FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc at DVinfo.net
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Old December 8th, 2015, 02:58 PM   #1
Sponsor: Westside AV
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FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc

I am rigging my FS5 and getting ready to run my first batch of 15mm Quick Release Rails.

The production version will be a bit smaller actually and very light. The rails are at the standard 85mm below center lens and slightly adjustable the first time you rig it up. After that they stay in the position and come off the camera in seconds.

If you use Swiss Arca plates the camera can go back on the sticks w/o the rails as well. I have switched all my cameras to the SA system, rock solid and very light. But you can use any system you like even VCT14 on the bottom of the Rail plate.

I will be adding a Shoulder rig as well. But you can see my Odyssey and wireless mic solutions in these photos.

I will have all these parts in stock next week, just starting the production run tomorrow. They will be on my WEBstore next week.

The 15mm clamp plate including SA plate for your FS5 will be $195.00.

The Metabones support is ridiculously simple just a knurled Nylon thumb screw $5.00 by itself, or part of the rail system.

With the rail system you can of course also use my Long Lens Support/Metabones support.

The wireless mic plates including velcro and O-rings will be $35 ea. Either type, one fits in the Mic Holder the other on a 15mm stub that is included. The knurled metal stub is $15 by itself.

The Odyssey support is just a few 15mm parts I have on my store and my Odyssey mount bar also on my store.

I am enjoying this camera a lot. I am playing around to see how it feels with bigger lenses and how I will do a shoulder support. I must say I enjoy shooting just with the cam a lot, but I can see times it would be nice to have a shoulder rig.

All comments and suggestions are welcome. The 3D printed parts are available as STL files for free if you have your own 3D printer, just email me.

If you are interested in one of the first run of 15mm plates email me or call and I will ship as soon as I get them back from the anodizer.
Attached Thumbnails
FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs22.jpg   FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs23.jpg  

FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs24.jpg   FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs25.jpg  

FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs21.jpg   FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs210.jpg  

FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs29.jpg   FS5 15mm Rail Quick Release system etc-fsrigs28.jpg  

Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
Westside A V Studios • http://www.WestsideAVstore.com/
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