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Old June 14th, 2010, 10:19 PM   #16
Major Player
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I just realized I had a typo in my post and called the Glidecam 4000HS instead of HD. The Glidecam HD is about $500 bucks (or was when I bought it about a year ago) and the Flycam sled, arm, and vest was about $650. I could probably sell the Flycam sled for around $150-200 but am keeping it as a back up to the Glidecam sled. I also use an inexpensive LCD4 7" monitor that uses the same batteries as my Sony V1U cameras. The monitor is mounted to the front of the Glidecam sled and the battery holder / battery to the rear. It works out great as the weight of the monitor and battery just replaces some of the weights you would have there.

I do have footage I need to get some clips of on youtube. I will try to put something together this coming weekend and post to youtube with a link here.
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Old September 8th, 2010, 12:10 PM   #17
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If you are doing short shots (around 2 min or less) then the Merlin is excellent. If you will be doing longer shots or a lot of shots then a stabilizer with a support system might be your best choice. I know they are more expensive but you will use them for a long time whereas you will probably change cameras on a regular basis.

We don't advertise (expensive) so we have a low profile but our rig works extremely well and is one of the least expensive systems. I think Mark would like our rig if he tried one out.

Anyway, for handheld with light cameras the Merlin is great. For cameras (and accessories) in weight from 1 lb to a bit over 14 lbs. you might want to check out our system. It has a link from our old website.

Good luck and smooth shooting.

He's only mostly sDEADy.

sort of from "The Princess Bride"
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Old September 25th, 2010, 05:02 PM   #18
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I posted in this thread earlier in may that I wanted to sell my merlin and get a flycam 6000 with magic arm.
Well, I'm glad that I didn't because I used it a lot this summer in weddings and really saved me!!!
It is nice to have a steadicam right when you need it in such difficult fast paced situations!!!

I am still thinking to buy though since I'm about to buy my second dslr and modify it according to the HBS advice.
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