VX2000 Blue-Yellow colour shift?? at DVinfo.net
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Sony VX2100 / PD170 / PDX10 Companion
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Old March 5th, 2006, 11:17 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Thunder Bay, Canada
Posts: 18
VX2000 Blue-Yellow colour shift??

Hi everyone!

I had my camera out today recording on a ski hill and I discovered something strange on my camera and I'm not sure if it should be doing it...

I just took out and I turned it on, I then looked around with the camera and white balanced it. Then with everything else still in auto mode I set ND filter setting to ND2, looked across the hill and suddenly the picture started shifting blue until all details were dark blue. I tried to white balance it again but it wouldn't balance.

I thought this was the auto mode messing up so aimed the camera at a dark spot on the hill and manually set the f-stop to 8 and shutter to 1/250. I re-white balanced and everything was great for the rest of the day I left the shutter at 1/250 and adjusted the f-stop between F6.8 and F8.

Tonight I was reviewing footage and wanted to look into what was going on. The blue shift appeared on the tape when I played it back and I noted that when it started to shift blue, the shutter was jumping up to 1/1000 or higher.

I decided to investigate the problem:

First I resetted the camera.
Now setting everything in manual mode, I decided to check it out.
Setting it to F3.4 and shutter to 1/60 I white balance it.
If I increase the shutter to 1/250 or higher the picture picks up a blue tint until I get to 1/10000 when it is all blue.
If I set the shutter to 1/500 and white balance it everything looks fine, now if I lower the shutter to 1/250 or lower the picture picks up a yellow-green tint and I have to re-balance the colours.

Setting the shutter to anything above 1/1000 and manual white balance won't work, it just flashes and stays blue tinted.

My camera VX2000 is around 3 years old I think.

One more thing I just discovered, if I turn on "Demo Mode" then hit the "menu" button the picture goes completely blue and then fades back to normal (within 1 second). If I press the menu button again the picture turned completely yellow then fades back to normal (within 1 second). So opening menu, background fades yellow, closing menu, background fades blue. It only does that when it is set in demo mode (I discovered this by accident, because when I reset the camera it turned on demo mode)

What is going on here?
Is this anything similar to the problem that sony addresses in this message? (link below)


or what is going on in this thread?
(link below)

Sean Bouchard is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 13th, 2006, 11:25 AM   #2
New Boot
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Innsbruck Austria
Posts: 13
HI Sean Bouchard,

I think one of your CCD just blew off... I had the same problem on my Vx2k and it was just two months old so I colud make repair cause I still had warranty on it..
Sony VX2K Nizo S800
Alex Anzalone is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 13th, 2006, 02:53 PM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Thunder Bay, Canada
Posts: 18
I just got a call from the shop. All CCD's are being replaced by Sony free of charge! Woohoo! The issue was determined to fall under that problem that I posted the link to.
Sean Bouchard is offline   Reply

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