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Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds
Sony PXW-Z280, Z190, X180 etc. (going back to EX3 & EX1) recording to SxS flash memory.

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Old November 2nd, 2007, 04:45 AM   #16
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Yes, but then there will be a load of messing around re conforming the video later. I'm assuming that by setting the playback speed they simply mean choosing a shooting mode such as 720/24 or 720/25 etc. The Fast / Slow motion sounds like it still records using that format but handles the speed in camera. So for instance if I'm shooting 720/25 footage and decide I want some slowmo material, I'd set the capture speed to 50fps and the result would be standard 720/25 material on the cards, but showing footage running at half speed.

That's ideal, but if it drops the sound in the process and you really want to hear that water landing in the glass, or a golfers club as it hits the ball etc then as you say, it may just be better to shoot in 720/60 and deal with slowing it in post, at least you have some audio that way.

Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
720p60 will have audio. I think they're referring to those odd frame rates as per "recording frame rate is different from the playback frame rate."

So can you record at 4fps and set playback to 4fps? That's a question.

BTW see page 60 of the manual for more details and an example to clarify.
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Old November 2nd, 2007, 07:48 AM   #17
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The odd thought on this is the implication of the wording in the manual. It doesn't flately say there is no audio at the "overcrank/undercrank" frame rates. It says no audio if the playback rate is different than the frame rate.

Does this mean one might shoot at 48fps and playback at 48fps, thus making the frame rate match? Maybe the manual is just being overly wordy and there's simply no audio if using overcrank/undercrank frame rates (excluding 60p)

Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
720p60 will have audio. I think they're referring to those odd frame rates as per "recording frame rate is different from the playback frame rate."

So can you record at 4fps and set playback to 4fps? That's a question.

BTW see page 60 of the manual for more details and an example to clarify.
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Old November 2nd, 2007, 08:50 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Craig Seeman View Post
The odd thought on this is the implication of the wording in the manual. It doesn't flately say there is no audio at the "overcrank/undercrank" frame rates. It says no audio if the playback rate is different than the frame rate.

Does this mean one might shoot at 48fps and playback at 48fps, thus making the frame rate match? Maybe the manual is just being overly wordy and there's simply no audio if using overcrank/undercrank frame rates (excluding 60p)
You don't get 'variable' playback rates. You get variable frame recording rates. Playback will be at one of the standard rates and will not record sound. The sound is useless in over/under cranking because what's happening in real time is not going to be played back that way.

As for the manual, if the playback rate is different from the frame rate, that means you are over or under cranking so in essence, it does say no audio for over/under cranking.

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Old November 3rd, 2007, 05:50 PM   #19
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Right -- if it's like the HVX, the playback rates will be 24, 25, 30, 50 or 60. If you set your recording rate to be the same as your playback rate (i.e., shooting 1080/24p at 24fps) then it'll record audio, and your footage will play back in "real time." If you set your recording rate different from your playback rate (i.e., set a playback rate of 720/30p and a recording rate of 36fps) then no audio will be recorded, and the footage will play back in slow motion (or, for 720/30p at 6fps, it'll play back in fast motion). Audio is only recorded in "real time" frame rates.

At least, that's how the HVX/HPX work, and the description here sounds like the EX1 probably does it the exact same way.
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Old November 3rd, 2007, 07:14 PM   #20
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Makes sense. I just find the wording in the manual a bit odd. Not uncommon in Sony manuals in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Barry Green View Post
Right -- if it's like the HVX, the playback rates will be 24, 25, 30, 50 or 60. If you set your recording rate to be the same as your playback rate (i.e., shooting 1080/24p at 24fps) then it'll record audio, and your footage will play back in "real time." If you set your recording rate different from your playback rate (i.e., set a playback rate of 720/30p and a recording rate of 36fps) then no audio will be recorded, and the footage will play back in slow motion (or, for 720/30p at 6fps, it'll play back in fast motion). Audio is only recorded in "real time" frame rates.

At least, that's how the HVX/HPX work, and the description here sounds like the EX1 probably does it the exact same way.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 04:23 PM   #21
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One thing really disappoints, though: you can only store one camera settings file per card! This makes 12 PPs available - with 2 cards, you can store different settings files to each, and load the one you need.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 06:17 PM   #22
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I have one question that worries me a bit: suppose I want to shoot continuously for hours; I fill up one card, the camera switches automatically to the other. I eject the first card and off-load it on the laptop; then reinsert it again so that when the second card is full, the camera can continue recording to the first card...

OK, but what do I do to tell the camera it actually can record on the off-loaded card? Is deleting clips in the browser enough, or does a card have to be formatted by camera before recording can start?
Sony PXW-FS7 | DaVinci Resolve Studio; Magix Vegas Pro; i7-5960X CPU; 64 GB RAM; 2x GTX 1080 8GB GPU; Decklink 4K Extreme 12G; 4x 3TB WD Black in RAID 0; 1TB M.2 NVMe cache drive
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Old November 8th, 2007, 06:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki View Post
Is deleting clips in the browser enough, or does a card have to be formatted by camera before recording can start?
That's the very question I asked the Sony people at the Roadshow. They told me that deleting the clips from the card using the Clip Browsing Software would be enough - the card would not need re-formatting.

However, the guy I asked had to ask another guy for the answer so I am assuming it will work, however can not be certain...
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Old November 8th, 2007, 07:16 PM   #24
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Yes, deleting the clips is the best option as if you format every time, you will erase your settings folder on the SxS card.

With the EX1, you can save your settings to a folder on the SxS card, and then upload them again, or upload them to an additional EX1 to match cameras.

This is what I was told by Jody Eldred said he did when shooting the demo footage we saw at HD Expo.
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Old November 9th, 2007, 02:08 AM   #25
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What provision is there for some form of cabled LANC control? I'm reading the manual I must have missed this?
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Old November 9th, 2007, 03:02 AM   #26
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OK . . got it. Read further here on the provision of adaptors to the lens controller. So, no LANC connector BUT adaptor to the LANC devices. Correct?

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Old November 9th, 2007, 03:15 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Graham Bernard View Post
OK . . got it. Read further here on the provision of adaptors to the lens controller. So, no LANC connector BUT adaptor to the LANC devices. Correct?

Well, not quite... We've been hoping, speculating and wishfull-thinking it'd also accomodate LANC, but so far only an adaptor to the Fujinon 8-pin controller is confirmed (Manfrotto for instance will provide their own adaptor along with the new 8-pin controller).
Sony PXW-FS7 | DaVinci Resolve Studio; Magix Vegas Pro; i7-5960X CPU; 64 GB RAM; 2x GTX 1080 8GB GPU; Decklink 4K Extreme 12G; 4x 3TB WD Black in RAID 0; 1TB M.2 NVMe cache drive
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Old November 20th, 2007, 04:27 AM   #28
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As to handling dark tones: I'm accustomed to the "Black compensation / Stretch / Compress" terminology. Just wanted to make sure with the higher-end pro gurus; how does it translate to the "Black" , "Low Key Saturation" and "Black gamma" settings of the EX1? I take it "Black" is just the master pedestal, and "Black gamma" corresponds to "Black compensation" on the V1E, with the "+" values stretching, and the "-" values compressing dark tones; am I right? (the Low Key Sat being self-explanatory, and not having a counterpart on the V1).

Also, with regard to gamma curves: the manual doesn't offer a picture to compare them at all; the 4 cine gamma curves are depicted in the pdf brochure, but not the standard ones STD1-4. Can someone point me to where I could see all 8 of them graphically compared?
Sony PXW-FS7 | DaVinci Resolve Studio; Magix Vegas Pro; i7-5960X CPU; 64 GB RAM; 2x GTX 1080 8GB GPU; Decklink 4K Extreme 12G; 4x 3TB WD Black in RAID 0; 1TB M.2 NVMe cache drive

Last edited by Piotr Wozniacki; November 20th, 2007 at 07:16 AM.
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