Ex1 or Ex3 purchase decision... at DVinfo.net
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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
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Old May 20th, 2008, 06:30 AM   #1
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Ex1 or Ex3 purchase decision...

I just sold my two V1's and I am ready to enter the EX world. My question is the EX1 now, or wait for the EX3?

I shoot for 2 or 3 months each year in a remote location, and usually sell my cameras after the shoot - it works for me as I never get attached to equipment and hate to see them unused for 9 months while I work in post. However, with the EX1 this will change and I intend to spend more time on filming other projects. I also need to use second lenses - so it's the Letus on the EX1 or step up to the EX3 for double the money. I intend to make the EX my only camera for some time, so yes, I will get attached to this new baby!

I can afford the EX1 now and If I wait for the EX3, I know I have to find the extra cash - so is the Ex3 worth waiting for? I better make a purchase soon before I spend this on changing my car.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 07:08 AM   #2
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Read Phil Bloom's review, it pretty much covers everything. Interchangeable lenses are boviously big difference and if you need 'em then it's an obvious choice. But things like the EVF being better and the variable frame rates on the body instead of menu is nice too. Other minor but nice touches mentioned in review too. But it's a lot more money.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 08:20 AM   #3
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Phil Bloom makes a great case for stepping up to the EX3. Apart from the detachable lenses however, most of the differences from the EX1 are design modifications right? Shape, menu, viewfinder etc... That's quite a high price to pay for mods that really should have been thought of at the EX1 stage IMHO.

I will hold out for a month or two and see what develops - maybe we will see more aggressive pricing on the EX1 now.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 08:25 AM   #4
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One not so minor thing though is the viewfinder, on the EX1 it's atrocious. If it's much better on the 3 then that'd be reason enough to buy one>
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Old May 20th, 2008, 08:29 AM   #5
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Basically if you don't need the fancy outs the EX3 provides, do live, multicam shoots or want to use interchangable lenses, the EX1 is the more obvious choice.

By all accounts it works well and if you can have the Letus attached permanently that is all the better. You then (obviously) also gain the use of different (35mm) lenses. A complete 35mm rig is not something that really excells in handheld/shouldermount shooting; the EX3 with a set of lenses may be a better choice for that.

It will take some time for the EX3 accessories "after market" to work itself out. In the first 6 month you're really pioneering. This is something to consider.

With the EX1 you have a great upgrade path and they're going to be in demand for the next couple of years at least, so if you want to trade up to an EX3 at some point that should be pretty painless.

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Old May 20th, 2008, 08:42 AM   #6
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I have always found viewfinder's lousy to use and the EX1 is no exception as I expected. I agree, if the EX3 overcomes this it's a big plus.

I doubt anyone could see a difference in the final image between them, and that's what counts. The EX3 will probably improve your shots though - with DOF ability in the EX line-up, accurate focus is essential.

I think the next few months will be interesting on the EX1 - 3 debate.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 11:09 AM   #7
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I'm one of those that just about always has to have the latest greatest (if I see marked improvement) and this is one of those rare situations where I'm not overwhelmed with the compulsion to upgrade. When the first leaks came out that the EX3 was going to be announced and the pictures first hit the web I was already thinking I was going to be selling my EX1, I actually wrote my Sony dealer telling him as much. With that said, once I had some hands on with it at NAB I was somewhat disappointed. Yes, the viewfinder is awesome, and as one of my primary cameras in the past was a Canon Xl2 with a monochrome viewer I loved it. But that and the few other tweaks they've made to me simply do not justify it's price point. In my mind it is just not worth double the EX1. To me I want to know that I'm going to be getting better images from a new camera and in this situation that's not necessarily the case. Some could argue that a better viewfinder could mean it's easier to get better shots and I'd agree, but again, not a 6 or 7 thousand dollar difference.

I believe its been said in other words that the interchangeable lenses on the EX3 won't make 35mm adapters obsolete, so again, while nice, not a must have (to me).

The dial for overcranking and undercranking is great, but that's more a matter of convenience. While I loath the menu system on the EX1 in this regard, I can deal with it.

The outputs and timecode might be a need for someone, for me they're by and large irrelevant.

Another minor thing that was somewhat off putting was the new door for the SxS cards, it just felt flat out flimsy. While the slide on the EX1 is nice and sold, the new one kind of pops open and just dangles from a tether. This was presumably the solution they developed to accommodate their announced drive. It seemed to me a bad concept that was poorly implemented. Just disappointing to discover.

With all that said, if money was no object then the added bells and whistles are nice and might be enough to lure me in. It's not that I hated it or didn't like it, but they improvements were just insufficient enough for me to be jonesing for it. Not when I could have two EX1's for about the about the same money.

- Ray
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Old May 20th, 2008, 12:02 PM   #8
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The EX3's at NAB were all pre production units. I was told the door will be better made in the production units. I prefer the opening door over the sliding hatch.

The EX1 is an excellent run and gun or grab and go camera. Very portable, small and compact and as we all know produces excellent images.

The EX3 is substantially bulkier and not quite as portable. But it offers great flexibility with the ability to take all kinds of lenses so it will be good for those doing sports or wildlife. The additional connectivity will also make it well suited to studio use.

The EX3 is more flexible but at the cost of added bulk. If you need the flexibility then go for the EX3, if you don't then save your money and get an EX1.
Alister Chapman, Film-Maker/Stormchaser http://www.xdcam-user.com/alisters-blog/ My XDCAM site and blog. http://www.hurricane-rig.com
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Old May 20th, 2008, 12:06 PM   #9
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I have the EX1 and use the LCD for all my focus needs and it works great! I wish the EVF was better for sure but it really can only be used for framing. However, it seems getting a hood for the LCD would be the best option. Unless I am missing something the EX3 does not have a true EVF, it is just utilizing the LCD screen that the EX1 already has so the amount of cost increase is kind of unfounded at least for these Mod features if you will.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 12:33 PM   #10
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Jason, as far I'm aware the EX3 does use the LCD to double as an EVF, by using what's basically a hood with a small magnifier in it - get the feeling it'll work well and provide the best of both world - the sharpness of the LCD with the magnification and lightproofness of an EVF. Good design, basically the same as Sony's highend C35 eyepiece as used on the Phantom HD.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 12:49 PM   #11
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Steve, yes I agree that is how I understand it but my hope is a third party may be able to engineer a similar device for the EX1...Not to shoot down the efforts of the DIY crowd who have already created their own...I may do that has well if nothing comes out... For me the EX3 Modification differences so to speak do not justify the added cost... just my 2 cents.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 01:18 PM   #12
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In a sensible world surely Sony would do one, after all they've just done the R&D with it for the EX3, surely just a tiny alteration to fit it to EX1 LCD? Don't hold your breath! I suppose you could order the eyepiece unit for the EX3 as a spare/repair part when it comes out, but again knowing Sony they'll probably say you can only order it as a complete unit with the LCD screen and it'll be £1700! If you could get the eyepiece, which'll just be a bit of plastic with a cheap optic, it should be easy to manufacture a simple hinge to put it on EX1 screen.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 02:53 PM   #13
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Given the ongoing back focus problems with the EX1 my feeling is that the interchangeable lens mount on the EX3 could be a negative feature. It doesn't look as solid as a PL or B4 mount, it appears to be only plastic.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 03:38 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bob Grant View Post
Given the ongoing back focus problems with the EX1 my feeling is that the interchangeable lens mount on the EX3 could be a negative feature. It doesn't look as solid as a PL or B4 mount, it appears to be only plastic.
This would be one of my top concerns and for not rushing out as an early EX3 adopter. I'd be surprised if Sony would not do diligence on this particular issue for the EX3. Please say it ain't so!! But who knows? As mentioned above, "don't hold your breath."

Last edited by Barry J. Anwender; May 20th, 2008 at 09:33 PM.
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Old May 20th, 2008, 08:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Bob Grant View Post
Given the ongoing back focus problems with the EX1 my feeling is that the interchangeable lens mount on the EX3 could be a negative feature. It doesn't look as solid as a PL or B4 mount, it appears to be only plastic.
I suppose that one of the reasons of the increase in prize is the fact that the lens mount is a decent one, and not a cheap piece of plastic...

If not, then it's even more outrageous to pay $12.000 for that thing!
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