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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
Sony PXW-Z280, Z190, X180 etc. (going back to EX3 & EX1) recording to SxS flash memory.

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Old February 11th, 2011, 10:19 AM   #16
Vortex Media
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My advice is to stop waiting. Buy a camera and put it to work making money for you. That's the bottom line. There will always be something better just around the corner, and every camera ever invented has shorcomings and things that could be done better or differently. If you're waiting for the day to come when someone builds the perfect camera, you're going to be waiting forever.

You say you've already been waiting with money in hand for six months? NAB is two more months away, and anything that gets announced there won't ship for many months after that. Just buy a camera and get to work! There are some great ones out there already.

If something better comes along, you can always sell the one you have and upgrade. Yeah, you'll lose a few bucks on the deal, but just think of how much money the camera will have earned for you in the mean time. I don't understand why people wait.
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Old February 11th, 2011, 11:28 AM   #17
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Yes, I have been waiting to long possibly. I promised myself NAB would be it, the decision would be made then. If I choose to wait for one of the new cameras I can spend the time clearing out the basement and setting up a little office ( ok I have to loose 25 lbs also, it is easier to display me on 16:9 than 4:3 ). I intend to buy a DSLR for a backup, not perfect but it will work, plus I can put the DSLR to work also. I will also have to learn vegas pro 10. I just can't help but wait for the next batch, as everthing is going tapeless, that could save a ton. The right camera could save me 3 grand ! !

Tim, Like you the 1/2 chips is just a show stopper. Doug was right, the existing EX3 could easily fill the need. But dang I hate to buy a new camera and have to buy a plate and expensive memory. The answer is just like you say, 1/2 inch chips, cheap memory, shoulder mount, 422, and a great image. The technology is out there, but will they hit the target ?
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Old February 12th, 2011, 04:16 AM   #18
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What? No one wants a better sensor and lower noise?

I like my EX3 and EX1 but they are very noisy cameras. With these noisy sensors, I don't see much benefit to higher bitrates because they just show more noise. Its kind of like recording 10bit from these cameras - there is little benefit due to the noise. However, I do have a nanoFlash and find recording at anything above 100Mb L-GOP hurts the image because it captures all the noise.

My ideal EX3 replacement would be 2/3" sensors, removable VF (I like the PMW350's VF) and camera body size similar to the EX3 (with 2/3 sensors, the body must be a bit bigger). Yeah, I know. I'm dreaming.

Side note: FYI, still photography lenses in general have very low profit margins and retailers' margins are even worse - in many cases, they lose money on still lenses.
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Old February 12th, 2011, 07:08 AM   #19
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"Side note: FYI, still photography lenses in general have very low profit margins and retailers' margins are even worse - in many cases, they lose money on still lenses."

Who told you that bit of waffle, a dealer trying to justify a high price maybe?
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Old February 12th, 2011, 08:44 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Steve Kalle View Post
My ideal EX3 replacement would be 2/3" sensors, removable VF (I like the PMW350's VF) and camera body size similar to the EX3 (with 2/3 sensors, the body must be a bit bigger). Yeah, I know. I'm dreaming.

Sony already has a 2/3" CMOS camera in a relatively compact shoulder mount as you mentioned. I can't see 2/3" chips in an EX-3 replacement.

Lower is noise is one of those given desires that just improve with every camera generation:)

With the larger sensor cameras like the AF-100 and the F3 the lineup choices are quite interesting now. One can happily use smaller chips for the manual labor knowing you can use a shallow DOF camera for the beauty shots.

I am with David from the first post. Semi-shoulder is a no-go for me and a JVC 700 series design would really peak my interest.
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Old February 12th, 2011, 09:10 AM   #21
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I don't think well see any announcements from Sony other than the 35mm NXCAM as they have been very busy with the F3 development and the new 3D camera.
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Old February 12th, 2011, 01:38 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Steve Kalle View Post
What? No one wants a better sensor and lower noise?

My ideal EX3 replacement would be 2/3" sensors, ......... and camera body size similar to the EX3 ........... Yeah, I know. I'm dreaming.
Nice to dream, but that would be a totally different camera......

And likely to cost a lot more......

Changes such as to the 50Mbs codec and the EX1 to EX1R changes shouldn't be very difficult (read expensive) to implement. At least from a technical viewpoint.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 07:39 AM   #23
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I still love my EX3 and EX1R.

One way to greatly improve these cams is to add a NanoFlash. All of a sudden you have 422 at a lot of different bitrates and intra frame even for critical chroma key work.

Ergonomically the EX3 is great as stated above. Especially with the shoulder brackets that can be added with AB or IDX batts. The balance of a Betacam can be achieved at am much lower weight.

Photo of my favorite cam, still after 3 years:
Attached Thumbnails
What camera can possibly replace the EX3 ??-ex3classic.jpg  
Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
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Old February 14th, 2011, 07:57 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Olof Ekbergh View Post
Especially with the shoulder brackets that can be added with AB or IDX batts. The balance of a Betacam can be achieved at am much lower weight.

Photo of my favorite cam, still after 3 years:
I have one of Olof's shoulder brackets for my EX3 and it is great.
I would highly recommend it.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 12:14 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Olof Ekbergh View Post
Photo of my favorite cam, still after 3 years:
Zip tie around the focus ring? I get it. <insert sound of hand smacking head> Brilliant.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 01:16 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Les Wilson View Post
Zip tie around the focus ring? I get it. <insert sound of hand smacking head> Brilliant.
OK I don't get it? What's the zip tie for?

Garrett Low
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Old February 14th, 2011, 01:24 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Olof Ekbergh View Post
I still love my EX3 and EX1R.

One way to greatly improve these cams is to add a NanoFlash. All of a sudden you have 422 at a lot of different bitrates and intra frame even for critical chroma key work.
Using Keylight in AE CS5, I find the 280Mb nanoflash files to add nothing to keying. In fact, I find the added noise from the higher bitrate actually makes keying not as easy as the 35mb xdcam.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 01:53 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Garrett Low View Post
OK I don't get it? What's the zip tie for?

I suppose it might make it a little easier to give the focus a quick nudge/flick if needed. I don't use a zip tie on mine - but that's my guess!
Andy K Wilkinson - https://www.shootingimage.co.uk
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Old February 15th, 2011, 06:53 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson View Post
I suppose it might make it a little easier to give the focus a quick nudge/flick if needed. I don't use a zip tie on mine - but that's my guess!
Yes I use that on most of my cams unless I have a rail system with FF set up.

I find it really easy to memorize a couple q-spots, and repeat them quickly. I sometimes even velcro a little white plastic card to the lens in front of the zip-tie and mark distances.

I call it my 15 cent follow focus. If you leave the end longer you can have someone else pull focus easily w/o telegraphing the move to the camera. And when flying on a stedicam it is easy to focus w/o upsetting the "float".
Olof Ekbergh • olof@WestsideAV.com
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Old February 15th, 2011, 03:00 PM   #30
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I was reading and participating in another thread and I didn't realize Sony had endorsed full time use of the MEAD MS01 adapter, before I had only seen "use in emergency only". Maybe this means the death of SxS.

""So in situations in the field where additional media is required, or for cost-conscious users, the MEAD-MS01 Memory Stick Adapter is the perfect solution.""


Dang, I was looking strongly at a used EX3 at B & H, had 198 hrs on it. It did not even last 2 hours and it was gone ! !
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