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Old June 4th, 2011, 11:35 AM   #1
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File Management Confusion S x S cards

This screenshot was taken from Clip Browser. Several Questions:

The trouble folders are named BHS NOM excerpts. The only folder that has clips is the top one...BHS NOM excerpts.
I don't know how or where the folders underneath the main folder came from. What's more, there doesn't appear to be a BPAV folder. However, if I look at the same folder in the Mac Finder, there is a BPAV folder. It has a size of 12 Gigs.
I can't delete these folders either using Clip Browser.
When I open other folders in the list, such as Pop Show, I see the clips inside them. These NOM folders appear to be duplicates of something I don't understand. Sony, Pro, Camera, Xdcam, PMw etc...they are empty.
any help here?
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Old June 4th, 2011, 07:58 PM   #2
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

Presumably the 'Sony' file folder and sub-folders is where camera data (camera setup and picture profile settings) would be saved when you perform a save of your camera settings.
What is in the untitled folders? That's the ones I would have expected to be named 'BPAV'
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Old June 5th, 2011, 05:09 AM   #3
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

David, I'm no expert having only come to EX1Rs at the end of last year, but it seems to me that you've created some of your own folders on the cards.

If that's so, obviously you know why but my advice would have been to use the clip naming feature in the camera if you wish but otherwise leave the card file structure as is.
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Old June 5th, 2011, 10:01 AM   #4
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

thx for the reply's.

Actually never renamed clips or folders in the camera. I must have done this another way. What I'm not getting is why the multiple empty folders are showing up in the tree. The untitled folder was also empty. When I highlight other clip folders like the "BHS Pop Show" all I see are the clips, which is what I want anyway. I realize that there is a Sony folder on the card (I think anyway) where the custom setting can be stored. Maybe this optional? maybe I did this on a particular card. It's confusing to have the multiple tree listings associated with each clip bin.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 04:30 AM   #5
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

In my experience the only 'safe' way of working with XDCAM EX is to re-format the card in the camera before each shoot (having mades several backups of course!) and not create/delete folders/files or otherwise mangle the file structure with Clip Browser or anything else.

I would not personally store camera settings data on the SxS cards either as it will get deleted every time you reformat the card. You could store camera data on an SD card using an adaptor.
Andy Taplin
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Old June 6th, 2011, 04:54 AM   #6
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

Andy, this is interesting - is it something you've done yourself? I have to update/transfer settings for three EX1Rs and can't afford to invest in even a 16Gb card just for the purpose. I asked here if an SD card in an adapter would do the trick and didn't get a definitive answer. It would certainly solve my problem (though I'd still have to change the clip naming on each camera since it's an integral part of our multicam workflow).
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Old June 6th, 2011, 05:15 AM   #7
Vortex Media
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

Originally Posted by Andy Taplin View Post
In my experience the only 'safe' way of working with XDCAM EX is to re-format the card in the camera before each shoot (having mades several backups of course!) and not create/delete folders/files or otherwise mangle the file structure with Clip Browser or anything else. I would not personally store camera settings data on the SxS cards either as it will get deleted every time you reformat the card. You could store camera data on an SD card using an adaptor.
I haven't reformatted any of my cards for about 3 years and have experienced no problems. I use the Delete All Clips command so my Camera Data files do not get deleted (my cards have files for EX1, EX3 and F3 stored on them) and also the card names don't get reset to "untitled". Having the name of each card match the number on the card's label is immensely helpful in post.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 05:44 AM   #8
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

Doug, since your suggestion is very attractive to me, I have a couple of questions:

1 I realise the camera doesn't necessarily treat the files as a computer would but does the delete all clips function really remove all trace of the clip ie is the space available as unfragmented as it would be after a format?

2 Given the advantages you describe, why did Sony not offer this option alone or art least recommend the procedure over reformatting?
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Old June 6th, 2011, 06:37 AM   #9
Vortex Media
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Re: File Management Confusion S x S cards

1) As far as I can tell, it leaves no trace and I've been doing it for years. You can certainly test it yourself in just a couple of minutes.

2) Deleting clips vs. Reformatting are just two different options for two different situations. Both are necessary at different times and the camera does need to offer the user both options.

I could pose your "why" question about a dozen other functions of the camera: Why did they make ____ the default mode vs. _____? Learning what to change, when to change it, how to change it, why to change it, all comes with the territory of owning a professional piece of equipment. As long as they give me the ability to change the settings I don't like, then I don't really care what Sony decides to make the default mode. Keep in mind that Sony just builds the camera, they don't really make any attempt (nor should they) to teach you how to use it or recommend best practices. That is for everyone to decide for themselves. Just compare me and Andy. He is happy reformatting his cards, and I am happy deleting only the clips. There's no right or wrong method. Different methods for different people.
Vortex Media
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