I have the Callbox DVD. It is excellent. The Vortex disk is good for its video demonstrations and tutorial, but the Callbox DVD is an excellent tutorial on pretty much every control. Their approaches are very different, and I'm glad I bought both. I watched both tutorials twice and got a lot out of them. The CallBox presentation may actually lend itself better to text given the density of information, but I like that I can play with my EX1 while watching the tutorial.
The major downside of any EX1 tutorial DVDs, including the Sony disks, is that they are only on DVD. I'd pay an extra $25 for BlueRay, although that is probably just the cost of the media. Also, the Sony "rebate" demo disks were just horrible in showing off what an EX1 can do. There is a Sony Bravia BluRay demo disk that I would pay to have. It wowed me so much that I bought the 52" Bravia LCD TV.