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Old November 22nd, 2019, 05:41 PM   #1
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streaming to youtube and Coppa

This could get intresting on Youtube and coppa. I am also thinking this could also effect other site that have video contents as in streams and stored.

I am sorry if this was not the right place to post this if admins think it would be better somewhere else please move it.
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Old November 23rd, 2019, 06:37 PM   #2
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

I'm merely sorry that I have no idea what on earth you are actually talking about.

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Old November 24th, 2019, 03:59 AM   #3
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

He's talking about the new Youtube child protection system starting in January. It's a hot topic because they are using the US COPPA laws worldwide.

You need to look at your youtube content and determine if kids are likely to watch it, or not. You can do this individually, or as a blanket setting.

If you say it's for kids, then comments and discussion of a video are removed. Advertising is strictly limited - so the lego advert or my little pony is not going to run at the start of the video. The upset is really, I believe, due to the drop or complete loss of advertising revenue. If you want to make money from youtube, you cannot get it from anything designed for people under 14. If Youtube think your content is for kids, then it will go!

It impacts on many things like for example, model railways - clearly train sets are for kids, so the ad revenue enthusiasts have traditionally received will go. for some channels this is substantial. They also limit or band sharing, and even embedding if the audience is children. The US rules are confusing and tough, but in January you will need to revue all videos and make a decision. Adults or not? Which really means revenue or not.

Clearly many youtube channels generate serious dosh, and these people are furious. However - Youtube got a huge fine, and this is the result. Getting cross with youtube seems futile. It is their platform to do with what they wish.

Some of the youtube videos on the subject are really sad - lives devastated, audiences lost, standard of living dropping. Which ironically is exactly the reason the COPPA laws were introduced.

If you stick out material for children, you have a decision to make.
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Old November 24th, 2019, 06:24 PM   #4
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

I know I have seen a lot of ones that do crafts are giving out as their channel/videos could be class as for kids as I hear my mum talking about as she watchs videos on cross stitch on youtube. Like Paul has said I do watch some on model railways as well which I will say will go. which is a shame.

From what I have heard about it via youtube videos that some people have made is that you tube do not know what to do as it was the ones collecting info as what some kids are watching and using it for ads that they can make money on.

I myself am starting to think this could be the end of youtube. I have a youtube chanel that I have live streamed events to and also uploaded some events as well. One event was a talent competition which could be classed for kids as some kids did enter it and where in the finel which was streamed live to youtube as well as facebook
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Old November 24th, 2019, 08:59 PM   #5
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

That's gotta make stuff interesting.

Is it possible that instead of a channel being monetised it could switch to a patreon style model? "Hey kids, get your parents to ...."

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Old November 25th, 2019, 05:28 AM   #6
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

I have migrated my videos to Vimeo because of what Youtube are doing.
Normally I create and upload original music production videos that focus on the art of it. These could also be classed as “hobbyist” videos if Youtube classifies them. The confusing thing is that hobbyist videos could also be automatically assigned for “kids” audiences if you don’t specify them otherwise, hence the migration to Vimeo.

I don’t monetise my videos so that side of Youtube doesn’t bother me, but I feel insecure with YT at this point in time 🙁
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Old November 28th, 2019, 08:25 AM   #7
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Re: streaming to youtube and Coppa

Originally Posted by Tony McGuire View Post
I myself am starting to think this could be the end of youtube.
I doubt it'll have a major impact.

TBH, I'd never heard of this, but upon first reading I bet it's mostly geared towards those unboxing and watching others play Fortnite etc type videos. My brothers kids sit there & watch those for hours, its awful on their brains. Also these parents giving their kids shows to make money and making them act instead of schoolwork, where are the child labor laws monitoring this like the kids on TV.
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