Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream at DVinfo.net
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 06:43 AM   #1
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Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream


I have a Liveshell unit and I also have a Datavideo NVS-25. I will be streaming a mass localy at the start of Auguest and it to bless the fishing boots. We also provide the sound for it as it done in a hall on one of the peirs. I am going to take audio from the desk to the camera and then from the camera to one of my steamers.

It will be posable streamed to Facebook or YouTube. I am trying to keep it as simple as possable so it my be the liveshell which will maybe wifi to my phone as I have 5GB of useage and the mass will be about 1 hour. this means I don't have to worry about having power near me.

If some of you think I would be better using a 4g modem and cat5 between the streamer then I will use the Datavideo unit.

My main problem is making sure the audio level on the stream is good. so if I set the level on the camera do you think it should be ok for the stream if I set the audio in level on the streamer to 0db.
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 07:18 AM   #2
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

If you get good levels on the camera 0Db should sound good. Test it.now YouTube is free :-)

Please for your own sanity do not rely on wifi. It will probably work in testing but once everyone shows up it will stop. 4G should also be a backup if possible. I would think a religious event has the least likely hood of people using lots of data on the same tower as you but you never know.
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 07:27 AM   #3
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

What 0db means depends on your meter. With digital sound on the peak meters, which are common these days, that would take to the point where you will have distortion and other issues. Levels of -12db to - 18db are petty safe, while allowing headroom for transients.

However, on a production mix you will find lower levels, in order to meet its requirements for an overall audio balance..
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 07:43 AM   #4
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

Hi Brian,

Thank you for your quick reply

I was going to kinda use the camera as a 2nd mxer as in where the main level will be keeped from distortion, Just like if I was recording it on the camera and set the level on the streamer to about -10 to 0 db.

Do a test as it is my first time using a streamer (hardware one ). I have used a Roland VR-3 that was feed to my laptop via usb and I monitored the sound coming into the Roland direct from the main desk.

The way I am thinking is the camera level say set to -16db and then the level on the streamer will be at about 0db
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 04:29 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

It really depends on your metering set up. Personally, I wouldn't take digital sound up to 0db, I have had it go over and it doesn't sound good, -3db is as far as I would go.
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 05:19 PM   #6
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

Hi Brian,

Thank you for that I will do a test run and see how I fair out. I am just looking for advice from someone who has use video streamers.
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Old July 23rd, 2017, 07:08 PM   #7
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

I use a video streaming device. :-)

To an extent, I usually don't even focus on audio during the stream except for a listen when I turn my attention to periodic checking / monitoring of the stream from a playback device.

For larger productions like streaming the football match, the audio is handled at the mixer and it's pretty much looked after at that point. I can still point out a deficiency and have it corrected if I spot something wrong when monitoring. This has really only happened once or twice.

When I am piping it straight out of a single camera and in to the Monarch HDX unit, the audio going through is essentially the camera audio as is embedded over the HDMI or SDI link. For this situation I keep an eye on the audio level meters in my camera viewfinder and make sure that the audio doesn't peak at anything higher than roughly -6dB. (Nothing wrong at having it peak at -12dB either but it's comparatively a bit low compared to incidental/unofficial internet standards/norms.) Plenty of room for post-production audio work and the end user still has their own volume knob.

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Old July 24th, 2017, 02:29 AM   #8
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Re: Whats the best way to set the volume level for a stream

Thank you Andrew,

I think the way you are thinking and it posable be the way I will do it as I will be keeping a eye on the meter on the camera as well I was not sure what to set the level on the streaming device to. I will hopefully check the stream at lest once during the stream as its only for about an hour.
Tony McGuire is offline   Reply

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