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Old December 8th, 2006, 05:08 AM   #301
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Originally Posted by Frank Granovski
TD/Canada Trust, VanCity, to name a couple. As mentioned, you get a rider on your home/apt insurance. Vancity are brokers, so they'll find the cheapest rate. That would probably be ING Direct as the insurer. TD would be just slightly more. Also check out PC Financial (SuperStore).
Isn't there are problem with the rider on the home-owner's policy option in that if the insurer discovers you've been using the equipment for professional or job-related work they can refuse to pay any claims? When I was looking into it I was told that the homeowner's policy would cover, for example, loss of a computer that you bought for personal use but would not cover the same computer if it was used in a home office by somone who was self-employed or a laptop that you took to work with you. You can get away with saying a $1k camcorder is for hobby use but it's a lot harder to claim a $10k Canon H1 and another $10k of sound gear as a "hobby" expense.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 08:49 PM   #302
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I wasn't told that with an ING Direct quote, but I didn't read the fine print. I can't see what the problem is with getting insurance. A number of my friends have insurance on gear and they use the gear for work. One guy I know got his cam replaced twice. He dropped it in the water once and another time it got stolen out of his car.
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Old December 11th, 2006, 11:52 AM   #303
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I finally found a company that offers a home based pro rider. It's $250 extra for up to 10k CDN coverage. I can top it up to cover the replacement cost for the H1 ($15.00 per $1000.00 for extra coverage). They do have some conditions. One being that they won't cover you if you do biz in the US. I'm assuming it's because of the litigious nature of our southern neighbors. Also you have an income cap of 100k per year in revenues (no danger of that quite yet).

The original stand alone package for $1295 gave me worldwide coverage, where as with this rider I have to drop an extra $390.00 to cover me worldwide. I'm taking the camera out of the country for a month, so I will need the coverage. So the $250 plus the $390 = $640 for a year of pro, global coverage. Of course I could be caught in a technicality if sell a DVD to an American.

I'm told ING does not cover pro video. If you want to call it a hobby, they will cover you.
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Old December 14th, 2006, 11:23 AM   #304
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I have a quick question for policy holders of RVNuccio insurance. I recently contacted them about insuring my gear for a few commercials and music videos, etc. for the upcoming year and was informed by a sales rep that they DO NOT cover these activities. They ONLY cover weddings, bat and bar mitzvah, and events. My business card contained items including short films and docos, and they were quick to tell me I would not be covered.

Are you guys that have insurance through RVNuccio covered under any other policy?
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Old December 15th, 2006, 05:17 PM   #305
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Hey Tim,

I just went through this crap in Canada, and one thing I found was that WEVA has a group policy available for members. I called the underwriter directly to find out if they covered Canadian companies (they don't, yet), he said in most states it's $500.00 a year (NY and Cal are $750.00) which gives you both liability coverage and equipment coverage. I'll see if I can find a link to them.
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Old December 15th, 2006, 05:21 PM   #306
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Hmmmm, I know they (Nuccio) will insure weddings and mitzvahs in case something happens but thats a whole different deal. You might want to call them again and talk to someone else only because you are looking to cover the gear and not the event and who ever (whomever?) you talked to might have misunderstood you.

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Old January 3rd, 2007, 05:05 PM   #307
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Need Insurance Advice

A friend of mine is starting a Grip Truck business. This involves rental of grip and lighting gear, as well as him being hired as a grip or grip/electric along with the equipment.

We are trying to sort out insurance issues.

Does the renter normally provide a certificate of insurance to the company renting the gear?

Does the rental company need insurance to protect his interests (liability and/or equipment damage or loss)?

Does my friend need liability insurance in case he makes a mistake or some accident happens? What type of insurance should he have?

The insurance agent for his other business is having trouble finding insurance that fits his new Grip Truck business.

Where can you get these types of insurance and what are they called?

What companies provide these types of insurance?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old January 8th, 2007, 01:12 AM   #308
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Production insurance provider?

Hi everyone,

We're looking for a company that provides insurance for video production works in South California. Please give us some pointers!

Thank you!
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Old January 8th, 2007, 04:10 PM   #309
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Old January 8th, 2007, 04:51 PM   #310
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Thanks, Don! Do you have any experience with them?
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Old February 2nd, 2007, 08:54 PM   #311
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Equipment Insurance

Greetings fellow videographers!

As wedding videos slowly start to become an ever greater income for me, and as I grow my equipment list with the latest and greatest gear I can afford- I have become increasingly terrified that something is going to happen to my gear. It could be stolen, a child could knock the tripod over, the church could burn down with my gear trapped inside, a drunk guest could puke into my camera bag... or other things too horrific to imagine.

I have decided that getting insurance to cover my equipment would be a good idea. I'm assuming that others here have some sort of insurance to cover their gear- what do you guys reccomend for equipment coverage and why?
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Old February 2nd, 2007, 09:27 PM   #312
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Hi Adam. This has been discussed pretty extensively in our Business forum. Please see the following threads:
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Old February 3rd, 2007, 02:07 AM   #313
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I'm starting to look for insurance too. Can any of the uk residents give any good brokers over here.
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Old February 4th, 2007, 09:21 AM   #314
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Im in the UK and have just got insurance from they specifically deal in multimedia insurance, photography ,videography etc so they understand the in's & out's I gave them a ring and they were really helpful and professional and the price seemed good for the cover I was getting

cheers Russ
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Old February 5th, 2007, 07:09 PM   #315
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i found AXA to be suprisingly knowledgable for video production industry...

they do entire business insurance if that's what you're after. which includes...

Contents (Shooting kit, edit suite, any tape stock...with individual cover on more valuable items like your camera or lens)

Public Liability (Yeah, somebody could spew in your bag, but what if you spew in theirs?!)

and also employers liability....and a lot of other ins and out that i forget right now!

I'm know expert, and the industry specific insurers do a good job, but AXA seemed to know a lot more about video industry than i thought.

Just thought that might help anyway!
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