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Old September 29th, 2006, 02:35 PM   #1
Outer Circle
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Leica M8 vs Canon 5D

On a well known Leica forum, the Leica M8 is being poo-pooed while the Canon 5D is being praised. Strange. Here is but 1 example.

Nels wrote:

"Not only are both the M8 and the 5D made of the same body material, but also the ergonomic quirks of M8 make 5D look more like a Mercedes and M8 more like a Ford."

Thought I should share this one.
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Old September 29th, 2006, 02:45 PM   #2
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here is something about Leica's new owners from Stephen Gandy

Today most of the LHSA meetings in Wetzlar took place. Some presentations were excellent, and unfortunately some were pretty bad.

Perhaps the most important happening was a brief appearance and address to the LHSA group by Dr. Andreas Kaufman, representing the new owners of Leica and Sinar, the Austrian Kaufman family. With something like 80% of ownership, never since the Leitz family has Leica had such a hands on and accessible owner.

In a short speech he made it clear his commitment to a financial turnaround of the company and Leica´s long term health. Personally I have never seen a billionaire in the flesh before. I found his openness very refreshing and a good sign for Leicas future. After seeing him take the time to be there, I felt good about the turnaround this guy is working so hard to accomplish.

It was a good day for Leica. Tomorrow the group goes to Photokina, the day after we attend the local used Photokina camera swap meet.

Please feel free to post this on other forums.

Stephen Gandy
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Old September 30th, 2006, 06:31 AM   #3
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Let's be honest; you could take sparkling photos with either one. I think posing this question is really nitpicking. I get by with my trusty 10D, with its slow AF and poor low light performance.
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Old September 30th, 2006, 03:23 PM   #4
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Someone gave me this link:


The M8 uses a Kodak CDD.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 08:11 PM   #5
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well i dunno what poeple say, but i ended up getting the 5d... the large ccd and tank like build ddi it for me..

for a "newbie" getting back into the stills game it may be seen as overkill, but for me, the equipemnt is as important as the product.. especialy when hunting for work... lets face it.. people are goign to ask.. what body do u use.. and if they say 400d or 30d... theyre like.. OOOOK.. but if you say, i have a 5d.. .they know ur serious.. consideirng u can get 2 30d's for thr same price, they know ir not mucking around..

Leica is world known for being "IT" however it seems leicea recently are using their name to sell products which is no bad thing, but it jsut looks as if theyre relying on the name moreso than teh product itself..
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Old October 9th, 2006, 04:11 PM   #6
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The great thing about spending $5000 on this body is that when the new-new M8 model comes out, one with a higher pixel packed CCD, you will have to pay another $5000 USD or more. :-)

Leica spotting is a common theme on Leica forums, whether one's spotted on the street, on TV or in a movie. How sad. The Leica forum poster, David Lee, sums it up best: "sometimes when i see my contact sheets i think, do i need a leica to make this cr*p....?"

Last edited by Frank Granovski; October 9th, 2006 at 05:53 PM.
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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:49 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Emre Safak
Let's be honest; you could take sparkling photos with either one. I think posing this question is really nitpicking. I get by with my trusty 10D, with its slow AF and poor low light performance.
::high fives Emre::
I'm still on 10D as well. Been thinkin about a 30D but only because I'd like to change lenses less. I ponder the 5D but I could get another lens and flash with the difference. If someone calls because they like your portfolio then gets all bummed when seeing the body cost less then five grand then, oh nevermind, I guess I'll quit while I'm ahead here :}
(insert long list of expensive stuff)
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Old October 17th, 2006, 10:46 PM   #8
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funny u shoudl mention that. .

as i mainly shoot video gigs, sometimes i whip out the 5d and take afew stills as well..

now, many a time, have a pulled out the cam and people have watched me shoot, while the "official" photog is ignored...

Its amazing.. video doesnt hav this response. not to this extend anyway..

Iev also had many MANY jobs where people have come up to me (as opposed to the official) becuase my gear is "better' so i must "be better at it" whch isnt usually the case.. lol but this is the perception people have..
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Old October 18th, 2006, 12:42 PM   #9
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I just picked up a 30D and that was enough money wooshing into my VISA already. The only way I would be able to get a 5D is if I murdered Peter here.
Visit http://www.KeithLoh.com | stuff about living in Vancouver | My Flickr photo gallery
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Old October 18th, 2006, 06:47 PM   #10
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I'd first check out the Down-Under laws about murder.
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Old October 21st, 2006, 08:09 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
funny u shoudl mention that. .

as i mainly shoot video gigs, sometimes i whip out the 5d and take afew stills as well..

now, many a time, have a pulled out the cam and people have watched me shoot, while the "official" photog is ignored...

Its amazing.. video doesnt hav this response. not to this extend anyway..

Iev also had many MANY jobs where people have come up to me (as opposed to the official) becuase my gear is "better' so i must "be better at it" whch isnt usually the case.. lol but this is the perception people have..
Peter, I think the reason is because the "official photographer" is just doing photography. You are portrayed as BOTH a videographer AND a photographer with nicer equipment. I've gotten this reaction at the second wedding I shot. I have little experience, yet since I shooting with my FX1 with a bunch of add-ons and the I picked up my D200 and snapped shots (the "official photographer" had two D70's) everyone thought I was "the seasoned pro"...its very funny to see these reactions (mostly because I'm only 20 and the photographer had been shooting for 20 years)
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Old October 25th, 2006, 08:43 AM   #12
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its really funny though when u pull out a fat assed 100-400 zoom lens and stap away without taking step in any direction

another thing ive noticed is that many MANY people are surprised when i tell them i do video full time and stills are just an add on
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Old October 26th, 2006, 01:49 AM   #13
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A new shilling review of the Leica M8. "...Relax and enjoy the free ride."


Here's another quote from the review to get your mouth watering:
In summary, the Leica M8 has created a new niche in the digital imaging field as the world's only advanced, non-SLR digital camera.

Last edited by Frank Granovski; October 26th, 2006 at 03:57 PM.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 12:28 PM   #14
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If the same money was spent , on one side you would have a very nice 10mp leica body and on the other side a extremely nice 5d body , plus a 24-105 is and 100-400 is . duh ?
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Old November 10th, 2006, 04:01 PM   #15
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The camera boards are buzzing with complaints and Leica announced that they have some hockey fixes coming in a few months and will not take back and refund the money. Furthermore, The Leica shill, Sein Reid, the guy who wrote a glowing Leica M8 review for those who paid him $20 to read it, is getting attacked left and right. The bottom line is that Leica screwed up and the early buyers of the M8 got screwed.
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