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Old May 1st, 2017, 03:53 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Argentina
Posts: 6
Liveshell X for streaming

Hi i´m Diego from Argentina...this is my first post. I want to share my experience in live events and I need a few advices in "how to improve it" for future works.

A few years ago I bought a Liveshell and start using it to broadcast live sports (Basketball games). In that time (2010), Ustream was one of the main platform to stream.
Last year, I bought the Liveshell X to replace my old box and to start using YouTube live, Facebook and all the others flavours we have now to stream.

Next week I need to broadcast a few basketball games but in a profesional way (kind of), I mean, with a score, PIP and maybe using lower thirds for titles.
I know that Liveshell X let me use a kind of lower third and also I can add a PNG image with a logo, etc.
The question is if there is a way to add a live score for the game without using other hardware or a PC (just my liveshell).

I can add text to my broadcast using the "Dashboard" on Liveshell X but it is not profesional and If I add text, I have to delete the logo image from my stream (I cannot have these two features together).

Thanks for any advice!
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Old May 1st, 2017, 06:12 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hi Diego

I have never used Liveshell but it seems to be a lot like my Broadcaster Pro encoders. These units are obviously limited by their firmware as to what you can/cannot add to the output. The one thing that my Livestream Broadcaster CAN do is be recognised by a laptop as a 2nd monitor if you just connect it via HDMI cable from you video card's HDMI out socket. By running it this way you can now control what is on the HDMI input in terms of graphics etc etc via a software switcher. See if your laptop "sees" your encoder as a 2nd monitor and if it does you can then use something like Vmix, OBS or VidBlaster software to bring in a camera/s and send the output, complete with your live score module to your "2nd monitor" Vidblaster also has a cool replay function too which is great for sports!
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Old May 1st, 2017, 10:18 PM   #3
New Boot
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hello Chris, thanks for that tip...Liveshell X works like a 2nd monitor on my laptop! You make my day!!!

Tomorrow I´ll test some of the software you recommend.

Now, if you can, please recommend me some way to bring in cameras to my laptop ;(two cameras, one of them is a Panasonic AG-DVC20 that will be not close to my laptop and the other is a simple Samsung HMX-Q20 near my laptop) . Are you using some HDMI to USB switch?

I´am very excited about this solution, you´ve give me a solution that nobody gave me....I´ll test Vidblaster as you recommend.

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Old May 1st, 2017, 10:51 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hi Diego

The DVC20 is a stand def camera (I had two of them!) so I cannot remember if they have just composite out or HDMI out ...if you are using the composite outputs just buy an EZYCAP dongle that has the standard video/audio inputs and USB output ...I know that works on VidBlasterX and it's really cheap too (like around $30) It should also work with OBS and vMix ...OBS is free but very basic, vMix you can use for 60 days but the HD version is quite pricey ! VBlasterX has a trial version which puts their logo in the top corner ortherwise it costs you $100 a year on subscription.
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Old May 2nd, 2017, 04:59 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Michael from the Pro Streaming FB forum has actually tested this unit with VidBlaster many times so it should work on all switchers.
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Old May 3rd, 2017, 09:37 PM   #6
New Boot
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hello Chris, I was out all the day.

Yesterday I installed VidBlasterX and see a simple interface, but nothing else. I need to spend more time on it. Also, I´ve tested my Liveshell X again with Windows 8.1 on my laptop and make a few live streams.

Do you need to send the audio in other channel or just send it from your laptop to your "second monitor" (liveshell)? (this question is because in my test I have no audio...but I don´t spend time to try to check if it is a simple error on my configuration).

To connect my cameras to my notebook in the past, I´ve used that kind of device (specifically this one: and works great.
I´ll try to avoid use this again and replace my cameras to USB or HDMI.

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Old May 3rd, 2017, 11:29 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hi Diego

On the software it's all modular so you just add whatever modules you want and save the configuration can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. You will be a preview module and a program module, two camera modules and maybe a still module and obviously an output module if you use your encoder as your streaming device (you can of course add a streaming module to connect directly to your CDN.)

When you use your encoder as a "2nd monitor" it sends out video only so you need to use it's audio input to push your audio out as it will ignore anything coming from HDMI in the form of audio. I use my encoder as a 2nd monitor fed by the ViBlaster output module and then audio comes directly from my mixer and feeds the encoder's audio input 3.5mm socket. LiveshellX should have an audio in socket
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Old May 5th, 2017, 05:43 PM   #8
New Boot
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Thanks Chris, It´s all clear now.

I'll try my configuration next week and share here how it was.

Just to have some example: if you have to broadcast a live basketball match, can you tell me how you´ll do it (what´s your equipment and software to do this)?

Thanks again for all your knowledge.
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Old May 5th, 2017, 10:34 PM   #9
Inner Circle
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Re: Liveshell X for streaming

Hi Diego

If you will be using the Liveshell as a 2nd monitor off your laptop I would see one or two SD cameras (as yours are SD) via the composite>usb dongles going into the switching software of your choice and there you set up your scoreboard overlay and send the program output to the 2nd monitor (your Liveshell) which goes out to FB live. Your switcher can also stream as well IF it's fast enough otherwise use the Liveshell to do the encoding
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