn't very friendly), we were set. I was to make mostly DVD-Rs and a handful of VHS's. (In hindsight, I should've had my fiancee write down that parents have to make sure their DVD players support DVD-R, but I didn't think to since out of over 100 DVD-Rs of my film that were purchased, NO ONE had a problem with one. So I assumed there would be no problems, and I only had to make 40.)

I also produced and burned 25 or so DVD-Rs of their 8th grade graduation.

I have received several of the DVDs, maybe 12 total, with three bad ones (already re-burned) and the rest perfectly fine.

The school said they'll forward the parents on to my cell phone, but I don't know what to say. The DVD-Rs that "don't work" actually do (minus those 3 bad ones that I re-burned) in two DVD players at my house, including one really bad player. If I have to make new VHS copies for the parents, I'll literally lost around $100 per 20 copies (I'm not set up for mass VHS duplication).

Any advice on how I should handle this? I thought I MIGHT be able to explain to the parents that their DVD players don't support DVD-R (I'll have them check their manual to confirm) and that a replacement VHS copy will cost $5. But they can keep the DVD copies, so when they eventually buy a new DVD player, it will work.

But, again, any advice?



ps-This is why I rarely do these videos, and when I do, I hire someone else to shoot and edit.
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Old August 18th, 2004, 11:19 PM   #2
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My fall-back is to replace the DVD with a VHS tape. So far I've never had to do so.

Go to Costco, buy the TDK tapes that come 10 for 10 dollars and dup to them. Labels and slip covers should cost you another 50 cents.

I regularly turn out tapes for a materials cost of $1.60 per tape including good labels, nice generic slipcover and shrink-wrapping.
Mike Rehmus
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Old August 18th, 2004, 11:42 PM   #3
MPS Digital Studios
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Good advice.

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Old August 19th, 2004, 11:55 AM   #4
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if you've read my other reply to another thread about how I hate working with schools now, just burn them as the inferior video dics VCDs and replace those DVD-rs that they can't pay. make sure you tell them it isn't your fault that their player can't play them

if I had to , I'd make housecalls to them with my own player and show them that they've an inferior product on their hands. :P

am I helping at all ? I don't think so . ARGH !!!! Don't be bullied by schools and the establishment !
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