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Taking Care of Business
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Old November 11th, 2005, 02:43 PM   #31
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Not sure about that robot, Alecks, but there are lots of us here who don't take kindly to "evil doers." :)

Besides the five you found listed in Boise there are many more in the other connected towns. Want me to call down the list and ask if he's related before that letter hits 'em? Or would that be tipping him off? Lol! ;)
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Old November 11th, 2005, 02:50 PM   #32
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hahhaha, oh the goon squad how i love you

im letting pay-pal go thru their little process and if i dont get refunded i will switch gears to the legal side
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Old November 11th, 2005, 06:50 PM   #33
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Sorry to read about this situation Alecks.

Unfortunately, I don't think paypal will refund you. I was in a similar predicament where I paid via paypal and the seller never sent the item. I went through the entire paypal claims process, and the seller was found at fault. So I was waiting to get a refund, when paypal told me they couldn't refund me because the seller's paypal account was empty. It's obvious he was smart enough to withdraw his funds before the process was over.

Sorry, don't mean to add to this already sad story.

I hope it all works out for you.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 11:29 PM   #34
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Im prepared for the bad news, i didnt buy it on ebay so im not protected by their buyers safety policy or what ever
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Old November 13th, 2005, 12:53 PM   #35
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People get burnt on ebay also. I dought ebay would help if you had been burnt on a scam at ebay. I could be wrong.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 10:46 PM   #36
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Haha I can't believe this. I actually 'bought' the camcorder from him, too. It's been about 4 weeks and still no cam. I did have luck reaching him and his roommate by phone the day he was supposed to send it out, but of course the line hasn't been working since then.

I knew it was kind of fishy from the beginning, but I was able to talk to him through AIM and on the phone, so I was convinced to lay down the $130. I guess I was spoiled by the fact that I've seen a lot of people buy/sell on this board with no problems (myself included). I also agree that we need some sort of rules regarding the selling of this stuff on the board.

I still kept his emails, phone #, address, and the pictures he sent me of the camcorder. If ya'll need help in getting this guy, let me know on how I can help.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 05:59 AM   #37
Obstreperous Rex
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So now we have a third buyer involved? Did anybody else have contact with the seller? This incident gets nastier by the minute, it seems.

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Old November 14th, 2005, 01:32 PM   #38
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How about his ISP? I was told at one time this could be used to track a person down. Call the computer police.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 09:00 PM   #39
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Thats not a bad idea steve, but i would have to contact his ISP and i have no idea who his ISP is.
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Old November 14th, 2005, 11:38 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Alecks Purifoy
Thats not a bad idea steve, but i would have to contact his ISP and i have no idea who his ISP is.
Chris should have his IP address and you can track it back from there. If you need any help, please let me know. I have done a lot of this (greedy hackers!)
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Old November 15th, 2005, 05:40 AM   #41
Obstreperous Rex
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I will forward the IP information and anything else on this guy to Alecks... he really needs to be caught. I feel like our reputation is at stake here. In a way I got burned too.

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Old November 15th, 2005, 05:59 PM   #42
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If you would be nice enough to forward that information to me also I would appreciate it.
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Old November 15th, 2005, 05:59 PM   #43
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As of 5:59 PM Central

he is on-line on aol instant messenger as Gage Luce
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Old November 15th, 2005, 09:59 PM   #44
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I was able to contact him on aol instant messenger today thru a third party and eventually firsthand.

Here is a transcript thru the intermediary

matt: alecks purifoy says "dude i found out ware you live, i contacted your isp. Its possible i can press federal charges. Remember my brother is a lawyer, he has your address too... its not a big deal if you just send my money back ill forget about this whole thing." he wants you to unblock him to sort out your issue.

matt: he says. "150 dollars is more than enough to go to civil court for since im out of state i could drag this farther than i think you understand .... if i dont get my money back soon expect a letter from my laywer, we will be contacting your parents as well"

GageLuce: tell him that i couldnt get his money out of paypal, and his camera is coming he is just gonna have to wait til i get paid on friday tell him im sorry for the inconveinence and that i didnt mean for this to happen i would have shipped it if i got the money out but i never could get it out

GageLuce: oh and not this friday i get paid but the 25th is my first check and ill send it express shipping that day

matt: can you unblock him and contact him via aim. he would like to discuss the issue with you.

He did get ahold of me... here is that transcript..

Connecting to GageLuce…

GageLuce: yo man

Alecks: allright dude

GageLuce: sorry bout all this you camera is on its way

Alecks: their is a level of uncoolness

GageLuce: i just never could get the money out of paypal

GageLuce: yeah i understand

Alecks: and you have surpassed it

GageLuce: i never meant for this to happen dude

Alecks: what about the other people who paied for it

GageLuce: no one else paid for it

GageLuce: they said they wanted it and were gonna send the money and never did i never got any other payments from another soul and i swear to god

GageLuce: bear with me til the 25th and iull ship it out thats the best i can do man

GageLuce: cause i dont get paid til then

Alecks: Kin Kwan

GageLuce: i have no idea who the f*** that is

Alecks: Begin quote from DVinfo"Haha I can't believe this. I actually 'bought' the camcorder from him, too. It's been about 4 weeks and still no cam. I did have luck reaching him and his roommate by phone the day he was supposed to send it out, but of course the line hasn't been working since then.
I knew it was kind of fishy from the beginning, but I was able to talk to him through AIM and on the phone, so I was convinced to lay down the $130. I guess I was spoiled by the fact that I've seen a lot of people buy/sell on this board with no problems (myself included). I also agree that we need some sort of rules regarding the selling of this stuff on the board.
I still kept his emails, phone #, address, and the pictures he sent me of the camcorder. If ya'll need help in getting this guy, let me know on how I can help."
"TRi is my friend who sent him money for this camera two weeks ago. He will be contacting you soon." EndQuote"
(their is a long pause)
6:15 PM

Alecks: dude this could be a big deal for you....

Alecks:like huge.

GageLuce: nah dude he never sent shit i remember that dude and i talked to him about it before you, he said he was going to send it i waited and waited til the last minute and i couldnt wait anymore i needed the money to get home

Alecks: like triple felony

Alecks: i bought another camera allready

GageLuce: aight well i can still send this one to you

Alecks: just transfer the money back to me on pay-pal

GageLuce: your getting the camera ill send it out

Alecks: why did you give me a bunk phone number?

Alecks: i didnt give you a bunk phone number

GageLuce: that was my phone number til it got shut off

Alecks: this is sooooo sketchy

GageLuce: i have been phoneless and computer less for almost a month now

GageLuce: my computer got a virus

GageLuce: i have been using the library computers dude

Alecks: just send my money back

GageLuce: it wont be til i get paid

Alecks: send me the money in paypal you cant get out

GageLuce: dude when you did that shit to my paypal it froze it i cant use it at all

Alecks: do the resoluion thing, its their for a reason,
explane your self and refund me
seriously, its easy

Alecks: you might want to explain your self on DVInfo
6:30 PM

Alecks: expecting 150 to pop up in my pay-pal any min
GageLuce has gone offline.

Well.... still no 150 in my paypal
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Old November 15th, 2005, 10:58 PM   #45
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"GageLuce: nah dude he never sent shit i remember that dude and i talked to him about it before you, he said he was going to send it i waited and waited til the last minute and i couldnt wait anymore i needed the money to get home"

Hmm....his story would sound believable but he's lying right there. On the day he was supposed to ship the camera off to me, he was supposed to call and tell me the tracking number and I would give him the reference number for the money, but he never called. (This was arranged the night before and I even called him to confirm that I sent the money) I ended up calling him that night and his roommate picked up saying that Gage sent the camera off in the morning. I told his roommate to tell Gage to call me back, which he never did. When I tried calling the next day, the line was already cut off.
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