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Sony VX2100 / PD170 / PDX10 Companion
Topics also include Sony's TRV950, VX2000, PD150 & DSR250 family.

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Old September 11th, 2002, 12:32 PM   #1
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FIrewire cable

I've read some where that you can get different types of firwire cables 4pin to 6pin and 4pin to 4pin. Does it matter which type you use with the VX2000 to digitse and if so which one?


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Old September 11th, 2002, 01:47 PM   #2
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Get the Firewire that *FITS* your camera and the computer's Firewire port. A laptop will have a different connector than a desktop PC, etc.
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Old September 11th, 2002, 03:27 PM   #3
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I was under the impression that both leads would fit but t having now checked a picture realise that the lead that I have is the only one which will fit my camcorder.

The reason I ask is that I am having major problems digitsing footage on Avid Xpress V3.0.

My PC spec is:

Athlon XP 2000 processor (about 1.6Ghz)
Chaintech Apogee Motherboard (with built in 5.1 soundcard)
512mb DDR RAM
Matrox Millenium G550
Quantum Fireball 5GB hard drive, not sure what the Rpm is (one of the last things that needs upgrading, barring the purchase of two 21" monitors)
Windows 2000 (service Pack 2 installed)
Avid Xpress V3.0
OHCI complient IEEE 1394 card

When I try and digitise footage from my Sony VX2000 camcorder, Avid locks up and task manager reports that it is not responding. This happens as soon as I select a video channel from the record window.

The camcorder is setup as a 'GenericDV device PAL' (im in the UK) and the card a 'Firewire on OHCI'. (There arn't any specific drivers for the VX2000 and I've successfully digitsed using this setting on a computer at my old university.

I am running the latest version of Direct X, have the Microsoft DV updates installed as well as the OHCI enabler for Windows 2000.

The IEEE card is listed as an 'OHCI complient IEEE 1394 host contoller' under 'IEEE 1394 bus host controllers' and the camcorder is under 'Sound, video and game contollers' as a '1394 DV camcorder (non directshow)'.

No devices report any problems or shared IRQ's

Can anyone on here offer any help or advice?


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Old September 11th, 2002, 03:51 PM   #4
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The camcorder is plugged in and powered on before you turn on the computer?

What brand of 1394 card is it? Some do have problems.
Mike Rehmus
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Old September 11th, 2002, 04:02 PM   #5
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Yes the camcorder is on and powered up before the PC is on. It's an Ali 1394 M5251. I'm beginning to think it maybe the card, initially I thought it was my hard drive, as it's quite old, but now I'm thinking about buying another card. I've been recommended the Pyro DV 1394.
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Old September 11th, 2002, 04:53 PM   #6
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You know Avid has very specific hardware requirements. I'd see which card they recommend.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old September 16th, 2002, 12:37 PM   #7
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I bought the Pyro DV 1394 card and this cleared up the problem.
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