P IX E5 heat issues? at DVinfo.net
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Old October 28th, 2015, 09:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
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P IX E5 heat issues?

I have an E5 that I absolutely love. I have done many very long recording sessions with it and never had any failures of any kind.

However,..I have noticed that the recorder DOES get very very hot. It gets so hot that it's not easy to hold in your hands. 1080 recording gets hot and 4k is even hotter. (Yes, the fan is blowing away nicely)

Question; Does the E5 have an internal temp guage? Is it aware of its own temperature? Will the E5 protect itself by giving an eventual over heat warning and shutting itself down?

Very little is spoken about this. Can you please let me know?
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Old October 29th, 2015, 09:28 AM   #2
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Re: P IX E5 heat issues?

I'd contact Sound (Video) Devices and see what they have to say.
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Old October 29th, 2015, 04:04 PM   #3
Sound Devices
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Location: Middleton Wisconsin
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Re: P IX E5 heat issues?

Originally Posted by Cliff Totten View Post
I have an E5 that I absolutely love. I have done many very long recording sessions with it and never had any failures of any kind.

However,..I have noticed that the recorder DOES get very very hot. It gets so hot that it's not easy to hold in your hands. 1080 recording gets hot and 4k is even hotter. (Yes, the fan is blowing away nicely)

Question; Does the E5 have an internal temp guage? Is it aware of its own temperature? Will the E5 protect itself by giving an eventual over heat warning and shutting itself down?

Very little is spoken about this. Can you please let me know?
Yes, Cliff - the PIX-E5 does monitor it's own temperature and display a warning and shutdown if necessary to protect itself. The hardware/chassis is designed in such a way that this is very unlikely to occur. The chassis can get very warm because it is designed to wick away the heat from the internal components to ensure utmost reliability for years of operation.

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