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Old July 6th, 2003, 11:22 AM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 484
My V16 first impressions

Well, I'm still tyring to get the V16 balanced correctly. It's a lot harder without a c-stand!! I did buy a small bubble level, so that's helping out. It's a slow and tedious process, and I'll make sure to write down each different weight configuration (wide angle lens, 16x, CRT on and off, etc...)

With the spring tension cranked all the way down, I'm getting the best results thusfar with all 4 weight plates on top, and a few on the bottom. edit - I've readjusted the LCD for better balance.

I think I'll buy a cheap CRT, the included LCD is pretty basic. I wish there was some sort of sunshade provided. Nothing was included, an inexpensive addition that would have been great. I suppose I could make a shade out of the box it was shipped in. Haha.

The RCA video cable that comes with the LCD is about 1.5 foot long. It's totally useless, it doesnt reach my XL1S even with the rig at it's shortest height.

The Bogen quick release plate wasn't a good choice, as the adjustment knob protrudes at the bottom, resulting in a horizintally-off mounting platform. A couple of washers would help rectify this, however it still leaves the tension knob restricted to a half-turn.

Glidecam REALLY needs to include photos in this manual. There's also incorrect information, namely references to additional 4" bolts that are not included. This will confuse people, as they scramble around looking for bolts and screws that aren't even included.

I took the manual apart and 3-holed it, and put it in a much easier-to-use binder. A photocopied stapled manual is a akward since it won't stay open when making adjustments to the rig :) Considering the unit costs a few thousand dollars, a $1 binder wouldn't hurt GlideCam's profit margin....

The vest's nylon around the neck is a bit coarse on the skin. I think I'll buy a strip of chamois or something to sit between my neck and the nylon material.
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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Old July 6th, 2003, 06:38 PM   #17
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 484
I'm not saying the unit is bad. I just think GlideCam could have provided a few small extras to really round out the package. I'll post my actual usage experiences within the next week or so.

I'm going to get a friend to manufacture a few custom weight plates to remedy the bogen plate issue. I may have a few addons in mind for the unit as well, more on that when I throw some prototypes together.
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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