Originally Posted by Joel Peregrine
I think therein lies a good example of how a production set and event videography differ. 5 minutes is an eternity in the event production business. When I need the W.A. on the camera I lengthen the GC post about a centimeter to a sharpie mark and loosen the one screw on each side of the of the stage (at the same time) to move the camera back to a similar mark below the camera. Literally 15 seconds from a balanced stock lens to a balanced WA adapter.
Well, I was being "generous" with the 5 minutes--it wouldn't take me that long for sure (5 minutes is also an eternity in the production world, if everyone is waiting on you!) I can't see that it would take any more time to rebalance a Pilot and realistically it should take less since the stage is easier to adjust for fore-aft/side-side. The process is the same but there are less controls involved. Plus tweaking the lift of the arm is certainly quicker than with the Merlin/Pilot arm than the Smooth Shooter/X10.
Certainly can't say that I do it much any more but I have shot a lot of event-type stuff over the years--my first paid jobs were all events. I can certainly see the needs and issues you present, Joel.