Salsa DVD--How much to charge? at
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Old July 29th, 2008, 03:01 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 54
Salsa DVD--How much to charge?

I was contacted by a professional Salsa Dancer that need to redo
2 of her DVDs. I was wondering how much would be a good pro=ice to charge.
She lives in NY and I will have to travel there from Florida.

Here is part of her email.

Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the quick email. I currently have 2 instructional DVDs that I would like to re-do. I have some other ideas in mind for other DVDs but timing and planning of content might not make those projects possible right now.

I've never tried a production with 3 cameras. The spins DVD was shot with one camera and the body movement DVD with two. Not sure how 3 would benefit and of course, slightly would depend on cost as well.

Generally, what I'd like to do is re-shoot the 2 existing DVDs that I have. I'd review the content as thoroughly as possible to make the process simple and efficient. Not sure if we could do that in one day.

One major issue that I have is availability: I am not around in NY much; always traveling and often out of country.

What would be your cost for the services you listed for 2 DVDs approx 1 hr in length each?
How long would we need to shoot?
What's your availability in August and September?
What would be the turn around time from shooting to having a master with DVD cover image, etc etc?
Santos Ramos is offline   Reply

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