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Old August 9th, 2006, 04:54 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Mikko Wilson
Good looking footage there David.
Still some tameing to do on the operating. Though the faster shots looked good. - Faster is easier than slow, though.

Just be carefull when running around like that, you mind is busy shooting and you can easily trip and fall.

It's always a good idea to scout out and rehearse running shots if possible - or at least know the area. Can't rehearse with dogs, but it's your own back yard which you know well I presume. :)

Thanks for the footage and keep on shooting!

- Mikko
Thanks to everyone for their feedback! Yes, I still need some practice controlling the movement and framing. And I know what you mean about scouting the location. Fortunately, like you said, Mikko, I do know this yard and the way these dogs run. I was not too worried about the dog stopping and turning on me. In the video when he did stop and turn, I was far enough behind him to control my moves and not run over him. (Kinda hard keeping up with a husky, even without a camera!)

I will definitely share some more videos. I just need to put some footage together.

Kris: That was a fun video! And it's true: we do pamper our dogs more than ourselves! ;-)
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Old August 9th, 2006, 05:38 AM   #77
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Originally Posted by Paul Leung
What cameras do you use? Lighting is very good!
Hey Paul, glad you liked it. We used 2 Panosonic DVX100a cameras and mostly available light. I made one of the guys cart around a Rifa softbox, but only ended up using it in the Hall of Nations, sitting in the audience seats in the concert hall, and when he's on the phone with his boss. I'm surprised I got away with that, but I'm glad I could because it kept things moving. Apart from bringing in a real sound guy, my crew were all people from the web team.

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Old August 9th, 2006, 11:36 AM   #78
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Some Merlin footage

On my website, I have put a 2.45 min QuickTime movie with a compilation of Merlin shots. they were taken during holiday, mainly of my kids walking & running around.

I own the Merlin since two months, I practiced mainly during the two weeks holiday. The lens was not very clean, I found out (too late).

Enjoy: http://www.xs4all.nl/~mali99/Merlin%...erlinMovie.mov

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Old August 13th, 2006, 11:21 PM   #79
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i tried running with the merline a day ago...what an nightmare....it was all over the place. Lol... slowly loosing interest......... :(
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Old August 17th, 2006, 03:23 PM   #80
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Merlin footage

Originally Posted by Mikko Wilson
..And what camera's are you flying on it?

Any reviews, photos or video?

There's a lot of talk about it, and I end up fielding a lot of questions, but I'd really love to hear back from those of you who have them now.
How are you using them? Impressions, 'war stories', coments for those considering getting one, or just starting out using one...

- Mikko
Some Merlin footage (already posted, but in the wrong place, I am afraid, as there were no reactions):

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Old August 17th, 2006, 06:45 PM   #81
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That looks REALLY good!

There's a little bit of sobble and some bumps in some of those shots, but that's ok.

Your video really demonstrates the potential of the Merlin - I love all those height changes. The world is so different from a child's level! Very ncie smooth boom up shot in the middle there too.

Good stuff!

- Mikko
Mikko Wilson - Steadicam Owner / Operator - Juneau, Alaska, USA
+1 (907) 321-8387 - mikkowilson@hotmail.com - www.mikkowilson.com
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Old August 18th, 2006, 01:30 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by Mikko Wilson
That looks REALLY good!

There's a little bit of sobble and some bumps in some of those shots, but that's ok.

Your video really demonstrates the potential of the Merlin - I love all those height changes. The world is so different from a child's level! Very ncie smooth boom up shot in the middle there too.

Good stuff!

- Mikko
Thanks! You just made my day.

Biggest challenge with children I find the framing: if they walk towards you, they will always try to evade you and walk to the right or left side, so you must be able to run backwards pretty fast and simultaneously avoid tripping.

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Old August 24th, 2006, 12:52 AM   #83
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I put together some footage I shot at the lake for a friend's retirement "cruise" on her houseboat. It is a mix of Steadicam Merlin and handheld shots taken from the houseboat and later from a speed boat.

Wind and choppy water were definitely a challenge, but I have to admit, the Merlin shots from the speed boat came out better than expected. At one point, I was on the speed boat and we were pacing the houseboat at probably 20-30 mph, so there was quite a bit of wind during the bumpy ride.

The last segment of the video (during the song "Lovely Cruise") was handheld during a 360 of the houseboat. I wish I used Merlin on that shot, but there were some zooms that I cut for this video. (Hmmm, a reshoot may be a good excuse to go back to the lake...) ;-)

The "Boat Mix" of my Lake Cruise:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...40803046&hl=en (.flv, 35.1MB)
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Old August 25th, 2006, 01:34 PM   #84
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"Merlined vs non-Merlined"

Am training two guys to use the Merlin with a Sony HVR-A1U (larger battery, original Sony mic with "Armour mod" reversal to it, and orginal sunshade).

After a couple of hours, I challenged them to try to do an "upstairs-downstairs-with-90-degree-turn-in-middle" sequence, both with and without the Merlin, to show off it's smooth action and convince them it's well worth the effort and money. Even though they did their best to make smooth non-Merlined sequences, after watching those two scenes on a larger TV, they were sold!

I'll try to post a couple of clips if I find the time.

BTW, it was somewhat of a pit to set up, but once we found the "sweet spot" for that particular combination, it was VERY NICE. Not perfect, but VERY VERY NICE. If you haven't flown one, find someone with one correctly setup and try it. You'll thank yourself.

Stephen Armour (Lion Cub Productions - Brazil)
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Old September 6th, 2006, 03:08 AM   #85
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Hi all,

I've just bought the Merlin and I'm getting nasty jolt in my footage with each step...any thoughts on how to fix this?


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Old September 6th, 2006, 05:02 AM   #86
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Looks like you're holding the guide ring too tightly which is causing your motion to transfer to the camera. Just gently keep your guide hand barely touching it and that jarring should go away.
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Old September 6th, 2006, 12:58 PM   #87
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It does appear that you are holding something a little too tight and that's transfering motion.

Also check to make sure that everything is tight on the rig. If you can, use the G-platz screw to stiff up the camera to the stage.

- Mikko
Mikko Wilson - Steadicam Owner / Operator - Juneau, Alaska, USA
+1 (907) 321-8387 - mikkowilson@hotmail.com - www.mikkowilson.com
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Old September 9th, 2006, 05:41 AM   #88
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Greg and Mikko, thanks.

It looks like a little tightening did the job. I seriously digging this piece of hardware. Now to try some running shots...
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