Pitching a TV show to local channels at DVinfo.net
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Old July 25th, 2004, 10:07 PM   #1
New Boot
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Pitching a TV show to local channels


I have been assigned a new project of pitching a Sports show like ESPN's Sportcenter to the local TV channels, anyone ever done this? Is there any thing I should be taking in to consideration? Any help would be great!!:) Thoughts??, suggestions??, comments??

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Old July 25th, 2004, 10:43 PM   #2
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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"Assigned"? By the prospective producer(s)? Maybe the assignment was made at a meeting you missed? ("OK, it's unanimous. Mark's assigned to sell this!" <g>)

I have no such experience so my remarks are, at best, suggestive factors to consider as you construct your spiel. But, as with selling anything, keep a keen eye towards (a) what you really want the customer to do, and (b) what the world looks like from the customer's skin.

Re: (a), be sure you know what the best outcome could be. This may seem like a self-evident principle but, in fact, rookie salespeople generally -aren't- prepared for various outcomes.

Re: (b), keep in mind that local television stations are entirely dependent on selling their programming to sponsors. That is, -they- must ultimately pitch your show to local businesses to attract advertising. So are you trying to sell them sports news content? Sports entertainment content? Who would be the viewers? Do you have local/regional demographic data to reinforce your market target? How will your show stack up against competition? What depth of experience do you have on your research and production team? Who will be your on-air talent?

These are the types of questions that prospective sponsors will be asking the station's sales reps, so you'll need to have some good answers to feed to them.

Good luck with this project, Mark! Keep us posted on your progress.
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