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Taking Care of Business
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Old July 16th, 2004, 06:38 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: May 2004
Location: ventura ca
Posts: 5
copyrighted music and mechanical licenses

If my understanding is correct, (which I think it is)......
if i were to make a music CD of myself playing guitar and signing a copyrighted song.........then I could simply pay a mechanical royalty of approx 3-5 cents per song for each CD I wanted to sell. This can usually be paid to the Harry Fox agency and is a "mechanical royalty" which is a provision in the copyright law....

but if i were to video tape myself doing this i could not print video tapes and sell them without first getting permission from the copyright holders.........

this makes some sense for a movie, but why can I legally pay
a "mechanical royalty" and sell CD's, but not add my image on a video.............BECAUSE of the copyrigh law!!!!

if i am correct, it sure would be nice to change the copyright law......anyone agree or want to take that on?????

is there any provision for fair use in this situation, when the music is documentary style rather than background or synchronized?
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