whats the going rate? at DVinfo.net
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Old December 2nd, 2003, 09:09 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
whats the going rate?

i did a search but could not find any answers...
i was wondering what the going rate is, ball park, for shooting and editing a promotional video for a doctors office would be. i will be doing it for a friend so i dont plan on charging too much but i want to know what it would cost to go through a production company or something like that so that i can have a good idea of what to charge.
i know that the info i gave is vague, and i dont have all the details on the project either, but if there is a factor that would add to the price of the project andyou would like to know what it is, please tell me and i will reply.

thanks for your help

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Old December 2nd, 2003, 09:30 PM   #2
Outer Circle
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Depends on how much work is involved / how long the video will be / how good your are / how much you can get / how much you think your final video is worth. 1/2 hour - $500 I would say.
Frank Granovski is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 3rd, 2003, 12:30 AM   #3
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Newbie ask around 25 to 30 an hr. semi pro 40 to 60 hr. Pro well whatever the market will bear asking can reach from 200 to 600 an hour for the rig you bring.

For a flat rate for a video production consider your time that it will take to film it, edit and then postproduction. Then after you have the hours times that by the amount per hour you think your worth.

Things to do....

Don't give the tape over without a payment in return
Get a contract from a long one to a short one the main thing in a contract is to express what you are doing however from experience clarify what you are not doing.
Get it in writing and keep receipts.
Figure an hourly and then a daily rate before you enter in negotiations.
Keep track of your hours as this will help when they ask what are they paying for and then you can show them.
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Old December 3rd, 2003, 08:07 AM   #4
Posts: n/a
thanks alot guys, ill be sure to keep a tab of what im doing and for how long...
this will be a nice little winter project to put some money in my pocket!
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Old December 5th, 2003, 01:27 AM   #5
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I've been dealing with this myself as I'm ramping up operations and getting involved in my first few "real" (paid) jobs.

I'm currently working with the following rates:

$50 / hour & $350 / day for standard 8 hour day

This is the rate for everything. I don't do 5 rates for differnet things from editing to shooting to burning DVD's or whatever. If I'm working on your project, then you're on the clock for the above amount.

Most of my work so far as been short promotional work, but the shooting was quite extensive and involved travel and many long hours camped out on a race track to get my footage. I figured for my travel and shoot time, my time to capture and log all footage, my time to edit, time to author the DVD, and time to spend showing the work to the custome throughout the production.

I came to a total of however many hours and a substantial payment. Being new, I'd discount this final rate to make it "more reasonable" but still high enough that I'm perfectly happy with the situation.

You may also consider an extra $100 a day or whatever for use of your camera. Extra $180 a day if 2 cams are used. Maybe some extra if you use wireless mics or anything else.

Hope that helps.
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Old December 5th, 2003, 09:00 AM   #6
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It's probably important to note that daily rates can be significantly different based on the equipment your client requires. If they are happy with the image from a single chipper, the rate would likely be less than if they required a high end 3 chipper. Another factor to consider is travel time. I've shot a 30 second commercial that required 11 different locations. Establishing what you'll charge for travel time/expenses should help.
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