How to Convert EX-1 to SD for DVD ????? - Page 3 at
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Old December 8th, 2008, 07:13 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Paul Kellett View Post
I'm still finding this problem amazing.
I just render using sony vegas. Render to mpeg-2, burn with dvd architect.
I get stunning quality.
No faffing about going from this program to that program etc etc.

Not having read the entire thread, I stopped at Paul's reply, to say I too use Vegas (Pro 8) and I can't imagine anything being any more simple. I'm not here to bang the drum for Vegas. Vegas will NOT work for everyone, just as the EX cameras will not.

Import MFX files into Vegas, edit in HD with PMC audio, render using MainConcept MP2/DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen Video Stream (also available in PAL), and burn the DVD--No fuss, no muss. It's as easy and painless as it was working in DV!

And like Paul said, the image quality is stunning.
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Old December 8th, 2008, 06:09 PM   #32
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Oooooooooooooooppppppps! Sorry about that. I indicated above I'd be back shortly, but because of some very serious and potentially tragic personal circumstances, I will be considerably delayed in any substantive response to those of you so kind to respond. In any event, as time and attention away from the "normal" work day permits, I will probably try a series of tests both with and without Cineform Prospect 4k, and then with the el cheapo and then expensive test versions of Cinema Craft, and then try reloading Sony Vegas Pro 8 onto a far less powerful (I hope it has enough capacity, albeit probably incredibly slow) HP PC, and see what I see. I will also at some point attempt to respond specifically to comments made by each of you. So, until then..............
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Old December 12th, 2008, 07:40 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Barry J. Anwender View Post
It has taken some time because my goal is to deliver Blu-ray as well SD DVD with footage from my EX3. I just finished a 43 minute project that accomplishes this with very good SD results (sharp with clean edges) and amazing Blu-ray results. I used the attached workflow for EX3 1920x1080/60i (detail off), FCP 6.0.5 with an HD and SD timeline in the same project, then:

HD - Blu-ray via Encore CS4 4.01 (Export a FCP self-contained movie, set Encore project to 35Mb/s and PCM audio)
SD - DVD via Compressor 3.05 and DVDSP 4.2.1 (Export FCP reference with current settings, set DVDSP per)
I use your recommended workflow procedure and results are good. Although I should say that there are some residual traces of aliasing but no interlacing problem in the picture.
I wonder how they achieve such a perfect quality of SD DVDs in commercially published movies.


Last edited by Mark Krichever; December 12th, 2008 at 09:00 PM.
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Old December 12th, 2008, 09:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by William Urschel View Post
Oooooooooooooooppppppps! Sorry about that. I indicated above I'd be back shortly, but because of some very serious and potentially tragic personal circumstances, I will be considerably delayed in any substantive response to those of you so kind to respond. In any event, as time and attention away from the "normal" work day permits, I will probably try a series of tests both with and without Cineform Prospect 4k, and then with the el cheapo and then expensive test versions of Cinema Craft, and then try reloading Sony Vegas Pro 8 onto a far less powerful (I hope it has enough capacity, albeit probably incredibly slow) HP PC, and see what I see. I will also at some point attempt to respond specifically to comments made by each of you. So, until then..............
Wish you best...
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Old December 30th, 2008, 09:06 AM   #35
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To all of those who provided your expert experience, insights and advice, above, my many thanks again. But I am totally shut down at the moment, as I made the mistake of uninstalling CS3 and installing CS4, with the result that I now can transfer nothing from the timeline on Premiere, and Encore will not recognize ANY of my Blu-Ray burners. So after better than 12 years with Adobe, I am now going to attempt Sony's Vegas installation - if and when I EVER manage to get ANYTHING to work, I will be back. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and greater success than I am having at the moment!
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Old December 30th, 2008, 02:26 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by William Urschel View Post
To all of those who provided your expert experience, insights and advice, above, my many thanks again. But I am totally shut down at the moment, as I made the mistake of uninstalling CS3 and installing CS4, with the result that I now can transfer nothing from the timeline on Premiere, and Encore will not recognize ANY of my Blu-Ray burners. So after better than 12 years with Adobe, I am now going to attempt Sony's Vegas installation - if and when I EVER manage to get ANYTHING to work, I will be back. I wish you all a Happy New Year, and greater success than I am having at the moment!
Happy New Year to everyone here.
What Blue-Ray burner would you recommend?
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Old December 30th, 2008, 03:46 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mark Krichever View Post
Happy New Year to everyone here.
What Blue-Ray burner would you recommend?
If you intend on authoring with Encore CS3/4, then as can discover in the Adobe forums the choice is indeed limited. I can verify that the BWU-200S works reliably in my MacPro Early 2008 with both CS3 and CS4. I'd would expect the newest Sony BWU-300S to also work as advertised. Ensure the firmware on the BWU-200S is the latest!

Be cautioned that Encore's Blu-ray burn engine is NOT reliable and will fail on the smallest of errors in your menu's. However, have Encore build an .ISO disk image and then burn that with Toast 9.0.4(253), it works every time. Happy New Year & Cheers!
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Old December 30th, 2008, 04:03 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Barry J. Anwender View Post
If you intend on authoring with Encore CS3/4, then as can discover in the Adobe forums the choice is indeed limited. I can verify that the BWU-200S works reliably in my MacPro Early 2008 with both CS3 and CS4. I'd would expect the newest Sony BWU-300S to also work as advertised. Ensure the firmware on the BWU-200S is the latest!

Be cautioned that Encore's Blu-ray burn engine is NOT reliable and will fail on the smallest of errors in your menu's. However, have Encore build an .ISO disk image and then burn that with Toast 9.0.4(253), it works every time. Happy New Year & Cheers!
Thanks Barry. Sounds like another pain in the a-s operation. So for now I probably will not attempt to get into this part of technology. Especially if SD DVD is still accepted by customers.
Have a Happy one.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 04:19 PM   #39
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Using Avid Liquid Chrome for downconvert..

Hi I edit on the industries maybe best kept secret Avid-Pinnacle Liquid.
Using MXF Import is very quick, render in the background all FX as either uncompressed or any color of MP2 IFrame or IBP!
When all HD editing is done simply render out a PAL SD RGB uncompressed file, put that on a new SD Timeline or on a new track of the original sequence where you simply change the sequence to SD, disable-mute all HD Tracks, build your menu within Liquid and burn to DVD which looks perfekt.
Normally we play out to a DIGIBETA Player for Broadcast and the results are always pro.
There is a downloadable Trial version on the Pinnacle site, runs 30 days, does not mess up your system ! By the way Liquid shares code with SONY XPRI the highend SONY Editing system...
For any questions just ask
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Old December 30th, 2008, 04:58 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Matthias von Mutius View Post
Hi I edit on the industries maybe best kept secret Avid-Pinnacle Liquid.
Using MXF Import is very quick, render in the background all FX as either uncompressed or any color of MP2 IFrame or IBP!
When all HD editing is done simply render out a PAL SD RGB uncompressed file, put that on a new SD Timeline or on a new track of the original sequence where you simply change the sequence to SD, disable-mute all HD Tracks, build your menu within Liquid and burn to DVD which looks perfekt.
Normally we play out to a DIGIBETA Player for Broadcast and the results are always pro.
There is a downloadable Trial version on the Pinnacle site, runs 30 days, does not mess up your system ! By the way Liquid shares code with SONY XPRI the highend SONY Editing system...
For any questions just ask
I guess it is the matter of choice. My earlier experience with Pinnacle Liquid was very negative. In particular, their choice of stupid and unconventional interface made this software inconvenient for all my applications. Avid or FCP is much superior programs (per my personal experience). And running them on Mac pro together with Motion, AE and Color make them even more attractive. No Pinnacle here, man.
Do you work for Pinnacle or for its distributor?

Last edited by Mark Krichever; December 30th, 2008 at 09:52 PM.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 04:38 PM   #41
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Told you..

Hi Mark, no I do not work for Pinnacle I am a freelance Broadcast allrounder from script to edit :-) and I love this Liquid software. It has it very own learning curve but is really powerfull... well still the industries best kept secret :-)
happy new one matthias
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 02:37 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Steve Shovlar View Post
Hi Robert, I think you are in PAL country in Aus aren't you? This is how I do it as a pom.

I shoot 720P50. Do all my editing in FCP. Then I export as a 720P quicktime movie using prores422 ( not HQ) as a self contained movie. the file size is LARGE. Once done, I do an easy setup, Pal DVD. Changethe settings of the sequence in advanced to 16:9 progessive and best. 50 frames per second.

Drop the newly made QT onto the timeline. It will ask if I want to chance to fit the settings of the file. Say no. the QT will then appear on the timeline and need rendering.

Render the file, then out to compressor as a PAL 16:9 SD in the highest quality you can get. Results have been superb and far higher than going from the timeline of the HD timeline to compressor and out.
As I've got a DVD project coming up in the next few days I've been doing some experiments and I have to say that I can't seem to replicate your findings Steve.

What advantages do you see by exporting a 720p/50 clip as Prores and then re-importing it into a DV-PAL timeline?

I'm not sure if I'm missing a step here but I'm also seeing no advantage in shooting 50p over 25p as the built in SD-DVD (PAL) settings in compressor convert the output to 25p anyway, none of my exported footage seems to be interlaced. I exported 25p and 50p clips using your suggested method and could not see any difference between them other than the 25p clip retained more quality.

I can't actually find any way of converting the 720p/50 EXCAM-EX clips to 50i when using the built in SD-DVD settings in compressor so I'm quite confused as to where the advantage lies in shooting 50 fps at all?


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Old January 2nd, 2009, 04:03 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Paul Joy View Post
As I've got a DVD project coming up in the next few days I've been doing some experiments and I have to say that I can't seem to replicate your findings Steve.

What advantages do you see by exporting a 720p/50 clip as Prores and then re-importing it into a DV-PAL timeline?

I'm not sure if I'm missing a step here but I'm also seeing no advantage in shooting 50p over 25p as the built in SD-DVD (PAL) settings in compressor convert the output to 25p anyway, none of my exported footage seems to be interlaced. I exported 25p and 50p clips using your suggested method and could not see any difference between them other than the 25p clip retained more quality.

I can't actually find any way of converting the 720p/50 EXCAM-EX clips to 50i when using the built in SD-DVD settings in compressor so I'm quite confused as to where the advantage lies in shooting 50 fps at all?



Paul, since I typed that I have changed my method.

First of all the reason I shoot 720p50 is for slo mo. I shoot a lot of weddings and 50 frames a second slowed to 50% gives me 25 frames a second and a much smoother slo mo of the love scenes/musical montage. No other reason. Slowing 720p25 by 50% gives a horrible jerky mess which is unusable.

OK now this is what I do. Shoot and edit in 720P. ( makes no difference in output if it is 50p or 25p.)

Once edited, go easy setup, make a new PAL SD timeline, and drop your hd sequence onto the SD timeline, click no when it asks if you want to change it to the format you are dropping on the timeline. Render timeline.

Export to Compressor. Here I use Cinema Craft Encoder MP, which I think gives slightly better results than Compressor. But in Comprssor make sure frames are set to Best and output as a 2 pass VBR with 6000 average, 2000 minum and 9000 max if the dvd is long.

CBR of 8000 if a short.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 04:25 PM   #44
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I'm a satisfied Liquid user as well (and I also don't work for the company, jeeez...). The workflow is as described above. The original company that developed the software, Fast, had one of the first MPEG2 editing solutions and they carried that knowledge forward through their whole product line. I also use Liquid in conjunction with an Aja board, capturing video as HD-SDI and thus escaping the codec issues. If the project's to end up as DVD, my XDCAM deck, the PDW-F75 downconverts HD-SDI to SDI on the fly. I use that. Note I also have the CS3 suite and though it has its uses, I don't edit with it.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 07:37 PM   #45
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Thanks for the update Steve.

So that leaves the question open then, what's the best way to end up with 50i footage for DVD using the EX1? It seems logical that it would be possible to create a 50i output from a 720p/50 clip but I'm not sure if there's a way just using FCP & Compressor.

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