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Old June 24th, 2003, 10:55 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Athens, Georgia
Posts: 1
Getting started as events/small corporate videographer

This is my first time to post. I spent about 10 hours reading old threads before joining the community trying to learn from experience! I graduated from school about three years ago majoring in Bus. Ad. and Mass Communication.

Since then I bounced between 2 fields - the last being computer programming. After being let-go due to budget cuts within the University system, I began to re-rexamine myself again, and have been led back to this field. Nobody in this market is hiring (as was the case 2 years ago when I looked), and after talking to several others in this area, I have found that the only way people get into this business is to start their own! So, here I am.

I have done a lot of research in terms of what I need to buy - but it has always been bits and pieces. I am asking for any advice that brings it all together. I don't have to have the biggest and best - and it doesn't have to be new if anyone knows reputable used sources.

QUALITY --------------
I am seeking quality that is worthy of paying someone $700-$1700 to come video/edit your wedding - or produce a short video for a small business that they can put on a CD and hand out to customers. I need something that is "good enough" - practical - not ideal. I am one person - and would be borrowing money to finance all of this.

I will probably do anything I can with the equipment when trying to get started - real estate, insurance purposes, photo montages, voice overs, etc.

Comments about anything and everything are appreciated. Here is what I have been thinking so far:

1) CAMERA - GL2 (also, what could I get away with for a 2nd camera?)

2) LENS - Wide Angle Lens - (Canon's probably?)

3) WIRELESS MIC - 1 or 2 wireless mics (models?)

4) AUDIO ADAPTERS - XLR adapter (If you are using wireless mics, is an XLR connection doing you any good since you are not needing to run lengths of balanced cable?)

5) CAMERA LIGHT - A camera mounted light (what is best for weddings/events?)

6) STATIONARY LIGHTING - Lighting for a single person interview (kit suggestions? -this I would love to find used since lighting seems so overpriced to me)

7) TRIPOD - fluid head (inexpensive models that work well?)

8) COMPUTER - A Mac that will work with FCP 4.0, and I also want to burn DVD's. (I will not be doing a lot of volume to begin with so I can't imagine needing the top of the line - I wouldn't mind buying used if anyone has recommendations)

9) SOFTWARE - Final Cut Pro 4.0 or should I start with Final Cut Express? And eventually After Effects?

10) DECK - JVC SR VS-30U (dual S-VHS and mini-DV) (Perhaps I can get away without this for starters - or any other alternative solutions?)

11) MONITOR - A monitor for editing suite (preferably used - suggestions?)

12) VOICE-OVER MIC - can I use the lavs or should I buy something that hooks up directly to Mac or what?

13) PACKAGING - How do I package a final product - VHS, DVD, CD. Cost effective to do it myself - or should I hire out - know any sources?


15) VIDEOGRAPHER SUGGESTIONS - Any suggestions from videographers out there about the business as a whole? - I could e-mail or call you.


Thanks so much!
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Old June 24th, 2003, 11:07 AM   #2
Capt. Quirk
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Middle of the woods in Georgia
Posts: 3,596
I can tell you from personal experience, starting your own video business is much like contracting the plague. Lots of misery before the end. I did it, and business was slow enough that I am still in debt.

However, I do have my own equipment now, and have been finding freelance camera work through Right now, there are a few jobs up in Georgia listed. Most are low or no pay, but a way to get a decent rep and experience. I just helped shoot a pilot for MTV thanks to mandy :)
K. Forman is offline   Reply

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