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Old August 2nd, 2005, 09:01 PM   #91
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I have a trv 900 for more than 6 years, and it works fine with the ac adaptor. you probably have to take the camera to sony repairs department
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 08:24 AM   #92
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It was your phrase, "my PC was not able to recognize the videocam" that got my attention...because there are occasions when that happens to me.

Not at all sure related to your situation...but share case

My system is often glitchy...

So with my system...I usually have to be sure to turn on the camera system first AND turn on all settings so it's ready to export... BEFORE I turn on the computer editing program (PREMIERE) to prepare for capture.

When I try it the other way sometimes works...sometimes doesn't. (that is...the PC sometimes recognizes the videocam...though usually doesn't.)

Also...a common fix for many of my capture problems is to turn everything off (including "restarting" computer) and start all over again (CAMERA ON FIRST (set to export)...PREMIERIE CAPTURE window ON SECOND).

I realize it's probably kind of basic...(though looking through my Premiere reference book...haven't yet found reference to it...believe it's there some where...or might have found info on a forum.)

And it may not apply to your situation...since you've found there is a difference between AC versus battery. But also thinking maybe you took different steps with one versus the other that was not based on type of power.

So in case it helps ...wanted to share experience.

Last edited by Sandra Warshaw; August 3rd, 2005 at 02:51 PM.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 01:46 PM   #93
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I don't have the said Sony gear (forgive me for posting), but I have run into AC power trouble. Once while capturing from a camera I turned on an appliance in an adjacent room, causing a dropped frame. This sounds like what Steve was talking about.

I'm not sure that hum would be an issue here since the Firewire capture is a digital transfer. Noise on the line can still cause problems, but it will manifest itself as a dropout or other digital artifact and not a hum (as with an analog transfer).

Sandra, my system (Premiere and Canon cam) is very picky about startup and shutdown. Turning the camera on or especially off while Premiere is running will cause a crash the next time it is turned on. I just make sure that the camera is on before Premiere starts and that I close the software before I turn it off.

To echo, I'd suggest trying a UPS or just a different outlet (or a different building entirely) to see if it is the incoming line voltage.
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 03:04 PM   #94
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Thanks Jeremy for the tip "I close the software before I turn it [camera] off." Probably shoulda known that...but didn't.

I edited my entry hopefully be a little clearer. As noted above...I was considering the times my PC would not recognize the camera...and shared case it applies. You just never know.

Still think it's GREAT the way people jump in to help with problems/challenges!
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 07:59 PM   #95
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Thanks for the helps...

You guys are really fantastic.. I was away for few days and I had so much responses from you guys... thanks..

To update my situation. As I mentioned I was using the PCMCIA firewire card which was giving me the odd problem when using AC. After much testing, I decided to use another notebook PC with the built-in firewire port to give it a final test and it WORKS!

However, I actually bought a new firewire cable (4pin-4pin) and used it in the test (caused the built-in port is 4pin)... so can't really conclude it was the PCMCIA firewire card issue!

FYI, the cable I used with PCMCIA firewire card was a 6pin-4pin type.

Just want to close the case and my millions thanks to all you guys. :-)
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Old March 14th, 2006, 02:32 AM   #96
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Dirt BEHIND Lens of a TRV900


Got an old TRV900 which is pretty useless with the dirt behind the lens.

The dirt accumulated as an effect of repeatedly water-condensations in the tropics, especially when leaving/using airconroom cooled cam-body outside in the humid air.

I am able to still use it, but only by increasing shutter speed, or simply by putting it in the 'sport preset' program.

Do you guy's have any idea how to get rid of this problem. Is there an easy way to do it myself, or do I have to send it Sony. I am afraid, it won't be worth a high repair cost.

Thanks in advance

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Old March 21st, 2006, 08:28 PM   #97
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The lens unit in the trv900 are very difficult to clean but it can be done.Takes about 1 1/2 hours to take apart and 1 hour to put back together.You have to find a shop that can do this and has done alot of lens diassembly.Just make sure you take it to a shop that has done this kind of work.As long as the glass hasn't been pitted it should come out ok.Most will just tell you to replace whole lens unit but that's not economical.If you figure $50 to $100 an hour. You do the math
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Old March 23rd, 2006, 03:10 AM   #98
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Seems an oddity this. Dirt behind the lens? you mean behind the front element, or can you see it deep within the lens when you look down with the aid of a peoweful Maglight?

And I fail to see how raising the shutter speed helps alleviate the problem. Unless the higher shutter speed means forcing maximum aperture, where the lens nasties are thrown more out of focus.

Sounds like the end of the line to me. Buying another second hand 900 may well be a better and cheaper option.

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Old August 21st, 2006, 05:57 AM   #99
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TRV900 Were to Buy

Hello All

I am looking for a TRV900 to go with my VX2000. Does anyone know a good place to look for one other than ebay. Also if anyone is lookig to get ride of one let me know.

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Old August 22nd, 2006, 11:58 AM   #100
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Look in the Private Classified section for the PD100a.
Dan Keaton
Augusta Georgia
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 02:33 PM   #101
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I do not have acces to that part of the forum yet. Is their one available. I would like to know more about it if their is. I am very interested in having a back-up to my vx2000.

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Old August 22nd, 2006, 02:40 PM   #102
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I have sent you a private email.
Dan Keaton
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 02:51 PM   #103
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I just cant trust ebay some times and would like to buy equipment from people who really take care of their stuff

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Old August 23rd, 2006, 08:27 AM   #104
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I sent you a PM. If you did not get it here is a link to my PD100a in the classifieds.

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Old January 10th, 2007, 07:40 PM   #105
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TRV900 + Letus 35mm Adapter Stills!

Go to my Flickr page to see some stills from an outdoor sequence I shot for a music video. I used my TRV900 w/ Letus 35 adapter. Canon 50mm lens and 72-105mm zoom. I'm editing now. Let me know what ya think!
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