I Love Humboldt: My EX1 used in another Contest! at DVinfo.net
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Old February 8th, 2010, 05:50 PM   #1
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I Love Humboldt: My EX1 used in another Contest!

I just entered another video contest. Film makers shoot/edit a 30 second piece about why they love Humboldt County. I wrote an original song for it - an anthem for Humboldt. I also went out and shot some beautiful scenery around my home. Please view, rate and comment:

YouTube - I Love Humboldt - Humboldt County Film Commission Contest Entry

The prize is 300.00 and a Flip camera. I want that Flip!

Other contest postings: "I Love Humboldt" Video Contest | KHUM
My Work: http://www.youtube.com/ChadWork1
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Old February 8th, 2010, 06:01 PM   #2
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Very nice! The song alone should do a lot for your chances.

My only comment would be that I didn't care for the words on screen. You song is clear, easy to understand and I thought the text placement was a bit distracting from your images. But that is just a matter of opinion. Good Luck!!

Where is Humbolt County?
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Old February 10th, 2010, 02:21 PM   #3
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As you may know I entered a contest for a 30 second video about Humboldt. Here are all the videos in competition:
"I Love Humboldt" Video Contest | KHUM

So all the videos are in, and the polling is open. The top 5 videos go to the finals, where the winner is to be decided by the judges.

Here's the link to the poll: Poll Results: What Video Is Best?

Click on the video you like on the poll page, then after you place your vote you will see the stats on all the voting. Support local film makers! The prize is a much needed 300.00.

My Work: http://www.youtube.com/ChadWork1
Sony FS5 :: Panasonic GH4 :: Sony PMW-EX1 :: FCPx :: AT4053b :: Rode NTG-3,
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Old February 10th, 2010, 08:54 PM   #4
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Come on guys put a vote in for Chad! I did.

He only wants the Flip, so that means he'll give us the $300 in cash ; )
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Old February 10th, 2010, 09:07 PM   #5
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Uh, yeah that''s the ticket! Send me your addresses and I'll get a little sum sum to y'all...

I could use some more votes though. I think the lead guy is manipulating the votes somehow.

Poll Results: What Video Is Best?
My Work: http://www.youtube.com/ChadWork1
Sony FS5 :: Panasonic GH4 :: Sony PMW-EX1 :: FCPx :: AT4053b :: Rode NTG-3,
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Old March 10th, 2010, 05:56 PM   #6
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The video looks great! is voting still going on?
Robert L. Mickles
Director, Cinematographer, Editor http://www.360digitalstudios.com/
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Old March 10th, 2010, 06:01 PM   #7
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I made the top 5 and went to the finals where I was shut out and lost to some inferior work IMO. Some of the choices for winning videos were odd - save for Matt St. Charles' which totally deserved it's prize.

The videos: "I Love Humboldt" Video Contest | KHUM
The Poll Results: Poll Results: What Video Is Best?

The Judges Results out of top 5 Poll Results:
• Best Video Overall: $300 and a Flip:
- "Humboldt Love" - Steven Vandermeer
- 1st in the poll with 30% of the votes.

• Best Anchor Interview: $100:
-"I Love Humboldt" - Matt St. Charles
-4th in poll with 14% of the vote

• Best on-location interview(changed to 'best location video' without notice): $100:
-"Why I ...Love Humboldt" by Rowdy Kelly
-5th in poll with 19% of the vote
– Used Copy written music.

• My Video I Love Humboldt - Chad Johnson
- Loser in the finals.
- 2nd in poll with 18% of the vote.

• -"The Hum of Humboldt" - Berel Alexander...
- Loser in the finals.
-3rd in poll with 16% of the vote

My Thoughts:
Audio is as an important an element as images in any video project. I took the competition seriously, followed the rules, got signed releases, wrote an original anthem for Humboldt AND delivered stellar video. I came in 2nd in the popular poll but that seemingly was not factored into the voting. The 2nd and 3rd place popular videos didn't place in the finals. I was saddened that "Best Location Interview" was changed to "Best Location Video" and a winner was chosen that illegally used Dave Mathews music (it's literally illegal to distribute copy-written music) with no signed release from Dave Mathews I'm sure. He came in only 5th by popular vote and that seemingly was not factored in the final vote. I could have fit in that category since it didn't need to be an interview any more. Or "The Hum of Humboldt" could have won "Best Location Interview".

The "overall best" used an annoying recording of birds made in Nebraska as noted at the youtube page on which the video is posted, and the animation is the same as on every other project he does. He admittedly had a lot of friends from his email list voting for him, which gave him the popular lead - and popular vote was factored in the judging in this case. Not to mention there was not one actual image of Humboldt in his presentation.

I guess I could have saved half a days work and just pulled out one of my favorite band's CDs and used that for my soundtrack rather than compose and record original music. I really don't think the results of the contest reflect the quality of the work.

Matt St. Charles actually DID deserve the prize he got though. Kudos to Matt!

Oh well, maybe next time.

My Work: http://www.youtube.com/ChadWork1
Sony FS5 :: Panasonic GH4 :: Sony PMW-EX1 :: FCPx :: AT4053b :: Rode NTG-3,
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