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Old January 1st, 2009, 10:39 AM   #1
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Final Cut Pro Settings question???

I was wondering what settings you use when importing EX1 footage into your Final Cut Pro projects. I have had a problem recently in playing back footage as the playback stops and it tells me to lower the frame rate, check the RT settings and so on. I had a simple clip with a graphic on top layer (key) and it kept giving me the warning. I am pretty sure it is something I have changed on how I have setup the timeline in the settings menu. This use to not be an issue. FCP has so many different settings, prefs and so on, I though I would see if any of you could pass along how you setup your projects 1,2,3 steps.
Thanks in advance for your time and effort.
Happy New Year,

Phil Hanna
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:18 AM   #2
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Make sure you're using FCP 6.0.3 (maybe 6.0.2, I can't remember for sure) and that you have selected XDCAMEX in your Easy Setup. There are other XDCAM settings that are more data intensive. Make sure you're using the EX version.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:21 AM   #3
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I will assure I have that setting. I have the current version of FCP.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:46 AM   #4
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As of today (1/1/09....HAPPY NEW YEAR!) Final Cut Pro is on version 6.0.5. Just thought you'd want to know. :)

Also, I was wrong.....under Easy Setup, Apple now lists them as:

XDCAM HD (the ones you want)
XDCAM HD422 (don't use these)

Once you narrow that down, you can choose whether you want:

CBR (Constant Bit Rate = not HQ quality)
VBR (Variable Bit Rate = HQ quality) I'm assuming you're using HQ so you'd want to choose VBR
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:51 AM   #5
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Phil, an awful lot depends on your setup.
Is your media on an external hard drive with sufficient speed to play back XDCAM EX footage or is it stored on your system drive (for example)?

Is your system drive nearly full to capacity (it needs at least 10% free space to be able to work efficiently).

Your RT settings need to be as system-friendly as you can bear. Personally, I don't mind a few dropped frames on the timeline, so I disable dropped frame warnings on playback.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:08 PM   #6
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Thanks, Andy

This after I have imported the QT movies into the timeline. It is on an external drive so I guess it is still sourcing them from the external drive. Again, this is the same way I have done it in the past and there is still a lot of space left on the drive. I will go back a review my settings again. I have lowered RT and done everything I can think of. I am using HD and the 1920x1080 maybe needs to go down to 720 since that is usually what I output to Vimeo with.

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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:13 PM   #7
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You should use XDCAM EX settings.

Originally Posted by Mitchell Lewis View Post
As of today (1/1/09....HAPPY NEW YEAR!) Final Cut Pro is on version 6.0.5. Just thought you'd want to know. :)

Also, I was wrong.....under Easy Setup, Apple now lists them as:

XDCAM HD (the ones you want)
XDCAM HD422 (don't use these)

Once you narrow that down, you can choose whether you want:

CBR (Constant Bit Rate = not HQ quality)
VBR (Variable Bit Rate = HQ quality) I'm assuming you're using HQ so you'd want to choose VBR
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