HVR-A1 Steadicam Merlin setup problems at DVinfo.net
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 07:50 AM   #1
New Boot
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HVR-A1 Steadicam Merlin setup problems

My HVR-A1E arrived last night and I just knew that it would be great on the merlin, maybe even with the onboard mic.

I tried the cookbook settings with the mic unit attached and it was clear that the settings were for the bare camera as it was way too top heavy, but when I removed the mic assembly it was too bottom heavy. I was further confused by the suggestion of using the G Platz when the camera sat well back on the stage far away from the G Platz hole.

Anyone using the Merlin care to help me out?
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 01:12 AM   #2
New Boot
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The problem was, as is typical with Merlin problems that I tried to set it up too quickly this needs plenty of time and patience but the rewards are great.

I have sorted it out now, if you try this combination you will need to adjust the caliper hinge and guide ring after using the cookbook settings, but when balanced correctly this is a fantastic marriage. I am still confused about the G Platz, which is for large cameras

Note: someone has submitted a user setting with no mid weight, I would ignore this and start with garrett's setttings.
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Old June 3rd, 2006, 09:54 AM   #3
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Good to hear you've got it fixed Simon.

i've read too that this kit does need careful balancing and it does take some time adn can be frustrating when not used to it, but once it's balanced well then it can give some great footage.

coupla questions - where did you buy yours and how much (i know it's around 7-800quid in UK) and also any chance that you could post up a link to a short-clip of the same static subject but one version without Merlin and next version WITH merlin - would be great to see. Doesn't have to b mega-hi-quality video as obviously the main thing is to see the difference in steadiness etc.

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Old June 7th, 2006, 12:09 PM   #4
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Simon, how about sharing your settings?

Originally Posted by Simon Greenwood
The problem was, as is typical with Merlin problems that I tried to set it up too quickly this needs plenty of time and patience but the rewards are great.

I have sorted it out now, if you try this combination you will need to adjust the caliper hinge and guide ring after using the cookbook settings, but when balanced correctly this is a fantastic marriage. I am still confused about the G Platz, which is for large cameras

Note: someone has submitted a user setting with no mid weight, I would ignore this and start with garrett's setttings.
Simon, would you mind sharing your settings for the Steadicam Merlin with the A1? I've got one coming in and need to set up quickly. Any info you have would help me greatly.

Thanks! Here's a link of it in action: http://www.tiffen.com/userimages/ste...n_demo_med.mov

Stephen Armour - ABE Prod. (in Brazil now)
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Old June 8th, 2006, 10:12 AM   #5
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It takes practice. I don't think the provided settings are all that helpful because it is dependent on accessories. I mount enough stuff to my camcorder that it gets put in a different weight class, meaning more weights.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 04:11 AM   #6
New Boot
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Originally Posted by Stu Holmes
Good to hear you've got it fixed Simon.

i've read too that this kit does need careful balancing and it does take some time adn can be frustrating when not used to it, but once it's balanced well then it can give some great footage.

coupla questions - where did you buy yours and how much (i know it's around 7-800quid in UK) and also any chance that you could post up a link to a short-clip of the same static subject but one version without Merlin and next version WITH merlin - would be great to see. Doesn't have to b mega-hi-quality video as obviously the main thing is to see the difference in steadiness etc.

Firstly sorry guys, I have not looked at this thread since May!

Stu, I bought the Merlin over the Internet for EUR 694.12 (£481.53) including delivery to the UK and VAT. which was a bargain, now the same site (http://www.fotokonijnenberg.nl) is selling it for EUR 849 without delivery.

I will try to find time to post a clip

all the best
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Old August 9th, 2006, 04:22 AM   #7
New Boot
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Originally Posted by Stephen Armour
Simon, would you mind sharing your settings for the Steadicam Merlin with the A1? I've got one coming in and need to set up quickly. Any info you have would help me greatly.

Thanks! Here's a link of it in action: http://www.tiffen.com/userimages/ste...n_demo_med.mov

Stephen Armour - ABE Prod. (in Brazil now)
I am sorry I missed your post, I forgot to subscribe to the thread.

Firstly, when I originally got the A1 balanced it was without the mic. assembly. However when I went to the Tiffen stand at Broadcast Live, they had an A1 beautifully balanced with the mic assembly (that is where I got my current settings) It is much better with the extra weight of the mic. assembly, larger battery, additional forward and bottom weights.

I am using a hahnel 2800mAh battery, but you can start with the following settings if you are using a similar Sony one.

Forward weights: one mid & a finish
Lower weights: start, two mid & a finish
Dovtail: Hole O
Arc size: 12 inches

you will need to adjust the guide ring after you have trimmed the stage. ast the bottom heaviness adjustment is the key to a well balanced merlin

good luck

Last edited by Simon Greenwood; August 9th, 2006 at 03:45 PM.
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