Press Packet / Entry Forms for Film Festvials at
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Old November 27th, 2007, 12:05 PM   #1
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Press Packet / Entry Forms for Film Festvials

I searched this question and found a few threads but nothing that really went into detail. (same with a Google search)

This was all I found:
Withoutabox seems like a good source also.

Maybe some of you seasoned film makers that have been submitting films for a lot of years may be able to help me on this. What exactly do film festivals want when they ask for a press packet?

Most festivals have these forms on their sites that you must fill out in order to submit a film:
but I assume you also send some sort of "press packet" as well?

Do any of you guys have some of your press packets online to look at or do you have any tips on making these? Basically if someone wanted to send a film to a film festival, what do they really want besides the film on DVD and the entry form?
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Old November 29th, 2007, 01:00 AM   #2
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I did find:

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Old November 29th, 2007, 09:46 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Oliver , we can't say "EXACTLY" what each festival wants by way of a Press kit, as each festival might have different needs. So you're not going to get the "EXACT" answer that you want.

However, when I submit films, I prepare a general EPK (Electronic Press Kit) and put it on a seperate DVD. As a rule, I include the following.

PRINT MATERIAL - These are text files in Word of the following.

A Logline - Two line teaser for their program. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water" -

A Thumbnail Synopsis - A short, one or two paragraph synopsis of the film.

An Extended Synopsis - Could be one or two pages.

PROGRAM LISTING - Here's your chance to write the program listing of your dreams, the way you want it written in the program. Keep it short but punchy. Again, they may only use parts of it, or none at all... but it's doing the work for them ahead of time.

Credit List - List of primary Actors and Crew

Director's Bio - Just what it says. Keep it short, and relevant.

Lead's Bios - Only if they are important or relevant. If the primary character of your Doc has extensive experience or resume credits, here's where you might put them.

PRESS CLIPPINGS - Copies of any relevant press that might have been printed already.

Award List - List of Awards already garnered.

Contact Files - Here's where you list, once again, all the contact information they might need, including a hotlink to your webpage/site for the film.

PICTURE LIST - This is a document, that lists the JPEGS by name, and includes a caption for each JPEG.


Here is where I put Jpegs of the work. I usually supply them in Hi Rez, and Low Rez versions, to save some poor clerk from having to do this when they recieve it. Pictures include.


Director and Lead Actors. (Sometimes I include them in Color AND Black and White Versions as well. The point is to make it as easy as possible to import into whatever they are using. )

BTS Production Shots - Behind the scenes stuff. One or two good ones, showing the actors, and maybe the director or crew in context with the setting.

PRODUCTION STILLS - Ideally, you've shot productions stills WHILE the production was going on, and you have HiRez shots of key moments in the film. Here again, supply HiRez and LowRez versions... I like to also include them in the proper 'cinematic' framing as well. IF YOU DIDN'T SHOOT stills during production, you'll have to pull frame grabs from your work. These might be okay for small print materials, but won't hold up well for larger prints. Again, color and black and white versions make it easier for the staff.

POSTER IMAGE - Have a nice graphic image of the poster for the film? Here's where it goes. I don't include it as a photoshop file, because that will enable them to open and manipulate it... just send it as a Jpeg. Logo/Banner pix should also be included here.

And that's about it. All of this will fit on a CD Rom, properly labled EPK for their use.

NEXT, go ahead and PRINT UP one or two paper versions of this kit. So you have them ready to go. Put them in a nice folder with your business card. Not many festivals will ask for these, but if you've got one or two ready to go, it won't be a problem if they do.

Some festivals will ask for 'an electronic presskit' to be included, without specifying what should be in it. Some fests will ask specifically for "Two Black and White Production Stills" and might even specify the resolution.

Thats it. Try as best you can to CYA, and read each submission requirement carefully.

Have fun.
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Old November 29th, 2007, 02:29 PM   #4
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Thank you!

I'm involved in trying to help coordinate a film festival, and stumble blindly through the work involved, myself.

That should help me with a few things, definitely. :)
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