EX1 reader and OS 10.5 and QT 7.4??? at DVinfo.net
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Old March 30th, 2008, 01:55 AM   #1
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EX1 reader and OS 10.5 and QT 7.4???

Hello there
Anybody else having problems with getting the Sony EX1 reader v2.51 to work with QT7.4 on OS 10.5?
I just installed this on my friend's 8 core Mac Pro (intel) and the reader says no media even though the metadata reads that there is.
I have OS 10.4 on my G5 dual core running QT7.3 and the EX reader 1.1 for Mac and it works properly.
It's extremely difficult to uninstall Quicktime 7.4 on OSX.5 and try and reinstall QT 7.3
So what do I do? Go OS 10.4 to make this work?
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Old March 30th, 2008, 06:07 AM   #2
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I'm using Xfer 2.5.1 on 8 core Intel Mac with OS 10.5.2, QT 7.4.1 without any problems.

My typical workflow is copy from cards in EX1 to hard drive using Clip Browser and then rewrap to MOV for FCP 6.0.2 using Xfer tool.

I'm not sure what you mean by "no media" but you need FCP 6.0.2 for EX1 codec otherwise you will not see video in Xfer tool. It'll see the media and even rewrap to MOV but you won't see any video wihtout FCP 6.0.2.

BTW if your friend is only on OS 10.5 and QT 7.4 they should update both to 10.5.2 and 7.4.1

That G5 should have 10.4.10 at least and probably better to have 10.4.11 and QT 7.3.1, not 7.3. I also use the Xfer tool on G5.
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Old March 30th, 2008, 10:22 AM   #3
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Hi Craig
Thanks for your reply.
I found a way to retrogress the Qt without reinstalling the entire system so my avenues are still open, but if yours works then there's no reason why this one shouldn't as well, since it was brand new out of the box yesterday. With two RAM sticks mis-installed and the other two faulty. Before it goes back to Apple, my pal thought he'd like to fool with some EX1 clips he'd already shot. Thought it would all take a minute or two to install... :-)
BTW I have 10.4.11 and 7.3.1 on my G5. Mine works fine.
Thanks again, I'll run the updates and see what happens. I already did FCP 6.0.2 off Apple last night but for some reason it's not reading its own XDCam codecs.
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Old March 30th, 2008, 11:39 AM   #4
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My Mac Octo Intel is 3 weeks old.

BTW you shouldn't have to send the computer back for bad or misinstalled RAM unless Apple insists. On the new Mac Intels it's very easy to instal RAM yourself. You should send the bad RAM chips back and they should send you replacements (if they permit).

I've now seen a whole bunch of reports of people installing 6.0.2 and not seeing the new EX1 codecs. Have you run Software Update to make sure you've installed the various other ProApp updates such as ProApplications and ProKit updates? Have you tried downloading the 6.0.2 update from the Apple site (not Software Update) and running that installer?
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Old March 30th, 2008, 01:35 PM   #5
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Hi Craig
Yeah, about the send-back - umm... I live kitty corner from an Apple store, so that's why we're just going to walk it back over the street.

And yeah, it looks like the 6.0 to 6.0.2 update I did from Apple Update doesn't see the XDCam codecs. FCP says it doesn't see the Apple QT Pro codecs and therefore can't run the XDCam resolutions. I don't know if it's the program, or just me at the moment.

I ran the ProKit but not the ProApps. I'm in the middle of reinstalling FCP6.0 and then upgrading anew from the downloaded pkg (not the Update pkg). [Aren't they kept in the Library Receipts folder anyway? It'd be interesting to try and compare the two .pkgs to see if they're the same.]
I'll let you know. Definitely seems like a QT issue of some kind. I installed the Sony SxS driver as well but neither the Clip Browser nor the Clip Transfer programs see the clips. I can get them to open up on my G5 without FCP (i.e. but using the FCP's codecs on QT).

Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
My Mac Octo Intel is 3 weeks old.

BTW you shouldn't have to send the computer back for bad or misinstalled RAM unless Apple insists. On the new Mac Intels it's very easy to instal RAM yourself. You should send the bad RAM chips back and they should send you replacements (if they permit).

I've now seen a whole bunch of reports of people installing 6.0.2 and not seeing the new EX1 codecs. Have you run Software Update to make sure you've installed the various other ProApp updates such as ProApplications and ProKit updates? Have you tried downloading the 6.0.2 update from the Apple site (not Software Update) and running that installer?
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Old March 30th, 2008, 04:10 PM   #6
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Everything new again. OS 10.5.2. QT 7.4.1 Sony SxS Mac OS Driver 1.01, Clip Browser Mac 1.1, Clip Xfr 2.5.1. FCP 6.0.2.
Still no media read. The clips come up on the Clip Xfr window but the viewer is black and says No Media where normally this would be the first frame of action.
I installed VLC as a check and yes, it plays the SxS MP4s just fine. (no audio, of course). So that's QT and FCP installed and most probably working properly.
I'm out of ideas save the 16lb sledgehammer...
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Old March 30th, 2008, 04:46 PM   #7
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Hi Chris!
I have the same problem with my new Macbook pro. Works fine on my 4 months old Mac Pro running tiger. When opening files in Xdcam Transfer I can see the files meta data but the image is black. I can look at the clips with the clip browser though...

If you come up with a solution please let me know!


// tobias
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Old March 30th, 2008, 06:58 PM   #8
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Hey Tobias
Last time I had this problem I didn't have the time to figure out what was going on, so I just ripped out the 10.5 and reinstalled 10.4.11 with QT7.3.1 and everything worked fine enough to get the job done.
This time, though, I'd kinda sorta like to know what's really happening -- and what isn't, and why...
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Old March 30th, 2008, 07:04 PM   #9
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Lots of folks getting bitten by this one apparently. I found this posted on another forum.

"went to the Final Cut support/download/updates page at Apple. You have to log in with both your Apple id and a FCP serial number. Then, after logging in, I ran Software Update again. Then it showed all these FCP updates to download and install, which I did."

Apparently if you follow the above instruction . . . go to the Apple Final Cut support site and login and then run Software Update FCP will update properly. Apparently several ProApps updates will show up that haven't been showing up for people san login.
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Old March 31st, 2008, 12:18 AM   #10
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Okay, I've been updating, signing in under my Applie ID, updating more until the Apple site must be sick of me ("you have already downloaded the 6.0.2 update"... "there are no more updates to install - your computer is up to date") and... still no joy.

By now I have duplicate systems, download folders, I can compare .dmgs, .pkgs to see which ones are the same size (and therefore likely to be good)

I do have 6.0.2 fully running now, with the XDCam codecs in place (no "missing codec" errors now) and VLC still sees the XDCam clips and will play them without audio.

I guess right now it's going to be back to the Mac gurus and then roll it back to 10.4 if this doesn't get resolved.
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Old March 31st, 2008, 07:14 AM   #11
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If you have the codec in FCP 6.0.2, that's not the issue. In XDCAM Transfer, try using the File/Fetch Metadata from Source command. After doing that, try importing the clip into FCP (rewrap to mov) even if you're not seeing the image.
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Old March 31st, 2008, 08:25 AM   #12
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Check this:

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Old March 31st, 2008, 10:35 PM   #13
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sent the computer back to my friend, who took it back for other issues (RAM intermittent, etc). Apple checked it and found that I did indeed install everything correctly (re. OS, QT, FCP, etc) but didn't have any answers as to why the Sony Xfr or Clip Browser couldn't see the clips.
My friend, who will doubtless appear on this thread soon, is contacting a Sony rep to see about an official update on this issue.
In the meantime...

(sound of bated breath...)
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Old April 1st, 2008, 12:59 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Chris Leong View Post
I guess right now it's going to be back to the Mac gurus and then roll it back to 10.4 if this doesn't get resolved.
Rolling back to 10.4.11 won't solve it. I'm trying to help someone else at the moment with this exact same issue. She's on a dual G5 running FCP 6.0.2, OS 10.4.11, QT 7.4 and no joy. EX codecs are listed in seqence settings but no video or audio in the Sony Transfer Tool window after choosing: "Import Sony XDCAM" from the FCP file menu.

A mystery to be sure.

- Don

Last edited by Don Greening; April 1st, 2008 at 01:00 AM. Reason: typo
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Old April 1st, 2008, 02:18 AM   #15
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No mystery to me.
Been there, done that.
When in OS10.4.x, QT7.4.x will definitely, positively, NOT work.

You have to roll your QT back to QT 7.3.1, which will and does work on three of my machines, all running 10.4.11.

I did this dance around a month or two ago when I made the mistake of updating 7.3.1 to 7.4 automatically, and lost XDCam Xfer function, resulting in the black no media screen we're all seeing.

Three days of internet forum searches and taking the system apart narrowed it down to Quicktime. I finally rolled back to QT7.3.1 under OS10.4.11 and regained picture.

The rollback is a real pain (archive and restore the entire system, because QT won't let you roll itself back) but I've since found a freeware utility program (whose name is on one of my other machines, at present not turned on) that will allow a QT .pkg install directly, without having to re-install the entire system.

I used this utility a few days ago to roll QT7.4.1 back to 7.3.1 on my friend's machine, but that also didn't work, probably because his is OS 10.5.x and not 10.4.x.

I'll get you the name of that utility if you want it.

Search on the internet for QT7.4 -- they've been having plenty of problems with it that 7.4.1 claims to have repaired.

And maybe those claims are correct - it's just that I haven't see it working on any of my machines (four Macs at home and twelve at work) So 7.3.1 it is for all of them. And OS 10.4.x, of course, because we need to spend our days making film and TV programs, not repairing / researching computer malfunctions.
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