Script dialogue question, films talked about. at
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Old May 26th, 2004, 09:44 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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Script dialogue question, films talked about.

My first feature length film begins shooting June 11th.
One of the characters in the film talks about another film in reference to our location, that is, what it looks like.
My question is, are there any clearence problems with mearly mentioning the film by name?
I plan to shoot the scene with and without this specific dialogue and make the decision weather to keep it in editing because it's not central to the story.
What do you think?
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Old May 26th, 2004, 10:16 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Do a search on this topic, as it has been discussed at lenght. But a short answer, withought seeing the script is "It's probably okay." You have a right to reference popular culture in your scripts, you just don't have the right to USE other scripts. Denegration of trademarked and/or copyrights can leave you open for prosecution however.

It's okay for your characters to say "This reminds me of the scene in Psycho... no way am I going to shower now!" or "Okay mister "Obe wan" stop trying to use the force on me, it's not going to work..." or a character might mimic the Terminator by saying "I'll be back..." This all amounts to fair use.
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