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Old May 26th, 2016, 08:22 AM   #16
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Originally Posted by Andrew Smith View Post
I've been posting in the open section here: Open DV Discussion Forum at DV Info Net

It's a good place to be in the meantime, and Chris Hurd will collect these and transfer them to the new section once there are enough threads for the new 'streaming' section to look impressively non-vacant.

That sounds like a great idea!
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Old July 25th, 2016, 11:39 PM   #17
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

I would love a live streaming page as well
Calvin Bellows
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Old July 26th, 2016, 06:44 AM   #18
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

We do "in the middle of nowhere" streaming (fully portable) just with a single camera with a wifi hotspot and Livestream Broadcaster Pro as well as a "studio" setup for a bridal show with cams going into the computer setup with Studio 4.1 and live mixes/graphics and added pre-recorded clips. Gosh it would be awesome to be able to get and offer advice on issues we have both studio and field based setups. I have relied so much on DV Info for my video feedback in the camera sections as well as the wedding section and thankfully always get a bunch of helpful advice when I hit an issue or find a great idea!

I'm sure, as busy as he is, Chris Hurd will set up a Live Event forum for us as soon as he gets a break!!
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Old July 26th, 2016, 12:50 PM   #19
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

As I sit here. I was just setting up a HDMI stream via elgato HD60 into Xsplit. Seems to work. Although not tested to YouTube yet. I can also get my Sony pxw x70 Wi Fi streaming to VLC then screen capture into Xsplit. So now I have two scenes. As I'm a cheapskate. If I get a remote 3 way HDMI splitter would this also give me three streams. Main camera scene one and the other three scene two. Only £5 lost if a no go.

HDMI 3 way Port Selector Auto Switch with Remote Control & IR - 3 in 1 out PE6O | eBay
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Old August 1st, 2016, 07:02 AM   #20
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Hi Donald

I was thinking about an HDMI splitter but I was told more than one source will mean loss of sync as there is a tiny delay during switching. At the moment I'm using LiveStream Studio which is really nice (I'm cheap too and it's free but limited to two inputs only) However it does a nice job. I'm using the Livestream Broadcaster on camera encoder when I'm outdoors as it is totally portable but indoors I can also use the same encoder to hook up via wifi to the computer and stream locally to the Studio software so no cables needed within the wifi range and the studio software has really nice features too.
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Old August 1st, 2016, 08:12 AM   #21
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

I also use the free version of Livestream Studio Software (Version 4.1.1). For quality shoots will usually connect the primary camera to the Laptop using the Black Magic USB 3.0 UltraStudio SDI. Then connect the secondary camera to the Laptop's through it's built-in HDMI connector. For live streaming from the field will use the Teradek Cube 255 with a Pantech 4G LTE Modem. The Cube 255 is an HD video encoder for HDMI sources. This particular unit streams via Ethernet, 2.4/5GHz WiFi, or a single 3G/4G LTE USB dongle to content delivery networks like Livestream, Ustream, Youtube etc.

The Sony PXW-X180 (XDCAM) camcorder also lets you live stream directly from it’s built in USB connector with an optional Sony adapter that lets you attach the external 4G LTE USB Modem.
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Old August 1st, 2016, 12:54 PM   #22
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?


How do you connect a camera to the HDMI port on a laptop? Everyone I have ever seen is an output only. Do you have a HDMI port that can also work as an input?

Kind Regards,

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old August 1st, 2016, 01:39 PM   #23
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

My mistake I connect my other camera through the 3.0 USB connector not the HDMI connector, using the AJA USB 3.0 U-TAP HDMI connector.
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Old August 1st, 2016, 11:04 PM   #24
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Our main camera is in the room next door to our computer room for the show we do so we use the Livestream Broadcaster to connect to the vision mix computer in stream mode so it connects wirelessly between the two .. as long as the Broadcaster and computer are on the same network it works brilliantly and no excessive cable runs and totally portable in our makeshift studio. There is a tiny amount of latency between what you see in Livestream Studio and what is happening in front of the camera but it's very minimal (about 250ms) so no big deal!
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Old August 5th, 2016, 07:04 AM   #25
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Just for interest we are doing the pilot live stream of a new bridal show called "The Perth Bridal Show" bringing wedding vendors to brides-to-be via a live broadcast and it will feature different suppliers each fortnight. If anyone wants to watch on this side of the world it's on Sunday 7th August 2016 at 2:30pm (Perth time so GMT +8) Probably a wee bit early for East Coast USA people in the morning but still feasible if you are on the West Coast of the USA!! I will probably need a lot of help after trying to stream a complex thing like this but I'm always willing to give it a try!! We have an experienced ex-National TV presenter which should help matters.

The event link is at : Perth Bridal Show Pilot on Livestream
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Old August 7th, 2016, 02:57 AM   #26
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Hi Chris,

I've taken a look at the replay and it's great to see you.

My first thoughts were that during the start of the program there was a produced piece playing at the same time and the audio was coming through. And the vision was switching back and forth at once stage. It almost looked like a prank was being played on the host.

The enduring thing is that the audio levels were completely wild. Some of the guests were quite low in volume compared to the host who at times sounded like she was almost distorting.

And I can understand how this sort of thing can happen.

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Old August 7th, 2016, 05:40 AM   #27
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Hi Andrew

Yep it was me to blame totally sadly but the buck stops with me and it was an intense learning experience!
I was the producer, vision mixer and cameraman between two rooms which was a mistake so firstly I messed up the sequences, then forgot to turn down the remote camera audio while a media clip was playing and the camera was basically set so both mics (host and guest) were preset as the cam was in the room next door ... should have had someone there tweaking the levels as I was mixing thru an XLR adapter under the camera so the live audio came thru mixed and could only be adjusted on the remote mixer, not at the desk!! Also NOT a good idea to play "guest" and mix/produce at the same time.

It was all a learning curve so the next one should be a lot better .. I'll have someone on the camera with headphones to adjust audio levels on each channel and instead of getting so fancy at the start I'll make up just one pre-recorded intro clip instead of pulling in colour bars then an intro clip and also trying to rush to the next room to ne interviewed!! Livestream Studio is very nice mixing software but needs some learning to become a decent operator. Our usual streams are weddings and funerals with everything on the camera so it's much easier!!

Your comments were greatly appreciated ...funny someone else said the host audio was too low compared to the guest audio.

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Old August 8th, 2016, 01:06 PM   #28
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

I just recieved my "Konig wireless HDMI Solution" Tried it on the SKY box through two brick walls about 3 metres. There is intermitent blocking and after about 45 minutes it was hot to touch. Hopefully line of sight will be much better as it boasts 30 metres. Now all I need to do is get some gigs to pay for my toys.
Should I offer a few "Pay what you think it's worth." Just to get my name out there.
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Old August 8th, 2016, 06:33 PM   #29
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Our Livestream Broadcaster units do much the same via wifi and seem to do a good job thru one wall. Yes our units also get quite warm too after a while. Maybe encoders all do that??? Does your unit need a transmitter and receiver Donald? If I use my Broadcaster because it's wifi I just need the unit on the camera only and it comes in as a remote camera plus of course I can also stream live just with the broadcaster too. What sort of cost are you looking at??
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Old August 8th, 2016, 06:56 PM   #30
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Re: A new forum section for (live event) video streaming?

Actually, I was going to mention that some of these replies should be their own individual threads in the "Open DV Discussion" section which can then be collated in to the new Streaming section when it is created.

Chris Hurd is waiting for enough threads and discussion to populate the section before he then creates it.

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