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Old January 2nd, 2017, 10:05 PM   #1
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Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

One of the factors preventing a particular sport from breaking in to the 'big time' levels of success is whether the traditional TV channels are interested in broadcasting it, and the promotion, crowd numbers, and potential for sponsors that goes with it. In some sense it's like a 'catch 22' as each of these needs the other for it to be viable.

Have a look at this article here: Changes in TV viewing patterns are spreading to sport, with a move to online and mobile streaming

Streaming has become a mechanism by which these struggling sports can get access to the TV audiences, albeit by internet streaming instead of the traditional broadcast or cable delivery. It is only the free-to-air aspect of broadcasting that they are moving away from and yet still achieving their end goal (sorry for the pun).

This can only be good for the growth and future success of the smaller players.

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Old January 2nd, 2017, 10:57 PM   #2
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

TV news bulletin version of the story:

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Old January 3rd, 2017, 01:36 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Interesting Andrew

I wonder how many sports down the tier might have a market for us? The big issue with sports that don't have a "governing body" is that they seldom have any money. Sure, Cricket Australia could easily afford the broadcast bill for some lower tier matches to be streamed but is there a market for guys like you an I here??
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Old January 3rd, 2017, 02:34 AM   #4
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

It's a whole new area and you'll be dealing with people who are closer to the volunteer end of the scale. The least you can do is to establish the narrative in a healthy way.

The good news is that sponsors can be organised by the club instead of yourself, and they will be more minded to supporting the club rather than the harder nosed issue of the number of viewers that see the stream. This is already happening elsewhere.

Make of it what you can.

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Old January 3rd, 2017, 06:03 AM   #5
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

I could see a market if the clubs had their own home ground with sponsor signs around the field. That would give the sponsors a bigger audience as it would appear in the footage but I would think the low level clubs just use Shire playing fields so the sponsors wouldn't get a lot of exposure apart from inserts at the start and the end of each segment ... Most 2nd level sports are already covered for broadcast so one's only real market is 3rd level and lower and that's going to be hard to find sponsors

Do you you do any regular gigs for sport Andrew?
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Old January 3rd, 2017, 07:42 AM   #6
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

A mate of mine does AFL matches (not the top level leagues who have their own media rights stitched up) around the country and the bigger matches of theirs get streamed with demand growing for more of these to be done. I will bring my specialised streaming gear along to ensure that the stream quality is reliably good ... and the end clients are very pleased with it.

I also have a citizenship ceremony to stream out on Jan 26th. Anything is possible.

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Old January 3rd, 2017, 07:57 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Great Andrew

Who pays you for the citizenship ceremony Our shires do it here but never seen it streamed ..There must be so many un-explored ideas not yet being done. I'm doing streaming at all my weddings now ..awesome no more editing..just shoot and go home!!!
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Old January 3rd, 2017, 08:36 AM   #8
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

This could apply to most sports
I have been filming figure skating competitions/championships for 12 years now and Live Streaming provincial championships for the past 6 years. Although firgureskating is a world class and Olympic sport, the road to the big time is through competitions starting at at early age and progressing through to the young adult stage then a precious few go on to the big time and TV sports.
Although the participants number in the hundreds, the live stream viewership can be staggering so be prepared for that.
The trick of course is to find a way to get paid. They would all probably like to live stream their sport competitions but giving you money to do it is another thing.. It can be extremely demanding as well. Any sport competition could start midday friday, run non stop until 10 pm then start 7am sat and run to 10 pm then same again on Sunday but ending mid afternoon - Maybe several venues running at the same time. So unless you are super-human, you will need helpers and they need to get paid too.
Having the organizers build in an extra fee is ideal but will take a long while to get that implemented.
Pay Per view is another way to get some cash however be aware that a grandmother who has paid 10 bucks to watch their 9 year old grand daughter perform, expects national TV type coverage and will be absolutely savage and unforgiving if there is any lag or stutter or interupption to the stream.
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Old January 3rd, 2017, 12:40 PM   #9
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Hi Chris,

I don't know who exactly is the official 'end client' on that one, but it might be a local council. The thing about the citizenship ceremony is that you have a heap of relatives overseas who are interested in watching this occasion live. The ceremonies held on Australia Day are also the biggest ones, thus are more likely to have the event size that justifies paying for streaming to happen.

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Old January 3rd, 2017, 06:13 PM   #10
Inner Circle
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Thanks Andrew

So the participants are paying you to stream the ceremony overseas? We have big ceremonies here on the 26th too I'll have to investigate ... You did you approach to stream it? or did they find you?

Yeah Bruce I think any sport where people are passionate about it will keep you busy but it always seems to be the financial side that has the hiccup
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Old January 3rd, 2017, 09:30 PM   #11
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Chris, I'm subbing to a video mate of mine who has the client. Not sure as to how it came about.

Would suggest that the ability to stream an event is a good door-opener, mind you.

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Old January 7th, 2017, 07:19 PM   #12
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Re: Streaming as a means to build audience for second-tier sports

Originally Posted by Bruce Dempsey View Post
Pay Per view is another way to get some cash however be aware that a grandmother who has paid 10 bucks to watch their 9 year old grand daughter perform, expects national TV type coverage and will be absolutely savage and unforgiving if there is any lag or stutter or interupption to the stream.
So true! Made me LOL. And God forbid that granddaughter is the ONE that did not get airtime at all! Savage may be an understatement......

Six years ago I was on crew for all home game, female basketball games at a major private collage. I was the switch operator and broadcast link manager. We had 4 Sony remote PTZ cameras (one operator for all 4) and two manned cameras. Before the games I would be given a list of players numbers they considered VIP status for camera time. These were not always star players, they never said it but I know the list was politically/financially motivated. When the kiddies grow up to that level Grandma is not paying $10.00 for PPV. She may be making donations that are going to get her name put on a building! So those girls were live for every shot they missed.....

Kind Regards,

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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