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Sony VX2100 / PD170 / PDX10 Companion
Topics also include Sony's TRV950, VX2000, PD150 & DSR250 family.

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Old July 16th, 2002, 05:43 PM   #151
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Dubbing from the DCR-VX2000 to S-VHS

I give up (more or less)! I hooked up the red and white audio connectors coming from the camera to the red and white audio connectors on the VCR machine. Put the camera in VCR mode. Put the S-VHS plug in the camera and the S-VHS plug in the tape deck. Put in an old S-VHS tape (but still good!). Pushed record on the S-VHS record deck and play on the camera. This was a test and I'd only recorded about :50. What I managed to get on the S-VHS tape was :50 of black - no pix - no audio.

Does anybody have any idea what I did wrong?

I do appreciate your help on this. Thanks!
jay roper
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Old July 16th, 2002, 06:26 PM   #152
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Have you tried sending an image and sound to a TV monitor? That should work, regardless of the VCR problems.

It is possible, perhaps probably, if you are using front-mounted connections or one of many on the back panel, that you have not selected that set of inputs on the VCR.

Fifth possibility would be that both sets of cables are inoperative.

Sixth possibility would be that there is something wrong with the VX-2000.
Mike Rehmus
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Old July 16th, 2002, 08:05 PM   #153
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On some S-VHS decks you not only have to select the proper input (front, rear etc.), but also which video input (composite or y/c). At least that is the way it works on the JVC HR-S7800. Check your menu settings.
Ed Frazier
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Old July 17th, 2002, 12:35 PM   #154
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Well, it turns out that I missed a couple of things in the menu. First, I missed "AV->DV OUT" thinking that must mean send digitial video/audio out only (not analog)! Not so, this must be on. Secondly, in the ETC, the LCD must be set to LCD not V-OUT/LCD.

It also helps to have a working S-VHS tape deck - turns out mine was defunct - in the shop now.

I tried doing what Ed suggested and ran it through a S-VHS input on a monitor capable of handling it. Cables and camera are okay!

Now, once the tape deck is fixed . . . .

Thank, guys for the help.
Jay Roper
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Old July 23rd, 2002, 01:03 AM   #155
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wireless mic for VX2000 --- suggestions?

A VX2000 friend of mine asked me to figure out which wireless mic he should buy for the VX2000. I think he wants to buy 2 of them, along with a 2nd VX2000 (ok, maybe the new Pana 24P hand-held instead, I don't know because he's not sure yet).

Anywho, he wants to use these mics for weddings, between jobs. Any and every suggestion are welcome, for I know nothing about wireless mics (and I hate bluetooth too).

My friend's working on 2 movies right now, so he doesn't have the time to do the research (X-men, and I forget the other movie...oh the money he is making...some guys have all the luck---and the skill).
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Old July 23rd, 2002, 09:37 AM   #156
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hi Frank,
we have used Sony WRT-805 belt transmitter, ECM-77 lavalier mic and WRR-805 receiver. Good sides are: you don't have to pay extra if you want balanced output, both cables are incl., a quite good lavalier, handy case for receiver. Bad sides: it is'nt diversity, and... it's a Sony you know... price is somewhere 1200$ for mic-sender-receiver(here). But a reliable setup. I don't have any experience with other makers' stuff, don't know is it better/worse, overpriced/underpriced etc.

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Old July 23rd, 2002, 11:11 AM   #157
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I bought a Sennheiser evolution 100 series with an omni lav. I also got the butt plug transmitter that works well with my ME66.

The Senheiser is UHF and is very snmall and well built. Easy to use and has lots of control features.

You could call or email Terry at Cineqip.ca. They are in the process of merging with Whites who have a vancouver office. Deal with Terry on TO he knows his stuff.

TOLL-FREE (CANADA) 1-800-465-0160

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Old July 23rd, 2002, 11:55 PM   #158
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Thanks for the replies with good information. I'm going to print this out and give it to my buddy. Beaser, thanks for the phone number.
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Old July 31st, 2002, 03:02 AM   #159
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i've been using a samson um1 or UH1 or something like that. it was 600$(CAD) and is dual diversity. when used with an MK-2 it sounds great. seems like it's a bit of a hog on the batteries though.
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Old July 31st, 2002, 05:08 PM   #160
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If it uses 9 volt batteries, you could try the Lithium Ion variety. About $7 a pop but they last a long time.
Mike Rehmus
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Old August 3rd, 2002, 03:08 PM   #161
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VX 2000 de-interlace grainy...

Is it me or does the de-interlace option require LOTS more light?
When I put the camera in the de-interlace mode, whether it's video or stills, it all seems very grainy (on the viewer) . What gives?

Linwood B.
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Old August 4th, 2002, 02:41 AM   #162
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I looked into this BBC mod a little while back and found out that the BBC uses VX2000 (modified like you said) with Glensound GSTN-1 adaptors. If your interested in finding out about the modification contact the BBC Post Production MA-chines Group on 02075867676, though your have to use the country code to England.
I also found out that the BBC and Channel 4 are not happy with the VX2000 and PD150 in 16:9 ratio and will not be using these cameras for any wide screen productions (but thats another story).
Details of the GSTN-1 can be found here:


According to Glensound "When used in conjunction with a modification to the VX2000 (undertaken for a fee by a department of the BBC) this new GSTN1 offers a superior sound than Sony's professional DVCs.".
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Old August 17th, 2002, 10:36 AM   #163
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Strange noice coming from my VX-1000.

Im soon to call Sony service to ask them about this problem, but it's saturday now so I'll wait to monday.
Anyway, my VX1k is working fine now, but Im not sure for how much longer.
Strange sounds coming from the camcorder when I press rec start/stop and turn it off.
It's really lowd and i can feel it really good on the camera when the sounds are there.
I maybe think there is something wrong with the motor which runs the dv-tape and all that. When i hold my hand over the area when the camera is on I can really feel it working.
At first I thought it was nothing untill yesterday when i was filming with my friends VX1000, hardly heard any noices when pressed REC start/stop and turnign it of, was very silence.

hard to explain for me, but I hope It maked some sence.
Marius Svendsen
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Old August 17th, 2002, 11:35 AM   #164
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Have you tried a different tape? A defective tape can make some pretty strange noises. Also try opening the cassette door and shake the camera gently and see if anything falls out. Screws and other small componets can sometimes come loose and lodge themselves into the moving parts.

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Old August 17th, 2002, 01:42 PM   #165
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Well, the thing is that I bought it used from someone In England and I have no idea what tapes she used.
I myself use Sony Premium tapes.
It seemd that nothing falled out when i removed the taped and shaked it gental upside down and normal.
Kinda seems and hears like the motor is "tired" when i shut it down.
Do it use some kind of special batterie that might be low?
Marius Svendsen
Interlaced Media
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