EX3 overcranked footage render issue at DVinfo.net
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Old June 25th, 2009, 10:19 AM   #1
Major Player
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EX3 overcranked footage render issue

It must be something I'm doing wrong... but when I try to render 720P footage overcranked to 60fps, I get really nasty blocking (pixelation) in the rendered file using both mpg4 in Sony Vegas on the Windows side, or h264 in Quicktime or Compressor on the Mac side. In this clip YouTube - Whitewater: Sony EX3 overcrank test for example, you can still see some of it at the top of the screen even though I rendered to mpg2 before uploading (but it is nothing compared to the ugliness I get when I render mpg4 or h264). The only time I can get perfect reproduction is when I render completely uncompressed, which is not an option. Anybody have any experience with this? I tried searching here under "rendering overcranked footage," but nothing came up.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 11:50 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Overcranked video played back in the timeline is simply played back at the timeline's frame rate. There's nothing "special" about it at that point.

Since many (most?) of us use this feature at some point there is no issue anyone is having. You may be mistaken that the issue is with overcranked video when it may be your compression settings.

Since you haven't listed settings we can't make suggestions to improve. YouTube might have suggested settings. I know Vimeo does.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 06:29 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
Overcranked video played back in the timeline is simply played back at the timeline's frame rate. There's nothing "special" about it at that point.

Since many (most?) of us use this feature at some point there is no issue anyone is having. You may be mistaken that the issue is with overcranked video when it may be your compression settings.

Since you haven't listed settings we can't make suggestions to improve. YouTube might have suggested settings. I know Vimeo does.
When I play it back on the timeline it plays just fine.

Really? NO ONE has ever experienced this problem? Gosh, this makes me feel special.

I used the same settings I always use for Youtube and Vimeo. I saw no need to bore you all with the details. I just thought maybe there was something different I needed to do with overcranked footage. Silly me.

Craig: Your reply comes across slightly passive-aggressive. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it seems.

I've posted here in various forms, particularly Mac related ones, because the Apple forums are so plagued by Mac snobs it's almost like they lie in wait, ready to pounce on low-life newbies or PC converts, and people here seem much more helpful. I was hoping this would be the case with the aforementioned question.
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Old June 25th, 2009, 07:41 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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I use both Mac and Windows although all my editing is on Mac.

There is nothing about overcrank that would have any particular impact on compression. It's simply video playing back at the frame rate designated in the timeline.

There are many examples of overcrank EX video on Vimeo and YouTube that look fine given the typical issues those hosts have with playback.

I see no outstanding issues with your Youtube video (HD version) outside of those typical of a difficult to compress subject. Moving water can be a challenge. The subtle gradient in water and the rocks can also be difficult. Those areas have some loss of detail. I don't see the pixelation you mention. Perhaps you can point out a time number. Maybe you can post a still frame showing the issue.

I would not encode to MPEG2 over H.264. H.264 is significantly better at the same data rates.

Your subject is extremely challenging for any codec. Given YouTube is going to encode it again you want to give it as much quality as possible. Again without settings I really can't make suggestion beyond using an extremely high data rate.
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