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Sony VX2100 / PD170 / PDX10 Companion
Topics also include Sony's TRV950, VX2000, PD150 & DSR250 family.

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Old August 17th, 2002, 01:56 PM   #166
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There are no special batteries other than the main power battery. Is the noise coming from just 1 tape or are all your tapes making a noise? Whatever you do, *Do Not lubricate* anything yourself. There are NO user adjustable parts.

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Old August 17th, 2002, 04:12 PM   #167
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I don't think It the tapes, but I guess the sound is coming from the camcorder around the tape area.
I have to check it with Sony service becuase Im sure this ain't normal after filming with my friends VX1000.

Like when the camcorder is on, i can really feel it when holding it in the handle.
And i can really feel it on the camera when i press rec start/stop, comes two sounds after eachother when I press stop which i can feel when holding the camera.

When I turn it off, I hear this sound like the "motor" is slowly stoping.
It goes kinda fast, but it's also like a "fade-out" shut-down/stop, hope this make any sense of what could be wrong.
Marius Svendsen
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Old August 21st, 2002, 10:22 PM   #168
deena vvv
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VX1000 - device error?

At the end of a long day of trying to solve the same problem:

Connecting a VX1000 to my PC, I get an error in Device Manager: Your registry might be corrupted. (Code 19)

I have found this: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q314060

but that didn't do the trick.

I'm running Win2000 Pro, and Avid Xpress DV, so the driver is 1394 DV Camcorder (NonDirect Show), which shows up in the device manager, but with an error. The camera shows as 'no deck' in Avid.

My capture card should be fine as I've used it with a different camcorder before.

Any ideas?

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Old August 22nd, 2002, 02:01 PM   #169
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Are you connecting the camera, with its power on, before you power up the computer? Sometimes the order makes a difference.
Mike Rehmus
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Old August 22nd, 2002, 02:40 PM   #170
deena vvv
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well, at this point, I believe i have tried all possible combinations of turning things on.

I've uninstalled/re-installed drivers etc. in diferent order, etc. The camera is recognized by the computer each time, but with an error.

thanks. any other ideas?
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Old August 22nd, 2002, 04:01 PM   #171
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Try this site it may help.

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Old August 22nd, 2002, 05:19 PM   #172
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Archiving with vx2000


I'm planning to archive all of my old video8 and Hi8 tapes on miniDV using my vx2000. I was thinking of using the LP setting instead of SP in order to cut down on tape cost a little (90 min vs 60 min). Does anyone have experience using LP setting? Is it likely to impact image appreciably when transferring video from these older format tapes?

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Old August 22nd, 2002, 05:22 PM   #173
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Read Ken's take on this here;


Hope it helps.

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Old August 22nd, 2002, 06:35 PM   #174
deena vvv
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that's a great link, thanks, didn't help yet, but gives me a lot more to read.
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Old August 27th, 2002, 08:11 PM   #175
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vx2000 telephoto, teleconverter advise

I would really like to have a teleconverter (or whatever would be the right term) for my vx2k. I am thinking of a 2X lens, well 3X or more would be even better ! I am not sure whether these lens don't really work well with this kind of videocam and I do wonder as I have done some research about them but with very poor results. There seems to be plenty of choices out there for w/a lens (I got the Canon one and am perfectly happy with it) but when it comes to telephoto.... very little.

So if anybody could help here, it would be great !
thx a lot,
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Old August 28th, 2002, 05:25 AM   #176
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Here's a link to Century Precision Optical http://www.centuryoptics.com/products/dv/2/chart.htm The chart shows all their accessories for the Sony VX2000. I have several friends with the 2x listed and they are very pleased with the optical performance.

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Old August 30th, 2002, 10:49 AM   #177
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Re: VX-1000 DV direct PC connection

: Hi there,

: The goal here is to "capture" or get control of the camera directly from the PC and then make nice modif and arrangement for later put on a CD format Video CD for DVD player as an example.

: O/S win xp pro latest update.... I have Adobe Premiere 6.01. DV cable connected to a Mp3 Audigy firewire. When I turned on my camera I can see that the O/S is seeing my camera by a double sound just as when you connect a USB device.

: In Adobe premiere I have my camera listed.... but always shows OFFLINE even though camera on...... I think the problem is around the Systems devices... do I need a driver or something.... can't find any info at Sony.... for a 4000$ bucks Camera don't have to much support.

: I am sure I am not the only one who wants to do this.... Man having the control of the camera and get the movie directly no conversion needed analog to digital would be great...

: Can someone help...?
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Old August 30th, 2002, 11:08 AM   #178
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Re: Re: VX-1000 DV direct PC connection

Is it possible that you have the camera in Camera mode and the software is expecting the camera to be in VTR mode?

: I am sure I am not the only one who wants to do this.... Man having the control of the camera and get the movie directly no conversion needed analog to digital would be great...

There is no conversion whether you connect the camera to the PC as you wish or you input video from the tape. It is all the same digital video data.

You might explore the possiblity of controlling the camera via the Lanc port.

I don't know (does not mean there aren't any) of any cameras that allow direct control from the PC via the firewire cable. Several editing systems will store video from the camera directly on disk but you have to press the record button on the camcorder to start and stop the action. DVRex is from Canopus is such a product.

Some of thee newest camcorders will allow USB control and data transfer for streaming video. I don't know if that approach also allows full-resolution video transfers.

Do a search for Lanc and you will find some of the sites with control information.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old August 30th, 2002, 11:31 AM   #179
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Re: Re: Re: VX-1000 DV direct PC connection

<<<-- Originally posted by Mike Rehmus : Is it possible that you have the camera in Camera mode and the software is expecting the camera to be in VTR mode?

: I am sure I am not the only one who wants to do this.... Man having the control of the camera and get the movie directly no conversion needed analog to digital would be great...

There is no conversion whether you connect the camera to the PC as you wish or you input video from the tape. It is all the same digital video data.

You might explore the possiblity of controlling the camera via the Lanc port.

I don't know (does not mean there aren't any) of any cameras that allow direct control from the PC via the firewire cable. Several editing systems will store video from the camera directly on disk but you have to press the record button on the camcorder to start and stop the action. DVRex is from Canopus is such a product.

Some of thee newest camcorders will allow USB control and data transfer for streaming video. I don't know if that approach also allows full-resolution video transfers.

Do a search for Lanc and you will find some of the sites with control information. -->>>
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Old August 30th, 2002, 11:32 AM   #180
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No in VTR mode..... and I know no conversion needed when DV connected that is the beauty.....

As I mentionned in Adode premier always say OFFLINE.....

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