Hollywood Lite Pro vs. the Magiqcam - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old July 21st, 2005, 09:57 AM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Took a quick peek at your site--the picture of the rig had me wondering: the monitor seems to be mounted off to the right of the center post (can't tell from the picture but this would invite the battery to be offset to the left). Is this how you have the rig configured or am I reading the picture wrong?
Charles Papert
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Old July 21st, 2005, 01:46 PM   #17
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Hi Trevor,

As you dislosed that you want to be distributor of Magiqcam, so your view should be considered as commercial ads of Magiqcam.

Would you please post your demo video using Magiqcam to show the wonderful point you mentioned in your previous post? Does it sound to be fair?


Originally Posted by Trevor Crump
We have no complaints, as a matter we are looking to be Australian Distributors of Magiqcam, can't do much more than that.

If anyone needs advice/assistance or just re-assurance just give us a call.

Pure Emotion
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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:39 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Charles Papert

Took a quick peek at your site--the picture of the rig had me wondering: the monitor seems to be mounted off to the right of the center post (can't tell from the picture but this would invite the battery to be offset to the left). Is this how you have the rig configured or am I reading the picture wrong?
Hi Charles, the unit is not as straight as should be, when I took the photos it was set up 'out of wack'

Pure Emotion Productions
North Queensland
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Old July 21st, 2005, 04:49 PM   #19
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Hi Leigh, as I am not a distributor at this stage, the post should be considered 'normal' hell I'm just a user, admittedly a heavy user.

Sorry cannot show footage, you will just have to take my word for it :-)
What is it that you wish to see, how the stabaliser handeled the task, or the shot idea.

I will try to organise some footage of me and the rig in operation (shot by third camera) trust this is what you are really after.

Originally Posted by Leigh Wanstead
Hi Trevor,

As you dislosed that you want to be distributor of Magiqcam, so your view should be considered as commercial ads of Magiqcam.

Would you please post your demo video using Magiqcam to show the wonderful point you mentioned in your previous post? Does it sound to be fair?

Pure Emotion Productions
North Queensland
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Old July 21st, 2005, 05:55 PM   #20
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Hi Trevor,

I don't want to see that third person shot you and the rig in operation. I want to see that you are using the stablizer walking straight shot front/backward for a minute. No need to have a talent in front of your camera. Please add full quality video as one option for people to download. For NTSC mode is 720x480 29.97fps 1.5mbps video quality.

As you admittedly that you are a heavy user, so the quality of your video will give others some idea how wonderful your point suggested in your previous post. I am sure John from that Magiccam(IIRC) will be very satisfied that you make your commitment to be a distributor. ;-)

By the way, I already disclosed that I made a commitment to be stablizer manufacture in my previous posts.


Originally Posted by Trevor Crump
Hi Leigh, as I am not a distributor at this stage, the post should be considered 'normal' hell I'm just a user, admittedly a heavy user.

Sorry cannot show footage, you will just have to take my word for it :-)
What is it that you wish to see, how the stabaliser handeled the task, or the shot idea.

I will try to organise some footage of me and the rig in operation (shot by third camera) trust this is what you are really after.

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Old July 21st, 2005, 06:17 PM   #21
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Hi leigh, Sorry to dissapoint but I don't feel I need to show my work, I have used a few different types of stabs, including the top ones, and I consider Magiqcam to be best value for dollar.

Now dont get me wrong if I had the $'s I would invest in a more upmarket rig (possably Bssson) but would not get rid of the one I have, we will be upgrading to IIp very soon.

With all Stabaliser systems, they are only as good as the operator, each will make wonderful shots but some will allow greater movement and flexability.

We have locally, someone that runs up and down with the footballers at local games, hell I take my hat off to him, at my age I have a hard enough time just running.

Stay Safe

Originally Posted by Leigh Wanstead
Hi Trevor,

I don't want to see that third person shot you and the rig in operation. I want to see that you are using the stablizer walking straight shot front/backward for a minute. No need to have a talent in front of your camera. Please add full quality video as one option for people to download. For NTSC mode is 720x480 29.97fps 1.5mbps video quality.

As you admittedly that you are a heavy user, so the quality of your video will give others some idea how wonderful your point suggested in your previous post. I am sure John from that Magiccam(IIRC) will be very satisfied that you make your commitment to be a distributor. ;-)

By the way, I already disclosed that I made a commitment to be stablizer manufacture in my previous posts.

Pure Emotion Productions
North Queensland
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Old July 21st, 2005, 06:40 PM   #22
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I was just wondering why you have such a strong interest in seeing demo clips at full resolution and full frame rate. The internet really isn't the place for it-yet. A DVD would be a much better and easier way to show someone that kind of video quality and could be sent to interested potential buyers.

As Charles P. has stated earlier I believe that you should be able to judge quite well the quality of a shot even without full res and frame rate. I don't know what Charles' video quality is on his demos but they are very good.

Maybe I'm confusing full resolution with full screen size. Either way it takes a great deal of memory.

Once you did your clips in the smaller file size I was able to watch them and didn't have any problems judging their stability, composition etc.

Once my website is completed I will know more about what kind of files I can load up there.


On the main subject now...John will be glad for the positive posts. He doesn't defend the Magiqcam but lets it's users speak for him.

I didn't know he was using distributors but it's a good idea.

He's only mostly sDEADy.

sort of from "The Princess Bride"

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Old July 21st, 2005, 07:13 PM   #23
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Hi Terry,

Small video will easily hide imperfection of the stablizer and make shakeness not so obvious. I suggest full resolution video as one option for download. I don't mean to allow only download full resolution video, no small size video.

BTW, great stablizer and great operator make great steadyness.


Originally Posted by Terry Thompson

I was just wondering why you have such a strong interest in seeing demo clips at full resolution and full frame rate. The internet really isn't the place for it-yet. A DVD would be a much better and easier way to show someone that kind of video quality and could be sent to interested potential buyers.

As Charles P. has stated earlier I believe that you should be able to judge quite well the quality of a shot even without full res and frame rate. I don't know what Charles' video quality is on his demos but they are very good.

Maybe I'm confusing full resolution with full screen size. Either way it takes a great deal of memory.

Once you did your clips in the smaller file size I was able to watch them and didn't have any problems judging their stability, composition etc.

Once my website is completed I will know more about what kind of files I can load up there.

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Old July 21st, 2005, 08:38 PM   #24
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hi trevor,
out of curiosity, do you experience the pogoing effect when flying with the rig? maybe you would like to share your opinion on this.

as for the streaming video file size, it does not have to be in full resolution but should have full frame rate. if you look at charles k flyer demo video, it work out quite well and its not in full resolution.
Ed Liew
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Old July 21st, 2005, 09:20 PM   #25
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Have to admit that this was a problem early on but with the addition of weight (lead acid battery) video transmitter, and wireless audio receiver, all stopped, but then have many hours use.

I once saw a video on steadycam use, hell that was years ago, have now learned to stand on one foot (well take the weight on one foot at a stand still) and dont over control the sled, heck that's a hard lesson to learn, but when it happens, magic......

Running around a subject has got to be the strangest feeling, the unit feels as if it has a mind of it's own, all I do is keep talent in shot, assistant runs with me (inside and slightly behind) and keeps the distance for me, with a standard lens this is quite a distance and the run hard, twice around is all I do.

The pogo effect is common until the set-up is corrected, and much practice with the way one moves, I found the more I tried to avoid this the more it became, best be natural and learn to glide like a swan. :-)

Rigs like Magiqcam and other moderate priced units are a great learning system, if one can master these then Steadicam is a brease. By the way to all reading the top rigs work better because they carry more weight, but then YOU do too.

Originally Posted by Ed Liew
hi trevor,
out of curiosity, do you experience the pogoing effect when flying with the rig? maybe you would like to share your opinion on this.

as for the streaming video file size, it does not have to be in full resolution but should have full frame rate. if you look at charles k flyer demo video, it work out quite well and its not in full resolution.
Pure Emotion Productions
North Queensland
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Old July 22nd, 2005, 12:41 AM   #26
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<<By the way to all reading the top rigs work better because they carry more weight, but then YOU do too.>>

Well, that's part of it--the other part is that they are better designed and machined with tighter tolerances and higher performance. Which is why they cost so much more.
Charles Papert
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Old July 29th, 2005, 04:51 PM   #27
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Something I don't understand is the following :

Trevor mentioned he is from Australia.. and on his website you see a picture of a Magiqcam with indeed strange balanced monitor on the bottom of the sled..
Some months ago i did a 'google : magiqcam operator' and the website below was one of the hits :


Scroll down and see... YES the same picture + another one.
Only, this company is in the United States.

So Trevor, do you have pictures of your one.. or does I made a mistake or misjudgement ?

Regards, Erik
Almere, The Netherlands

Shoot and Flying with :
Panasonic AG-DVX100A, Magiqcam IIA rig, Jerry Hill Steadicam arm raincovers.
Editing Avid xpress pro and FCP on Ibook G4
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Old July 29th, 2005, 05:05 PM   #28
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Woops, sorry I didn't think that you were looking at Pure Emotion web, Yes the photo there is not mine but one that we placed on the site for demo purpose only

Follow http://www.progalleries.com.au/pureemotion
for ours, scroll down to Magicam.

I thought this was the site that everyone was referring to.


Originally Posted by Erik Brul
Something I don't understand is the following :

Trevor mentioned he is from Australia.. and on his website you see a picture of a Magiqcam with indeed strange balanced monitor on the bottom of the sled..
Some months ago i did a 'google : magiqcam operator' and the website below was one of the hits :


Scroll down and see... YES the same picture + another one.
Only, this company is in the United States.

So Trevor, do you have pictures of your one.. or does I made a mistake or misjudgement ?

Regards, Erik
Pure Emotion Productions
North Queensland
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Old July 31st, 2005, 11:30 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by James Emory
Here is some demo footage of my GTX rig. Just click on the topic link at the top right of the page link below to see the whole thread.


I just watched this footage again. Still very impressive! What camera where you using and about how heavy was the sled with everything on it? It looks like you were flying a fairly heavy system.

What other things have you shot? Where has your stabilizer been the most useful?

He's only mostly sDEADy.

sort of from "The Princess Bride"

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