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Old May 16th, 2006, 12:16 AM   #1
Outer Circle
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Zeiss F-mount

So..., should I get rid of all my F-mount AIS lenses and buy a Zeiss or 2? Is it worth it?
Frank Granovski is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 16th, 2006, 08:05 AM   #2
New Boot
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I'd hold off on that. While a set of Zeiss F mounts would be nice, I have not seen any tests that comfirm a higher resolution or better contrast. I have Nikkors and Zeiss cine lenses in my collection - and unless Zeiss has changed their glass, the Nikons hold up very well when tested against them. Especially for the price. Also, if you are planning to use something like the M2 or Letus, the Zeiss set is pretty incomplete (are there not only 2 lenses at the moment?) and the resolving power of the GG and achromat would need substaintial improvment before you could see the difference.

There are reasons I'd consider them in the future - if the set included a fast wide and super wide objective and if they didn't breathe and - oh yeah - if they were free.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 06:38 AM   #3
Outer Circle
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The only test I read somewhere was with the 50mm F1.4. But at $600 USD..., Ouch! Used pristine 50mm F1.8's can be had for as little as $40. I just bought a 105mm F2.5 AIS for $200 Can last year. Nice lens!
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Old May 17th, 2006, 07:47 AM   #4
New Boot
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Posts: 18
Yep. That's steep. I just want to have a friend that owns them, a friend with a liberal policy about lending me things. It would be fun to play with a set.

That 105 is a great piece of glass. Is it the macro? I've just been considering buying an AF one for my D70 to get shoot flowers. It would be fun on the M2, but I think the razor thin DOP would be too much. Would be nice for something like the shoot-up sequence in Pulp Fiction though.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 05:51 PM   #5
Outer Circle
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It's the 105mm F2.5 AIS. It's not a macro. This and my 50mm F1.8 AIS are my sharpest, though my 50mm E's are pretty sharp as well. I find the 135mm F2.8 the most useful on the street but it lacks sharpness. If Zeiss had a sharp 135mm, I'd probably buy it...if it ain't over $500 USD.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 04:44 PM   #6
Outer Circle
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I wonder how much that Zeiss 85mm F1.4 is going to cost and how much better it will be than the Nikkor 85mm, which is pretty pricey.
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