PIX 260i Firmware 1.02 Released at DVinfo.net
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Old May 6th, 2013, 06:15 PM   #1
New Boot
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Posts: 21
PIX 260i Firmware 1.02 Released

New Firmware is available for the PIX260i:

PIX 260i Firmware | Sound Devices, LLC


All Drives are now formatted as exFAT instead of UDF. It is still possible to record and playback from PIX UDF drives.
Sequential mode recording; Drive 1 -> Drive 2 -> Drive 3 - > Drive 4. This feature is not available when QuickTime File Split is disabled.
Ability to set each drive independently to Ethernet File Transfer (Network) mode. This allows files to be transferred over a network while the PIX 260i continues to record.
Added a feature where drives will automatically switch to Ethernet File Transfer mode when full.
Replaced QuickTime one hour File Split option with new 'Split Disabled' option for longer duration recording. Split Disabled option is only available in Simultaneous Record Mode.
Added ability to read AND write data to PIX 260i drives over Ethernet. UDF formatted drives are read-only over Ethernet.
Added ability to edit WAV audio file Scene, Take and Notes metadata.
Added pre-record buffer for audio only mode. Maximum 10 seconds.
Added username/password protected access to PIXNET and Ethernet File Transfer. These can be viewed in the Network menu. Default is guest/guest.
Support for Video ref (Sync In).
Added warning message and flashing transport LEDs when two or more Dante devices have the same name on a Dante network since this can cause conflicts.
Drives can now be formatted over Ethernet from PIXNET.
Number of armed audio tracks is now shown in PIXNET audio input OSD field.


Encode errors causing playback to stop prematurely.
Rare video input unlock condition which could cause random file splits.
Audio is now seamless over a file split.
Lockup bug due to plugging in HPs when USB keyboard is connected.
Lockup bug due to transport commands looping between grouped units.
Fixed a condition where standard definition 'black' could cause media slow errors.
Audio scrub now working in FF and REW in audio only mode.
Brief corruption at start of file if pressing record directly from play and video playback sync ref is not video input.
Flashing at start of playback from PIX 260i of files that were recorded as a split.
When set to Auto IP Settings, IP not always automatically updated when switching between DHCP and Link-Local protocol.
Drives not always coming back online after switching from Ethernet File Transfer mode back to Record mode.
PIXNET audio gain controls do not change back to 0 dB after going negative value.
Issue where recording would stop within the first second after a previous media-too-slow error.
It is now possible to select a Dante input source if it has a name seven characters or longer.
When setting 'F' mode sample rates in Audio Only mode, the TC frame rate is now forced to the correct rate to ensure correct timecode stamps. For 48048F, frame rate is forced to 30 fps; for 47952F, frame rate is forced to 29.97 fps.
Other miscellaneous fixes
Matt Mayer -- Sound Mixer/Applications Engineer
Sound Devices, LLC
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