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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
Sony PXW-Z280, Z190, X180 etc. (going back to EX3 & EX1) recording to SxS flash memory.

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Old September 14th, 2008, 02:54 PM   #1
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Clunky Clip Browser

Does anybody else find Clip Browser a bit 'clunky' - eg
I've copied all my clips from 2 EX1s into one folder - each clip is named eg "CAM10001","CAM20045", etc. I'm now working through each clip in Clip Browser marking the sections I want to keep. So to go through them in the right order I click on "Clip Name" column which sorts them into name order. I play the clip, mark IN/OUT points, create a new clip.....and the sort order is lost - so I have to re-sort again.

It would help if there was an option to create the new clip with a date stamp of when that new clip was created - rather then the date of the original clip.

Also - when marking the IN/OUT points - how about one keypress to create the new clip AND export.

If anybody can suggest a better workflow I'm all ears....

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Old September 15th, 2008, 06:21 PM   #2
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Not completely related to your post, but thought you would quickly know the answer. I am thinking of purchasing the EX1 or EX3 and was curious as to when you import the footage via the clip browser, is there a way to import footage into longer length pieces or does it only import as clips where you hit "record" and then "stop recording" each time?
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Old September 16th, 2008, 03:01 AM   #3
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Each start/stop recording operating creates one clip. Technically the clip could be made up of many actual files depending on the length of it - but providing you use Clip Browser to copy from the camera to the the PC you don't have to worry about that.

While you can divide clips I don't think you can merge them.

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Old September 16th, 2008, 04:23 AM   #4
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My Documents not browseable

Another quirky problem I should like to add to this thread is the absence of the "My Documents" folder within the directory explorer. I have tried re-installing and re-downloading but this problem won't go away. Original version worked fine. Although not a biggie (just move the clip folders somewhere outside "My Documents") but is a little unnerving.

I haven't heard anyone else complaining about such a "feature" so maybe this is just an eccentricity of my particular hardware/software (QX6700 quad with XP SP3) causing some denial of access to the user folders under Clipbrowser, anyone else...?
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Old September 16th, 2008, 04:31 AM   #5
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Same for me (XP SP2) - no "My Documents" - got to go the long way rounf "Documents and Settings....". Not a major issue for me personally as I copy all clips to a different drive.

I gave up with my problem - I exported everything to MXF and will cut it down in Vegas.

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