Use of footage from TV show? at
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 09:44 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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Use of footage from TV show?

I was contacted by a potential client to create a short video based on the intro to CSI: Miami. The 2-3 minute video will be shown at the start of a seminar in Miami. They want to take the real CSI intro, mash it up, and create something "fun". No DVDs, no web, no broadcast, private one-time showing.

I'm not sure about the legal issues, I told them I'd investigate.

-- Larry Chapman
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 10:45 AM   #2
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The answer is always the same. If it isn't yours and you don't have permission to use it then you can't use it. You could expose yourself and your client to legal action if you use that CSI footage.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 10:59 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Larry Chapman View Post
I was contacted by a potential client to create a short video based on the intro to CSI: Miami. The 2-3 minute video will be shown at the start of a seminar in Miami. They want to take the real CSI intro, mash it up, and create something "fun". No DVDs, no web, no broadcast, private one-time showing.

I'm not sure about the legal issues, I told them I'd investigate.

IANAL but AFAIK you would need formal permission from the show's copyright owners for the video footage AND separate permission from the theme music's copyright owners for rights to the music AND a master use license from the record label holding the copyright on the music recording for the use of that particular recording. Infringment lies in the act of making the copy - what you do with it afterwards is largely irrelevant. Public showing or private, free or not, certainly doesn't enter into it. As far as showing it at a seminar being considered to be private showing (despite the fact that it doesn't matter in terms of copyright issues), I highly doubt that would be the case, especially if the seminar's audience consisted of the general public or a client company's employees or attendees at a conference or convention, etc. "Private" would generally mean something shown at a private gathering in your home attended by personal friends and family.
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Old January 22nd, 2009, 10:22 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Larry Chapman View Post
They want to take the real CSI intro, mash it up, and create something "fun".
How many times have we heard something like this from clients!?

I always know a copyright conversation/education is approaching when this comes up, then I wait to see if they will go find somebody else who will do it - and it is best to let them go.

No need to put your future on the line so their event can have an intro that they deem fun.
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