Spike Lee's latest movie shot on the F3 at DVinfo.net
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Sony XDCAM PMW-F3 CineAlta
HD recording with a Super35 CMOS Sensor.

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Old January 22nd, 2012, 05:43 AM   #1
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Spike Lee's latest movie shot on the F3

According to an interview in the Hollywood Reporter Spike Lee shot his latest movie, "Red Hook Summer", on the Sony F3. He shot it in 19 days, and self financed it.

Sundance 2012: Spike Lee Talks 'Red Hook Summer,' His Feature Debut at the Festival (Q&A) - Hollywood Reporter

According to Rolling Stone it premiers this week at Sundance:

Spike Lee Makes Musical Discovery for 'Red Hook Summer' | Movies News | Rolling Stone

Between this, "No Reservations" and "The Layover" with Anthony Bourdain, its nice to see some recognizable names using the F3 in mainstream production.

There are now some reports that the 'A' port signal (now available thanks to v1.3 firmware) is better than the regular SDI signal (reported to be a different processor path), plus S-Log, plus the 10bit recorders getting squared away the F3 should start appearing as a camera of choice in more productions.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 12:11 AM   #2
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Re: Spike Lee's latest movie shot on the F3

Can't say I'm surprised. When I first saw F3 footage (35Mb/s non-SLOG) projected in HD on a full-size cinema screen, my first thought was - "we're finally here, an affordable camera that can shoot filmic cinema-quality footage".

We've definitely reached a point of diminishing returns with digital cinema now. The image looks good enough , that no cinema-going audience is going to notice or question it's quality - and quite frankly, that's all you really need.
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