I just ordered a PD-170 at DVinfo.net
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Sony VX2100 / PD170 / PDX10 Companion
Topics also include Sony's TRV950, VX2000, PD150 & DSR250 family.

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Old January 22nd, 2004, 09:53 PM   #1
New Boot
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I just ordered a PD-170

I just ordered the Sony PD-170 from our proud sponsor B and H. I was surprised about the price being so competitive. I ordered the combo PD-150 and the Sony UHF wireless mic system.

I almost ordered from another website and walla! They called that what I ordered for $200 less, has no power supply, no nothing... It's not worth taking the risk....order cancelled and ordered immediately from B and H. It indeed shipped the next day, last Monday, and it is already at home today.

Now, the question of the day. Does it have the audio problem???
I will report back for those interested....

- Manny
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 02:15 AM   #2
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The serial number is below 1212325 and indeed, it has the buzzing sound on the recorded video.

Otherwise, video picture is extremely sharp.

Boo hoo hoo!

I should have listened here on the newsgroup...

- Manny
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 02:28 AM   #3
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I apologize. I accidentally plugged one audio channel to the composite video.

I am using a headphone and a stereo monitor and I tried opening and closing the LCD display but I could not hear the difference except, I guess it is normal for it that there is a hissing sound. Probably because the headset volume is really loud, and it must be normal for it's signal to noise ratio.

- Manny
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 06:47 AM   #4
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Mike, is it worth locking something at the top here that explicitly makes clear the audio problem (the global dvc website add., whatever)?
Too many lemmings jumping off the cliff around here...
Just a thought.
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 06:52 AM   #5
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Sorry if that last post was totally whacky. Been up much of the night updating softwares and doing homework. ;-p
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Old January 23rd, 2004, 12:37 PM   #6
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Manny : I think you bought it a bit to early looking at your serial number (see message below from http://www.global-dvc.org/)

Friday January 9, 2004

Latest users report on PD170 LCD hum problems:

# 1212350 and up are good!
We prosume Sony found the problem and is shipping now a perfect PD170.
But has not officially confirmed if problems are solved yet,
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Old January 26th, 2004, 11:25 AM   #7
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I think the rumor about the serial number is wrong. I have a lower serial number and my PD-170 didn't have the audio problem as it was reported in the website.

I'm happy to report that my purchase from B and H is a good unit despite it is a lower serial number. I even received an e-mail from Steve at B and H that the NTSC units they have is good.

"As of this E-mail so far only the PAL system has this problem we have had no returns on the NTSC verson. No information from Sony on Serial numbers in NTSC.. ....", Steve at B and H Photo video tech support.

I think we have to let this rumor go away...

- Manny
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Old January 26th, 2004, 12:31 PM   #8
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Sony officially confirmed audio problem

Monday January 26, 2004

Today we finally received confirmation
that all possible audio problems with DSR-PD170 are officially solved. Mr Theo Vessies Sony Communication & PR Coordinator Business Solutions of Sony Benelux B.V. stated that from start some (but not all) PD170 did have audio problems with an opened LCD screen.

All new shipped PD170's starting Januari 20, 2004 with serie number 1213500 and up, will have a modification and according to this report have better signal/noise ratio than DSR-PD150. For buyers with this audioproblem in Holland with a Silversupport guarantee Sony will offer a free modification. For the rest of the world please contact your local Sony repaircenter.

For Dutch Buyers:
Gebruikers welke op dit moment het genoemde audioprobleem bij de DSR-PD170P constateren kunnen de unit via de Sony Silversupport garantievoorwaarden laten checken en modificeren. Productiemodellen vanaf serienummer 1213500 zijn reeds aangepast en vallen derhalve buiten de modificatie regeling. Praktisch komt het erop neer dat elke unit welke vanaf 20 januari 2004 vanuit de Sony voorraad geleverd is op dit punt is aangepast.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 12:34 PM   #9
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Audio problem (dutch readers)

Geachte heer van der ..........................,

In vervolg op onze eerdere correspondentie m.b.t. bovengenoemde camcorder,
laat ik u het navolgende weten:

Zoals u weet is er in de eerste productiemodellen van de DSR-PD170P mogelijk
een audioprobleem aanwezig. Naar aanleiding van de melding hiervan vanuit de
diverse gebruikers is er in de fabriek onderzoek gedaan naar de oorzaak en
mogelijke oplossing van dit fenomeen. Uit dit onderzoek is gebleken dat de
"ratel" in het audio bij geopend LCD scherm NIET BIJ ALLE UNITS aanwezig is!

Inmiddels is hiervoor een oplossing gevonden en de productie van de
DSR-PD170P is op dit punt aangepast.
Metingen hebben aangetoond dat de totale signaal / stoorafstand van het
audio beter is dan van zijn voorganger DSR-PD-150P.

Gebruikers welke op dit moment het genoemde audioprobleem bij de DSR-PD170P
constateren kunnen de unit via de Sony Silversupport garantievoorwaarden
laten checken en modificeren.

Productiemodellen vanaf serienummer 1213500 zijn reeds aangepast en vallen
derhalve buiten de modificatie regeling.
Praktisch komt het erop neer dat elke unit welke vanaf 20 januari 2004
vanuit de Sony voorraad geleverd is op dit punt is aangepast.

Ik hoop u hiermee voldoende te hebben geinformeerd, en zou het zeer op prijs
stellen als u deze informatie op uw website zou willen vermelden.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Theo Vessies
Communication & PR Coordinator
Business Solutions

Sony Nederland
Schipholweg 275
1171 PK Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Website: www.sonybiz.net/nl
A division of Sony Benelux B.V.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 12:49 PM   #10
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My B&H Camera Just Sent In

I usually take BBS-based complaints seriously, but with a grain of salt.

So, when I discovered this board after I bought my PD-170, I was alarmed about the buzz problems, but not panicky. I've been through stuff like this for years with alarmists on Macintosh and Nikon boards with lots of high level equipment.

So I did some testing. And then some more testing, just to make sure. Sure enough, when I opened the LCD, along with the high hiss, a low level buzz appeared. I sat with this for a few days, mulling it over. Would I have noticed or cared if I hadn't read about it here and at global-dvc? Would it make a real-world difference in my final product? It was, after all, low and only audible when the volume was turned up super high. Would anyone else notice?

This was late on Friday, and I decided to call Sony on Monday, this morning. I decided to put it to them and see what they said. I didn't anticipate much. With Apple, I once had to get a senior engineer on the phone, hold the phone to the machine, and let him hear a bad fan before they would ship me the new part.

Anyway, the woman at Sony Pro Services was super helpful. As soon as I mentioned the problem, she asked me to wait and put me on hold while she spoke with an engineer. She got back and told me I could send it back in and they would check it out under warranty. I mentioned that it seemed as though she knew what I was talking about and asked if it was a known issue. She said yes, told me the form to download and how to describe the problem. I just got back from FedEx.

Now I can only wait and hope they turn it around fast. I just had to reschedule three interviews and may have to shoot an event this weekend with a low level camera.

Still, I'm happy to have it fixed. And I don't blame Sony. It's easy, in hindsight, to blame and point the finger, but they generally try to do their best and they do a pretty good job of QC for such complex products. They were really helpful and I'll buy from them again.

Now, I just want my camera back.
One day at a time.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 02:24 PM   #11
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I do not blame Sony !!! I am just happy they finally acknowledge the problem so I can be sure to bye a PD170 with no problems
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:28 PM   #12
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<<<-- Originally posted by Manny Valencia : Hans,

"As of this E-mail so far only the PAL system has this problem we have had no returns on the NTSC verson. No information from Sony on Serial numbers in NTSC.. ....", Steve at B and H Photo video tech support.

I think we have to let this rumor go away...

- Manny -->>>


I received an NTSC model from B&H two weeks ago
that has this audio problem. I spoke with four
different people at B&H about this and made clear
to each one exactly what the problem was.
I tried to return mine but they wouldn't take
it back.
I know of a guy on another forum who got one from
B&H a month ago and his has the problem, too.
He was going to call B&H today to try to return
the cam; I told him where that was going to get

So let me ask you: What do you think about Steve's
email now?
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:33 PM   #13
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Yeah, and as I just posted above, my model, from B&H, also has the problem. I neglected to mention that it's a NTSC version.
One day at a time.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:38 PM   #14
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That makes three from B&H.
Paul, where did you get this form. I'll be
needing one?
And who's paying the shipping? I had heard
Sony was going to be paying it.
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Old January 26th, 2004, 06:40 PM   #15
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Do you have a link to that Sony news release?
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