Editing in a client's suite / Wages?
After searching and reading through all the experience/horror stories in this forum that my brain can take, I just need to ask my question straight up.
I'm currently in the position to entertain an offer for editing work for a NFP organization (I know, I know, but this is a bit different.... I think). The producer is a newbie at all of this as he is a magazine editor and is simply looking for an editor to put together 20-30 minute historical documentary pieces. I've since inquired as to whether the pieces are intended for broadcast, web, DVD, or other formats.
Now I have yet to meet with the gentleman to gauge the client's level of interest, quality of their raw footage and sophistication of their editing suite, but I'm sensing that it's a very entry-level setup and would probably be easier if they were to hire my production company to produce the pieces altogether (though I also sense they could not afford it).
So in your opinion, is a project like this worth the hassle and if it is, what would that hassle's monetary value actually be?