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Old January 20th, 2017, 08:44 AM   #46
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Hi Roger

Your main computer and remote computer are both connected to the same wifi hotspot's the same as when I use the Broadcaster Pro as a remote camera also connects to the wifi hotspot that the computer is connected to so they can communicate. I use USB wifi units in the computer so I can simply open it's config window and select which network I want to connect to. If you are doing your pre-recorded clip with dual screen monitors simply choose your 2nd monitor and play the video file from need to change the connection cos it's all on the same machine.

Yes, if you stream in a video file or a camera your CPU usage goes up if you are streaming out as well cos it's handling two streams .. my CPU went up about 15%-20% with an incoming stream ... I was simply looking at wireless alternatives ..cable is probably the easiest I would say and one can run HDMI cable from the camera to the game capture card up to 15m safely without any issues ... The bitrate of the remote stream obviously affects CPU ..mine hit 21% when I stream in an 8000kbps video clip but drops with the broadcaster which I run at 4000kbps for an HD stream. I wonder if you bring a cabled camera into the computer via a capture card if it uses less CPU than a wireless signal? I would also assume than if you are recording to the computer with 3 cameras streaming in the CPU would work harder than if you were just streaming out of wifi??

Are there any ways you can connect cameras wirelessly to vMix ??? I don't see any indication of that on their forum as yet?

Yep lots to play with!!
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Old January 24th, 2017, 01:36 PM   #47
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

The hassle of live streaming boggles the mind. As much as I don't like FB, the live connect is really good. Get the software, run it and make the connect. The limitation, of course, is it's restricted to Android and Ios but the connect is seamless. Trying to stream with the Sony PXW 150 is a disaster. Open Broadcast Software is awesome but one cannot see the camera even though it's wifi enabled and connected to the host computer. This is such crap. I tried to do the drill with Teradek's vidiu. It worked once, but now, forget it.

One has to know too much to get anything done. Hardware vendors have to get their act together and create a streaming standard dataset to enable a consistent connect for streaming video to the net just as the web has a consistent set of protocols that everyone adheres to in order to use the net. Streaming should be simple but it's not. Editing video at least works and cameras connect to editing apps whether they be Mac, Windows or Linux without question. Why not WiFI and streaming? Seems logical to me. End of rant.

Great info on this site without question. Have learned so much from folks who know a hell of a lot more than yours truly.

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Old January 24th, 2017, 05:11 PM   #48
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Hi Robert,

I completely agree with your post! It's absolutely ridiculous that most new cameras are wifi equipped and are on the same frequency that computers and pads are on, but they all need different apps depending on camera/computer/pad/phone make and none works with the other, let alone being able to connect directly to the computer without an app. It was only a short time ago that most cameras had DV outputs that went straight into the DV input of your computer, but now manufacturers of cameras and computers have replace the DV connection. The cameras now have hdmi outs, but the computers don't have hdmi ins, so you have to buy another bit of gear to convert HDMI to USB - WHY!!!! I don't believe it is beyond the wit of modern electronics engineers to have computer inputs matching camera outputs or am I just expecting too much? Could it be that the manufacturers want anyone who wants to even consider editing or streaming to spend out obscene amounts of money on their Pro ranges, rather than enabling lower end gear? Perish the thought!!!

Hi Chris.

I think that you are probably correct in assuming that wireless signals will take more CPU power than cable transmitted. I am still being continuously frustrated at getting camera signals into both Vmix and Livestream. I succeeded in getting two webcams connected into Vmix at one point, but can no longer get either software to recognise any USB camera input no matter what settings I use. I even bought a HDMI to USB interface box to use my HDMI out cams, but that only seems to work with it's own software even though both the mixer programmes show the conversion box is plugged in. I am rapidly becoming disillusioned with the whole clumsiness and stupidity of trying to interface the different streams, as Robert has posted.

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Old January 24th, 2017, 06:29 PM   #49
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Hi Robert and Roger

Maybe I'm just lucky and things fall into place but I really haven't had any serious issues. I'm broadcasting personal stuff so I stay away from FB and YT ....With a Livestream or Teradek Encoder on the hotshoe of the camera and a wifi hotspot ..the initial setup was a tad tricky but otherwise it seems fairly simple to me and I'm no genius!

Yes admittedly it's not as easy to configure as a video camera where you can set it to auto and push the record button!

Roger? I wonder if it's anything to do with your OS? I'm using Win7 Pro and I know you have Win 10
Quite often manufacturers are slow to update their own drivers when Microsoft come out with a new system.

Honestly, I can plug in a webcam, go to either vMix or Studio and "Add an input" and the webcam shows up in the list ...I do however find that using the LS Encoder on the camera, it needs to be on and running before I launch Studio else it doesn't find it!

In the wedding market here we have literally thousands of wannabe's all seeking some action so by moving into live broadcasts I do have a niche market for now which is good especially if it's tough to set up for them!! What HDMI>USB unit did you get? Window should find it as a USB device surely?
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Old January 25th, 2017, 12:41 AM   #50
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

I'm using Elgato and AverMedia both working OK. But needed to install drivers for both. I also have a cheap unbranded plug and play no driver and not trustworthy.
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Old January 25th, 2017, 04:25 AM   #51
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

I also bought the Elgato Avermedia and installed the drivers plus their software. The unit was recognised immediately and I was able to record to the computer via the Elgato software, but neither Vmix or Livestream would accept an input. They both listed the but showed error messages when I tried to select them. I changed sizes, and various other parameters but made no difference. I then uninstalled and tried again just loading the drivers, but with the same result. After much head scratching and wasted hours, I decided to get on with something profitable before I chucked everything out of the window!!!!!

Chris I can't see it being a Win 10 problem as I have had no other compatibility problems at all. Not impossible of course, but I would have expected something to work on USB. I may get up in the roof and dig out a couple of my old Logitech webcams and go back to absolute basics to find the problem. Alternatively I may just take up knitting :-)

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Old January 25th, 2017, 06:46 AM   #52
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Hi Roger

I'm a little confused as Avermedia and Elgato are two different companies? For vMix here is a list of capture devices that are supported Supported Hardware | vMix

With Studio it seems that unless it's a BlackMagic Card it's simply not supported!! The USB converters output must be different from that supplied from a USB webcam I guess. I have no issues at all with any Logitech webcam ... Livestream make a lot of "all-in-one" units designed for cams with SDI outputs so it is a PC, switcher and capture all in one case BUT at a hefty price from $12000 upwards ..totally out of my budget of course!!

vMix seems to be a lot more lenient on hardware so check their list and see if your model number matches anything. That might work?

I found it simple to drop a webcam into vMix too but that was about all. I'm sure Donald uses vMix BUT he also uses something called XSplit so maybe you need both.

In Studio I have no issues bringing in a couple of webcams for cutaway shots and then use the Broadcaster Pro encoder to send my main camera (FZ2500) back to studio. It seems that you need to use only supported hardware for either of these programs but see what Donald says ..he is a wizz at making DIY live stream setups.

Oh BTW: I'll have a nice wool jumper sorta fisherman's rib style in white please for our chilly Winter's nights!
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Old January 25th, 2017, 08:08 AM   #53
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

OOPS!!!! You are right of course, Elgato and Avermedia are two different companies. I ordered a converter from each company and haven't received the Elgato one yet, just shows how confused I've become :-(

As Robert and I complained earlier about lack of connection compatibility, it seems that each company decides what you will be allowed to connect to their programme and refuse to maintain a standard across the board. It just seems to be an obstacle to simple progress so that they can attempt to dominate their market by reliance on their own version of the product, Apple style.

I've just ordered my wool and knitting needles, no compatibility issues there :-)

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Old January 25th, 2017, 08:23 AM   #54
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

I don't have vmix just xsplit. I loaded all the software for the elgato and avermedia. OK it takes up memory but it works.
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Old January 25th, 2017, 08:23 AM   #55
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

So if you hook up the Avermedia unit on your computer and feed a camera into the HDMI side and go into Studio settings and inputs and create a new camera input, nothing appears on the drop down menu ??

Maybe crawl into the attic and grab a webcam and see if that appears on Studio drop down menus .. I can see a webcam (as long as it's connected ) in both a new Studio input and in an input in vMix no issue.

Sounds strange Roger??

Maybe ask on the vMix forums vMix Forums

There is something there about the Anniversary Update for Win10 causing webcams to disappear from inputs ....a question about your unit might be helpful??
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Old January 25th, 2017, 08:28 AM   #56
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

That last comment of yours about webcam inputs disappearing in win10 could be interesting as that is exactly what happened to me. I'll have a look at the forum tonight.

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Old January 25th, 2017, 08:37 AM   #57
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

I've just ordered my wool and knitting needles, no compatibility issues there :-)
No? You need to be aware that knitting done on small needles is not compatible with large needles and vice-versa!:-D
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Old January 25th, 2017, 01:05 PM   #58
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Originally Posted by Dave Baker View Post
No? You need to be aware that knitting done on small needles is not compatible with large needles and vice-versa!:-D
LOL with my knitting it won't make much difference :-)

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Old January 25th, 2017, 03:32 PM   #59
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Originally Posted by Robert Moran View Post
The hassle of live streaming boggles the mind. As much as I don't like FB, the live connect is really good. Get the software, run it and make the connect. The limitation, of course, is it's restricted to Android and Ios but the connect is seamless. Trying to stream with the Sony PXW 150 is a disaster. Open Broadcast Software is awesome but one cannot see the camera even though it's wifi enabled and connected to the host computer. This is such crap. I tried to do the drill with Teradek's vidiu. It worked once, but now, forget it.

One has to know too much to get anything done. Hardware vendors have to get their act together and create a streaming standard dataset to enable a consistent connect for streaming video to the net just as the web has a consistent set of protocols that everyone adheres to in order to use the net. Streaming should be simple but it's not. Editing video at least works and cameras connect to editing apps whether they be Mac, Windows or Linux without question. Why not WiFI and streaming? Seems logical to me. End of rant.

Great info on this site without question. Have learned so much from folks who know a hell of a lot more than yours truly.

I use the Teradek Encoder and just output my camera (EX1r or FS5) to it with HDMI and connect to the web either with ethernet or Wifi and broadcast to Youtube. It is pretty simple. The hardest part is making sure that the connection is solid with good bandwidth.
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Old January 25th, 2017, 06:26 PM   #60
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Re: Basic Equipment for Live Streaming

Hi Jeremy

I do exactly the same but with Broadcaster Pro but we are looking here at sending multiple cameras into either Livestream Studio or vMix switching software which is another ball game totally ...Roger's main issue is getting the mixer software to "see" the camera coming in via a HDMI>USB adapter.
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