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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
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Old June 17th, 2011, 08:55 AM   #1
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Alternative to clipbrowser?

When I use Sony Clipbrowser to export my EX3 clips to .mxf all the timecode info does not go across.
Is there any software that converts EX3 clips to .mxf or .wav that keeps timecode info?
Mark Twittey - Walkabout TV
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Old June 17th, 2011, 12:48 PM   #2
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

Are you using the current ClipBrowser 2.6?
Are you using the MXF for NLE function?
How are you confirming timecode?
Please include details otherwise you may be making some mistaken assumptions.
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Old June 20th, 2011, 04:47 AM   #3
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

G'day Craig,
I am using Clipbrowser 2.0, I have to because I edit on Liquid 7.2XE and if I use any other version of Clipbrowser, I only get 9 seconds of footage when converted.
Sony did something to Clipbrowser after 2.0, and its a known issue for Liquid users.
I use .mxf for NLE.
We record time of day on the EX3 cameras, when we import the only references we have is random timecode numbers eg: 00:42:13:00 to 00 48:10:00.

Mark Twittey - Walkabout TV

Last edited by Mark Twittey; June 20th, 2011 at 04:50 AM. Reason: missing info
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Old June 20th, 2011, 07:58 AM   #4
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

I vaguely remember some odd issues with ClipBrowser 2 and time code depending on the frame rate shot with on the EX. If it's a CB 2.0 bug then you're kind of stuck if you can't move beyond that version. Any NLE that locks you into such an old version is worth considering moving on from (especially since there are so many descent current choices).

I'm not sure how an NLE is impacted by the version of ClipBrowser if you used it independently. The file should completely re-wrap. As to how the NLE handles the metadata of the re-wraped clip, that may be a different issue.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 01:09 AM   #5
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

G'day Craig
Thanks for trying to help.
I am tied into Liquid, I was thinking of changing NLE, but apart from this issue, it does everything I need do do for my commercials and programmes.
Also at 55, do I need to go through the learning process again!, I have been editing and filming for over 35 years, do I need the pain!
Thanks again
Mark Twittey - Walkabout TV
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 02:21 AM   #6
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

I believe ffmpeg (WinFF) unwraps XDCAM to .mov and then you could use ConvergentDesign's free utlity to re-wrap .mov to .mxf
Just an idea if you're really stuck (I'm no expert).
Heaven knows if all the metadata and TC will stay intact.
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Old June 22nd, 2011, 06:07 AM   #7
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

Mark I'm about the same age as you and every time I've gone through a new learning process it's been like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The whole cocoon molting process might be hard but the new wings are really worth it.

Ultimately you have to decide if a tool does it's job. You can drive a nail in with the back of a screwdriver but if you really need a hammer, that's what you should get.

I've moved through a quite a few edit systems and each involved a learning process and each time I was faster for it. There's no way I'm going back to a CMX340 and 2" machines or even 1" type B.

It depends on how big an issue this is for you. It sounds almost as if one might be saying "apart from not breathing, I'm very much alive." There are MANY good NLEs out there that handle XDCAM EX.

I myself am about to go through the issues with FCPX and XDCAM EX and I expect Sony will move forward to make that happen. If you have to stick with ClipBrowser 2.0 then it's not happening for Liquid though. You've got Avid, Vegas, Premiere, Edius that all handle EX much easier than what you seem to be going through.
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 02:10 AM   #8
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Re: Alternative to clipbrowser?

Mark, I'm a Liquid 7.2 user too though with the move to EX1R I'm deciding the best time to move to Vegas.

However, I recall on Avid's Liquid forum being told that Liquid ignores the incoming TC so that could be your problem, not the clipbrowser. We too run TOD on three cameras yet the TCs we were given by Liquid when multicam synching bore little relationship to the originals. I'm happy to report that with the EX1R and clipbrowserv2 we get good and accurate TC.
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